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Relationship advice: Have you ever given or received forgiveness?


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9 hours ago, Ms.Glitter said:

Have you ever given or received forgiveness?   

 my bff and I we got into a huge argument, I hope that it will be ok, I didn't mean it b, I'm sorry  

"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late Pizza!"  ~ Michaelangelo 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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21 hours ago, Dazzle said:

They say CDC isn't the place to ask for relationship stuff, but I do think it's helpful to write here, even if there's some idiots trying to spoil it.


I think an argument/tension is bound to happen at some point, but the key is to understand that the other person doesn't mean to hurt you.

Who is "they"? Was there an article in Newsweek, or perhaps The Guardian? 





This sounds made up.

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I don't get into heated arguments with people very often, but my best friend is one with whom I do from time to time. We always get over it and recognize that our disagreements are almost never sacrificing our friendship over. Sometimes we just need to accept that we see things differently, but we always manage to move on past those issues and remain close friends. We've only known each other for about 7 years, but it feels like 15 sometimes.

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21 hours ago, Dazzle said:

I'm recently dealing with a friend that is totally cool and fun, but I have a sneaking suspicion that he doesn't believe in COVID. I COULD be wrong but I didn't want to risk losing a friendship over an issue that really requires him to figure it out himself than for someone to tell him what happened. Is he dumb? I don't think he is. But If I had to take a guess, he doesn't want someone telling him what to do with his life.

Frankly, if you're already of the mindset that your friendship can be lost over whether or not someone believes in COVID...or pretty much anything for that matter, you're not really friends with this person anyway. You're just an acquaintance.




I have friends who believe in Trump, flat earth, capital punishment, God, equal rights for women...their beliefs have no impact on if I can be friends with them.

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8 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Frankly, if you're already of the mindset that your friendship can be lost over whether or not someone believes in COVID...or pretty much anything for that matter, you're not really friends with this person anyway. You're just an acquaintance.




I have friends who believe in Trump, flat earth, capital punishment, God, equal rights for women...their beliefs have no impact on if I can be friends with them.

To answer your first question, "they say" is what I have experienced when it came to making relationship advice threads - people try to mock you (either jokingly or not).


And to answer your other question, he asked me if COVID was real, and that question made me very nervous because he opened a can of worms. You stated it perfectly. If your friendship was predicated on things not related to COVID, why bring it up?

It's like politics and religion. These are topics that rarely end well, particularly if you're on opposite ends of the spectrums.

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15 hours ago, Dazzle said:

Imma make my exit out now.



HAHA NO silly! I appreciate all the posters!  I like all the replies. Dazzle is awesome,  Sharpshooter isn't being very positive or supportive but hey this is a public forum and way fun to participate,  we can still communicate our way around those types of things!


Edited by Ms.Glitter
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1 hour ago, falcon45ca said:

Frankly, if you're already of the mindset that your friendship can be lost over whether or not someone believes in COVID...or pretty much anything for that matter, you're not really friends with this person anyway. You're just an acquaintance.




I have friends who believe in Trump, flat earth, capital punishment, God, equal rights for women...their beliefs have no impact on if I can be friends with them.

Wow...you really need to find a better place to hang out. :rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, spur1 said:

Wow...you really need to find a better place to hang out. :rolleyes:

Doubt it. I lead an adventurous life.




If you surround yourself with only like minded thinkers, you'll live a life that very much resembles a rut.




Without contraries, there is no progression.

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