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[GDT] Vancouver Canucks vs. Vegas Golden Knights | August 29th, 2020 | 6:45pm PT, SNP | R2G3

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1 minute ago, canuck2288 said:

I know police officers on both sides of the border and have talked to them regarding this specific case 


your “source” is incorrect. The alert and risk level is elevated but there is no training that says turning ones back into a vehicle is a lethal force justification act 



Not a source but a real police officer/human 


Hmm what does this mean below?  


The use of deadly force by law enforcement is also lawful when used to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon when the officer believes escape would pose a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to members of the public.


As well what about non-deadly force.  That is what he was talking about.  A Baton to the knee or similar areas to the body is not lethal force.


Non-deadly force means force not likely to cause death or great bodily harm. You would be justified in using non-deadly force against another if the following two facts are proved (1) you reasonably believed that such conduct was necessary to defend yourself or another against your attacker’s imminent use of unlawful force and (2) the use of unlawful force by your attacker must have appeared to be ready to take place.

These are some examples of when you would be justified in using non-deadly force:

  1. Your attacker was trespassing or otherwise wrongfully interfering with your land or personal property.

  2. The land or personal property was lawfully in your possession, or in the possession of a member of your immediate family or household, or in the possession of someone else who was under a legal duty to protect it.

  3. You must have reasonably believed that the use of force was necessary to prevent or terminate the other person’s wrongful behavior.





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3 minutes ago, Jester13 said:

I think you might want to attempt to understand the intention behind my words and sentences rather than putting your own biased interpretations onto them. 


I assure you, I'm far from racist, and your insinuation that I am is starting to venture down a path you don't want to go down, I hope. I'll go e you the benefit of the doubt for now.


You didn't answer my questions, though. Are you familiar with Bret Weinstein and Evergreen State College? Are you familiar with how the definition of racism has changed? 


I am not familiar with either but I will do this 


I will educate myself on it and when I have familiarized myself with what you are speaking off I will message you and we can discuss it 


is that fair? 

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5 hours ago, mayor MCcheese said:

Here's an idea: DON'T RESIST ARREST!! What's the common denominator is all these incidents? Rap sheet from here to Iraq, resisted arrest, and potentially going for or had a weapon. I don't care what race you are, that's going to get you hurt or killed by the police every time.


In an interaction with the police there are only 2 things you need to do: 1: Do exactly what you are told. No more and no less. Weather you are innocent or not. 2: Do not give attitude and talk back. Answer the questions respectfully. Don't argue.


That's it. 100% of the time you do that, you won't be killed. No matter what race you are.

I get the feeling that you have lived a life where you have not gone through very much adversity. You do realize that police are public servents who are paid to serve and protect right? They are not there to harass people and make people listen to them. 

You do realize that society has mental health issues, drug and alcohol issues, poverty issues and people who generally have more bad days then good days right? 

For you and me, yes its easy to just do what the Officer tells you, the rest of the world? Its not so cut and dry.

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Just now, EdgarM said:

I get the feeling that you have lived a life where you have not gone through very much adversity. You do realize that police are public servents who are paid to serve and protect right? They are not there to harass people and make people listen to them. 

You do realize that society has mental health issues, drug and alcohol issues, poverty issues and people who generally have more bad days then good days right? 

For you and me, yes its easy to just do what the Officer tells you, the rest of the world? Its not so cut and dry.

obey marc rodriguez GIF

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24 minutes ago, on the cycle said:

I'm not racist but ok. I just think the compelled speech laws are ridiculous.

Canada affords you the time and place to “built a boat to navigate its waters” sort of speak.


Build the boat for you and learn to navigate it best.


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1 minute ago, samurai said:

Not a source but a real police officer/human 


Hmm what does this mean below?  


The use of deadly force by law enforcement is also lawful when used to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon when the officer believes escape would pose a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to members of the public.


As well what about non-deadly force.  That is what he was talking about.  A Baton to the knee or similar areas to the body is not lethal force.


Non-deadly force means force not likely to cause death or great bodily harm. You would be justified in using non-deadly force against another if the following two facts are proved (1) you reasonably believed that such conduct was necessary to defend yourself or another against your attacker’s imminent use of unlawful force and (2) the use of unlawful force by your attacker must have appeared to be ready to take place.

These are some examples of when you would be justified in using non-deadly force:

  1. Your attacker was trespassing or otherwise wrongfully interfering with your land or personal property.

  2. The land or personal property was lawfully in your possession, or in the possession of a member of your immediate family or household, or in the possession of someone else who was under a legal duty to protect it.

  3. You must have reasonably believed that the use of force was necessary to prevent or terminate the other person’s wrongful behavior.





Now we are talking 




so no issue with non deadly (or non lethal) force , that is exactly what this situation warranted .. baton, pepper stray, beAn bag gun 


deadly or lethal force , which can or could result in death is a last resort and can only be used in clear or imminent danger 

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3 hours ago, Toews said:

Nope, a badge doesn't make you better than the average citizen.

Yes, which is why we need people in those situations who don't behave like neanderthals. 

Stop & frisk was just that. 

Sorry but I am nobody's bitch. I will do whatever I deem fit that is within my constitutional rights. 

Do you think just because you grovel in front of them that they will let you go? Innocence or guilt, you shouldn't be in harm's way for speaking your mind.

Self-respect? Preserving one's dignity? I think's that well worth fighting for.

Clearly and demonstrably false. We have seen enough video evidence of disproportionate response from police. 

There is a clear difference between words (attitude) and action (resisting). You are for some reason choosing to conflate them. 

Again. Good luck with that. Next time you’re stopped by the cops, give that a try. Let us know how it went from jail or the hospital. 

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5 minutes ago, canuck2288 said:

I am not familiar with either but I will do this 


I will educate myself on it and when I have familiarized myself with what you are speaking off I will message you and we can discuss it 


is that fair? 

Absolutely fair, and I appreciate the quick shift away from, well, you know.


Google Part One Bret Weinstein about Evergreen and watch the three parts on youtube. Then also watch Weinstein and John McWhorter: George Floyd Protests and Race in America. 


Racism is obviously real, but it's important to understand how the definition has changed and why it matters so much. 


I look forward to a discussion.


On that note...




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1 minute ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Very much the player we all expected. Met him last July. Super down to earth guy. Beard looks even more magnificent in person. 

He is much better on that right side....odd considering he shoots left but that's where he plays best I guess.

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