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29 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I dunno, as far as smoking guns go, and as much as I think our neighbour's Premier is a clown, this piece of evidence is the perfect example of "plausible deniability", because nowhere on it does it say anything along the lines of "&^@# all y'all, I'm &^@#ing off to the States!"  :frantic:

He claimed he had zero knowledge at all of any of his MLAs leaving except one by one these memorandums are now coming out in which he has in fact not only been notified he was notified in writing and had to approve those people left in charge of those cabinet positions.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

He claimed he had zero knowledge at all of any of his MLAs leaving except one by one these memorandums are now coming out in which he has in fact not only been notified he was notified in writing and had to approve those people left in charge of those cabinet positions.

But if you're running a business do you keep track of what all of your employees are doing over the holidays? I mean, you can try, but there comes a point where you can't control everything stupid.


So, while I think there does need to be some accountability on the premier's part, he's not the one who ran off to the states either. Let most of the onus be on the people who actually caused the problem in the first place. At least it was dealt with.

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1 hour ago, The Lock said:

But if you're running a business do you keep track of what all of your employees are doing over the holidays? I mean, you can try, but there comes a point where you can't control everything stupid.


So, while I think there does need to be some accountability on the premier's part, he's not the one who ran off to the states either. Let most of the onus be on the people who actually caused the problem in the first place. At least it was dealt with.


1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

Perhaps, but the key point is that this memo doesn't say, "I'm leaving the country".  In fact, it doesn't even say, "I'm leaving my couch".  So as smoking gun evidence goes, this one is about as effective as a nerf gun that was stepped on by an elephant.  :P

Kenney is a control freak, he absolutely would have known that no less than 10 or mroe of his MLA's were leaving the country.  he knew full well his Red Deer MLA was essentially living in America looking after this business.


people blame Horgan endlessly, or Dix for BC's responses (although it's been very quiet on a certain front) and at some point in time it does in fact fall on leadership.


Allard was the minister in charge of phase one of the vaccine roll out and she left the country.  One of if not THE most important job handed to any MLA of any province and she skipped out.  There is no way Kenney didn't know she was out of country on this one.


Alberta is in the mess they're in because of poor leadership, he stated he didn't know she was gone from her post.  As per his own words, not out of country, but out of office but this paper proves he knew.

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6 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


Kenney is a control freak, he absolutely would have known that no less than 10 or mroe of his MLA's were leaving the country.  he knew full well his Red Deer MLA was essentially living in America looking after this business.


people blame Horgan endlessly, or Dix for BC's responses (although it's been very quiet on a certain front) and at some point in time it does in fact fall on leadership.


Allard was the minister in charge of phase one of the vaccine roll out and she left the country.  One of if not THE most important job handed to any MLA of any province and she skipped out.  There is no way Kenney didn't know she was out of country on this one.


Alberta is in the mess they're in because of poor leadership, he stated he didn't know she was gone from her post.  As per his own words, not out of country, but out of office but this paper proves he knew.

None of this supports what you were saying about the Alberta Premier though. I get that you don't like the guy. I'm impartial myself, but as a result I think I can kind of see both sides of it. You can go off in as many rants and tangents about leaders as you want, but I'm standing behind what I said earlier with the whole "it's the actual people who left to go to the states who are the ones who should be in trouble." I don't really care what beefs you have beyond that as none of that adds to the discussion. lol


So you're saying "no way Kenney doesn't know." I say prove it. Simple

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8 hours ago, surtur said:

I have friends who work in our local hospital two are doctors, three are nurses and only one of them a nurse believes this is an issue and she doesn't work with "covid" cases.

you sum it up perfectly when you say your dad is too scared to get surgery  "fear" is going to kill more than the virus ever could. a close friend has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer has about 3 months to live was too afraid to go see a doctor since April and will now die because it is too advanced. 

I think you need to look up the meaning of sarcasm because nothing I am saying falls in that category. links are available through the CDC website and through the links I have previously provided months ago.


i doubt it maya rudolph GIF

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16 hours ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

You ok now? Any long term effects? Sorry to hear that. 

I’m ok now after 3 weeks.. no one really know the long term effect yet..  I have a cough here and there at night..  that’s about it..  


My friend parents had it a few weeks ago and they were really sick..  almost sleeping for 5 straight day.. don’t want to eat at all.. 

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15 hours ago, surtur said:

I have friends


Okay well with all due respect that's where the tale started to become a little too unbelievable for me lol


Really hoping these numbers don't start spiking more and more from the "low-risk, safe gatherings" people still insist on having with members outside their household

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8 hours ago, ImConfused said:

Okay well with all due respect that's where the tale started to become a little too unbelievable for me lol


Really hoping these numbers don't start spiking more and more from the "low-risk, safe gatherings" people still insist on having with members outside their household

For me, it's like children who just don't wanna go to bed right now.  You know the scenario...when there's something that should be done for our own welfare and best interest but our desire to party on overrides it.  Except kids don't know any better...adults should.


We ALL are finding this difficult.... what I constantly remind myself of is "this isn't forever".  Which ticks me off because these are the people who prolong things because they have zero patience and willpower.  Just do it.  


If you live in a household with others, you're lucky.  You do have someone/something and many don't right now.  Don't endanger them with selfish acts that quickly catch like wildfire.  It's such a no brainer for me and I just don't get that they don't get it.

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On 1/6/2021 at 9:26 AM, surtur said:

I have friends who work in our local hospital two are doctors, three are nurses and only one of them a nurse believes this is an issue and she doesn't work with "covid" cases.

you sum it up perfectly when you say your dad is too scared to get surgery  "fear" is going to kill more than the virus ever could. a close friend has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer has about 3 months to live was too afraid to go see a doctor since April and will now die because it is too advanced. 

I think you need to look up the meaning of sarcasm because nothing I am saying falls in that category. links are available through the CDC website and through the links I have previously provided months ago.


While it sucks to see a close friend go through that (and I hope the best for that friend),  that also tells me you're speaking with your heart and not your brain. You're putting your own personal feelings about it before logic.


You claim we've "all been had", yet everyone here is looking at the logic, what they see, what's being done. You're just throwing in random ideas and claiming you have friends who agree with you; yet, ANYONE can claim they have friends that agree with them. It means nothing. No one's going to believe your word. People will believe you if you provide evidence.


If you're ever wondering why so many disagree with you, it's because you don't really provide any of that evidence, or it's with a well-known biased source that isn't providing facts, or it just plain has nothing to do with what you're saying. You probably don't believe this, but if you actually provided evidence that was strong enough, you could actually sway people. Instead, you don't, and I'm assuming it's because you have none. lol So, you claim we've all been had, yet, guess who's really been had. You.

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52 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

what I constantly remind myself of is "this isn't forever".

If people don't do what their told it will go on long enough to feel like forever.

Damn anti maskers are costing me weeks of freedom.

Ticks me off.


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1 minute ago, gurn said:

If people don't do what their told it will go on long enough to feel like forever.

Damn anti maskers are costing me weeks of freedom.

Ticks me off.


Yep, they don't seem to make the connection...the very thing they're griping about is what they're ultimately sabotaging and prolonging.  Want your freedom back?  Do what's necessary to get us there. 


Shortcuts just set us behind.



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53 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

For me, it's like children who just don't wanna go to bed right now.  You know the scenario...when there's something that should be done for our own welfare and best interest but our desire to party on overrides it.  Except kids don't know any better...adults should.


We ALL are finding this difficult.... what I constantly remind myself of is "this isn't forever".  Which ticks me off because these are the people who prolong things because they have zero patience and willpower.  Just do it.  


If you live in a household with others, you're lucky.  You do have someone/something and many don't right now.  Don't endanger them with selfish acts that quickly catch like wildfire.  It's such a no brainer for me and I just don't get that they don't get it.

That's a good point. My wife and I feel very fortunate that two of our daughters moved back home in the past couple of years.


We had an almost normal Christmas and are grateful for the fact.

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Almost hit 4,000 deaths in the states yesterday.

3,964 died, with 255,728 new cases.



371,227 total dead with 8,519,279 current cases




Canada     16,532 total deaths 80,206 current cases.


B.C.  962 deaths with 6,343 current cases.


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Just got back from COVID test #3....fingers crossed.   The lady in front of me was coughing, bad...kind of scary going next right behind her.  My symptoms are lingering...I've been wondering if I should go or not over the past 4-5 days.  Because I go back to work in a school Monday (and also look after Dad)...better know for sure. 


Only one other person there (the one coughing in front of me).  No wait at all...in/out of the airport drive through location in under 10 minutes.  Now the waiting (again).....

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3 minutes ago, BoKnows said:

Federal inmates at Maritime prison will be among the first to receive COVID-19 vaccine



should be lethal injection not covid vaccine. Who Effin cares if convicted felons get the virus...just like the maskless and gym whiners etc. Stay home, do what your told and wait for the vaccine.


Looks like the Federal Government dropped the ball in getting more vaccines pre ordered like other countries. Very surprised to see how slow the roll out has been...unfortunately this Covid crap is going to linger.

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2 minutes ago, Canuckster86 said:

should be lethal injection not covid vaccine. Who Effin cares if convicted felons get the virus...just like the maskless and gym whiners etc. Stay home, do what your told and wait for the vaccine.


Looks like the Federal Government dropped the ball in getting more vaccines pre ordered like other countries. Very surprised to see how slow the roll out has been...unfortunately this Covid crap is going to linger.

Yeah I don't understand why inmates get priority over my 80+ year old grandparents.  Especially my papa who has a lung disease.

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