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Relationship advice: Have you ever given or received forgiveness?


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2 hours ago, Ms.Glitter said:

Have you ever given or received forgiveness?   

 my bff and I we got into a huge argument, I hope that it will be ok, I didn't mean it b, I'm sorry  

Yes I used to get forgiveness every Sunday at church. And no it never helped. :ph34r:

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8 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

I'm recently dealing with a friend that is totally cool and fun, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he doesn't believe in COVID. I COULD be wrong but I didn't want to risk losing a friendship over an issue that really requires him to figure it out himself than for someone to tell him what happened. Is he dumb? I don't think he is. But If I had to take a guess, he doesn't want someone telling him what to do with his life.

I'm not sure the people that "don't believe in Covid" necessarily 'don't believe' in it.


I think there are varying responses/coping mechanisms...


Some may believe it exists but 'reason' that it isn't enough threat in many of our life contexts to justify significantly altering their lives to prevent exposure to it.


Others may believe it is a created 'conspiratorial' phenomena - to which very few people in the world, if any, actually can claim to 'know' it's origin.... for me, this is somewhat irrelevent to the more immediate need to deal with it on whatever level people find appropriate.  The whole 'this is a conspiracy' to lock us all down, rebellion reaction - ironically, if true, still exposes those people to the virus if they fail to protect themselves....believing that there is in fact no virus - would be quite a leap of faith that all the global symptoms/signifiers - are simply fabricated on a level sufficient to 'fool' us all.   Created or 'naturally occuring' in dirty, modern conditions - it don't think it's 'foolish' to perceive that it exists....


Some people perhaps can't afford to engage in the 'realism' - it may be too costly to their mental health - they go about their business without letting this too deeply in.....a denial mechanism that might serve them better than 'realism'...I know a number of people that don't 'believe' to various extents, for various reasons - I may shake my head in some of those contexts, but I'm not sure there's much use - (I also know people that 'believe in certain concepts of 'God' that make me shake my head) - in the end I just try to remind myself to keep my distance when I'm in their presence:ph34r:





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10 minutes ago, oldnews said:

I'm not sure the people that "don't believe in Covid" necessarily 'don't believe' in it.


I think there are varying responses/coping mechanisms...


Some may believe it exists but 'reason' that it isn't enough threat in many of our life contexts to justify significantly altering their lives to prevent exposure to it.


Others may believe it is a created 'conspiratorial' phenomena - to which very few people in the world, if any, actually can claim to 'know' it's origin.... for me, this is somewhat irrelevent to the more immediate need to deal with it on whatever level people find appropriate.  The whole 'this is a conspiracy' to lock us all down, rebellion reaction - ironically, if true, still exposes those people to the virus if they fail to protect themselves....believing that there is in fact no virus - would be quite a leap of faith that all the global symptoms/signifiers - are simply fabricated on a level sufficient to 'fool' us all.   Created or 'naturally occuring' in dirty, modern conditions - it don't think it's 'foolish' to perceive that it exists....


Some people perhaps can't afford to engage in the 'realism' - it may be too costly to their mental health - they go about their business without letting this too deeply in.....a denial mechanism that might serve them better than 'realism'...I know a number of people that don't 'believe' to various extents, for various reasons - I may shake my head in some of those contexts, but I'm not sure there's much use - (I also know people that 'believe in certain concepts of 'God' that make me shake my head) - in the end I just try to remind myself to keep my distance when I'm in their presence:ph34r:





Yes, I think your explanation makes sense. There's some other underlying reason besides "he's stupid". In our neighbourhoods, there's bound to have one person who doesn't think this COVID thing is real (or maybe they don't want to believe it is real).


As for the conspiracy, it makes no economic sense to burn money while locking down our 'freedoms'. If there was a government conspiracy, it's to SUPPRESS the covid reality as much as possible, so that people can continue to live in ignorance.


And speaking about God, I'm not sure I would be anywhere like Heretic, the poster, but I am starting to think there's something watching over us - maybe not so much in a 'religious' way, but more so in a practical one. Someone like Trump is set up to teach us something. Once all of 'us' as humanity has learned our lessons/or not, then his presence will no longer be practical. It's just a working hypothesis at this point, and I have zero scientific proof.


My expectation going forward is that Trump will lose this next election, and I am expecting that more "scandals" or embarrassments will come up to thwart any chance of him surviving it. I'm sure there will be changes in the US to prevent this type of situation from ever happening again, but I'm also certain that there will be unforeseeable consequences from those changes too. Perhaps a smarter version of Trump will come to power. Maybe Biden would be that person - who knows?

Edited by Dazzle
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Just now, spur1 said:

Not really as I kept sinning. My mother said I would go blind but I fooled her and stopped when I got glasses. B)

At the risk of TMI, are you talking about masturbation? ;)

On second thought, maybe I don't want to know...

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29 minutes ago, The Lock said:

The way I see it, in the long run, arguments can actually strengthen a relationship if solved correctly. I tend to think of a relationship as not very serious until the first issues are resolved because that's when you can really evaluate whether than relationship is going to be worth it or not.

I really like that, thanks so much.  you're right! it does help gain some more understanding.  Which can be really important  :)

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8 minutes ago, Dazzle said:

And speaking about God, I'm not sure I would be anywhere like Heretic, the poster, but I am starting to think there's something watching over us - maybe not so much in a 'religious' way, but more so in a practical one. Someone like Trump is set up to teach us something. Once all of 'us' as humanity has learned our lessons/or not, then his presence will no longer be practical. It's just a working hypothesis at this point, and I have zero scientific proof at this point.

Personally, I don't believe in god; however, I do think there are a lot of things that science has yet to be able to explain in terms of paranormal activity. In reality, we don't know a lot about the brain or anything that's hard to explore for that matter. I kind of like the idea of souls and past lives, although perhaps not in a classic sense. Perhaps there's a form of dark energy or something that actually does allow for conscience to travel outside of body after it can't use anymore energy due to death? I'm not saying it'd be exactly like that but more of an example of what could be that we just don't know.

Edited by The Lock
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5 hours ago, Ms.Glitter said:

Have you ever given or received forgiveness?   

 my bff and I we got into a huge argument, I hope that it will be ok, I didn't mean it b, I'm sorry  

Is your BFF on CDC?


Otherwise, I’d suggest apologizing to your friend directly, rather than posting a thread here.


As far as the question goes: every day.


I’m a married guy with kids. Giving and receiving forgiveness is pretty much what keeps my family together.

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6 hours ago, Chicken. said:

This sounds pretty religious, need more details to provide relationship advice.


Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission most of the time I know that..

I live by that rule every time I buy a new woodworking tool without talking to the wife first 

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1 hour ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Is your BFF on CDC?


Otherwise, I’d suggest apologizing to your friend directly, rather than posting a thread here.


As far as the question goes: every day.


I’m a married guy with kids. Giving and receiving forgiveness is pretty much what keeps my family together.

We aren't talking right now because we blocked each other.    


That is awesome, because people aren't perfect all the time, but we keep moving this train forward


Thx Sid

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1 hour ago, SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME said:

Is your BFF on CDC?


Otherwise, I’d suggest apologizing to your friend directly, rather than posting a thread here.


As far as the question goes: every day.


I’m a married guy with kids. Giving and receiving forgiveness is pretty much what keeps my family together.

Thanks for that Sid, same boat here. I have asked for forgiveness and given it multiple times. Without it, what is the point?

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