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14 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Sounds very different than what will happen in BC...

Teachers and students all wears masks. - half classes of students with temperature checks daily....



Japan, which has mostly kept COVID-19 under control, took a conservative approach to reopening schools in June.


Different schools have different strategies, but generally Japanese students attend class in person on alternating days, so that classrooms are only half full. Lunches are silent and socially distanced, and students undergo daily temperature checks.


Quite inaccurate.  First, schools opened mid-May not June. Some schools in some regions never closed and daycares never did.  For the first few weeks most schools did alternating days with shortened hours.  That lasted about 3 weeks and was quite demanding on the teachers.  By mid June public schools were back to normal hours and class size with most private schools following suit.   Since late June it has been school as usual with some activities and events cancelled.  For example most schools have swimming pools but those stayed closed.  My daughter just went on a camping trip with her class and next month is sports day.  


Now, students temp check before school, wear masks.  But do not wear for lunch, PE or when not talking.  My son's teacher does not wear a mask nor visor.  No school outside of a university dorm for rugby players has been identified as a cluster.


School runs from April to the third week of July and then the last week of August until the third week of March.  Kids here missed about 5 weeks of school which were made up by shortening the summer break.  BC kids if you count the summer vacation have not been in school for 6 plus months.  That is quite remarkable.  











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23 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

This is what so many people simply don't or refuse to understand  -  when other countries take stringent, meaningful measures in their school systems, and still students and staff are becoming infected -  what do people expect will happen in BC with our governments half-a$$ measures and escalating cases all over the province?

Ever been in a class with primary school kids wearing masks.  Touching their face countless times every hour, and generally not wearing them properly or taking care of them properly.  That is why they are not used in places like Austria, Netherlands and so forth.  Japanese kids are used to wearing masks but struggle with them greatly when they have to wear them all day.  Canadian kids would be worse.   In a school kids should not be touching their faces that much - it is counterproductive.


BC perhaps should do things a little more incrementally but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.

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Just now, samurai said:

Ever been in a class with primary school kids wearing masks.  Touching their face countless times every hour, and generally not wearing them properly or taking care of them properly.  That is why they are not used in places like Austria, Netherlands and so forth.  Japanese kids are used to wearing masks but struggle with them greatly when they have to wear them all day.  Canadian kids would be worse.   In a school kids should not be touching their faces that much - it is counterproductive.


BC perhaps should do things a little more incrementally but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.

BC highschool kids are not required to wear masks.....

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One week of Alberta schools open....


Since last night's tweet, the grand total of AB schools with confirmed COVID-19 cases has jumped to 16!! 16 different schools - after the 1st week with reports still rolling in (can hardly keep up)
See the full list with links at http://supportourstudents.ca
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49 minutes ago, Fanuck said:



Ok, this sounds downright criminally negligent, schools found to be purposely not publicly reporting cases.....

The women in question believes that based on anecdotal information from parents.   She also says that staff and close contacts were notified but not publicized. The issue seems to be how public you need to be.  


If you look at the Texas data which we know was a bad spot and which the article identifies as one, what stands out is how few the numbers are at individual schools.  one or two students here or there.  the biggest number was 51 employees for one district which includes custodians and so forth.   Georgia is slightly higher.  








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11 minutes ago, samurai said:

The women in question believes that based on anecdotal information from parents.   She also says that staff and close contacts were notified but not publicized. The issue seems to be how public you need to be.  


If you look at the Texas data which we know was a bad spot and which the article identifies as one, what stands out is how few the numbers are at individual schools.  one or two students here or there.  the biggest number was 51 employees for one district which includes custodians and so forth.   Georgia is slightly higher.  








Ontario's education minister is aiming to reassure parents that his province's school reopening plan is different than Quebec's, where 46 schools have at least one case of COVID-19 since opening.



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A friend of mine is an elementary school EA and both of her kids are very ill at the moment. They have both had covid tests and are still waiting on the results. She called her principal to see what to do and she was informed that the protocol had changed and if she didn't have symptoms then she should come in to work. He also told her to call 811 for clarification and they said the same thing. What happened to asymptomatic carriers, is that not a thing anymore? Anyhoo, we're effed. 

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“How Are Americans This Embarrassing”: 30 People Loving “Breathable” Face Masks On Etsy That Offer No Protection From Covid-19





Of course it was made in the USA. Where else would this be made?


Click for 30 pictures of these Covidiots.... https://www.boredpanda.com/americans-buying-mesh-anti-masks-on-etsy/



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35 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

But if reason worked with these people you wouldn't have to reason with them.

This, for the most part, hit the nail right on the head.  There's just NO reasoning with them whatsoever. Doesn't matter how many people get sick, doesn’t matter what the medical professionals say, doesn’t matter what the potential dangers are....they are not going to listen and they are set in their ways.  I don't even bother arguing or debating with them anymore, I just do my best to avoid them.  All one can do at this point is hope they practice celibacy.

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21 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

Some people say things like ' we're all going to get it at some point...'


This nurse has already been counted as 'recovered' in BC.

Thing is, the side effects and long lasting issues related to the virus are still being learned.

So, for those we're all gonna get it people. Kindly go F' off. 

Vancouver nurse warns of side-effects after COVID-19 recovery



I could not possibly agree with you MORE!! I said this at the very beginning of all this, that nobody knows what the post-COVID leavings will be and here we are. One does not simply 'recover' and resume life as it was before the infection.  Many people will have life long challenges after 'recovering'. It pisses me off NO end when people just write it off or say, "Oh he had and he recovered and he's ok"....that's just simply not the reality of this virus.



Edited by Cerridwen
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59 minutes ago, skolozsy2 said:

This, for the most part, hit the nail right on the head.  There's just NO reasoning with them whatsoever. Doesn't matter how many people get sick, doesn’t matter what the medical professionals say, doesn’t matter what the potential dangers are....they are not going to listen and they are set in their ways.  I don't even bother arguing or debating with them anymore, I just do my best to avoid them.  All one can do at this point is hope they practice celibacy.

:huh: I've never had to "practice" that....:unsure:

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10 hours ago, skolozsy2 said:

Its almost as if any type of compliance to a request is seen as a sign of weakness for them.

If you get all your information from the mainstream media and believe it is based on science  then it's understandable that you believe as you do. The fact is that real science and what we know about viruses indicates that everythng that most governments have done has been wrong and not based on science and reason. There is so much information out there and confirmed by epidemiologists and virologists that has been ignored or suppressed by the mainstream sources.

Here is a tidbit for you:

"Sweden never mandated massive lock downs or enacted draconian face-mask laws, but the Nordic country now has one of the lowest infection rates in the world.

“Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one,” Sweden’s senior epidemiologist Dr. Anders Tegnell told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“What we see now is that the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually,” Tegnell said. “And then we also hope that the result will be more stable.”

Last week, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said Sweden’s infection rate stood at only 12 cases per million, compared to 18 in Denmark and 14 in Norway. The data shows that out of 2,500 randomly selected and tested Swedes, zero tested positive, compared to 0.9 percent positive in April, and 0.3 percent in May.

“We interpret this as meaning there is not currently a widespread infection among people who do not have symptoms,” said Karin Tegmark, deputy head of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

Tegnell has long taken a hard line, saying last month he saw “no point” in mandating masks in public across the country. “With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” Anders Tegnell said, according to Fortune.

“That Sweden has come down to these levels is very promising,” Tegnell told reporters in Stockholm last month. “The curves are going down and the curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero.”

The Swede’s comments followed those from Holland’s top scientist, who have examined data and research about COVID-19 and declared there is no clear evidence that wearing face masks protects — anyone.

In fact, the scientists say wearing masks may actually hamper the fight against virus.

“Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for Holland’s National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. “There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”

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8 minutes ago, old guy said:

If you get all your information from the mainstream media and believe it is based on science  then it's understandable that you believe as you do. The fact is that real science and what we know about viruses indicates that everythng that most governments have done has been wrong and not based on science and reason. There is so much information out there and confirmed by epidemiologists and virologists that has been ignored or suppressed by the mainstream sources.

Here is a tidbit for you:

"Sweden never mandated massive lock downs or enacted draconian face-mask laws, but the Nordic country now has one of the lowest infection rates in the world.

“Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one,” Sweden’s senior epidemiologist Dr. Anders Tegnell told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

“What we see now is that the sustainable policy might be slower in getting results, but it will get results eventually,” Tegnell said. “And then we also hope that the result will be more stable.”

Last week, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said Sweden’s infection rate stood at only 12 cases per million, compared to 18 in Denmark and 14 in Norway. The data shows that out of 2,500 randomly selected and tested Swedes, zero tested positive, compared to 0.9 percent positive in April, and 0.3 percent in May.

“We interpret this as meaning there is not currently a widespread infection among people who do not have symptoms,” said Karin Tegmark, deputy head of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

Tegnell has long taken a hard line, saying last month he saw “no point” in mandating masks in public across the country. “With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” Anders Tegnell said, according to Fortune.

“That Sweden has come down to these levels is very promising,” Tegnell told reporters in Stockholm last month. “The curves are going down and the curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero.”

The Swede’s comments followed those from Holland’s top scientist, who have examined data and research about COVID-19 and declared there is no clear evidence that wearing face masks protects — anyone.

In fact, the scientists say wearing masks may actually hamper the fight against virus.

“Face masks in public places are not necessary, based on all the current evidence,” said Coen Berends, spokesman for Holland’s National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. “There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.”

Did not work quite as well in the USA though ?  189,000 deaths in USA 

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