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It is crazy that teachers and staff aren't mandated. We can already see the results of this in the US with sick students and dead teachers.

I would bring up another point, I don't want the pro-COVID teachers teaching my kids.  

It is not that I am worried about them getting sick primarily.  I have a lot of interaction with pro-COVID people in person and online and the reasons that they continue to push pro-COVID measures are most of the time way off the deep end or just a hodgepodge of mis-information.  I don't want someone that callous and closed to the facts teaching my children.

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1 minute ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

I too am sick and tired of public health policy having to cater to these adult children who put up a fight against any attempt to stop this pandemic once and for all. We probably could have been done with this months ago if everyone gave even the smallest effort from the start.

Delta might not even have gotten here in the first place if we shut down international properly, but no we had to leave loopholes big enough to fly a plane through to appease these assholes and now there appears to be another big variant of concern coming soon.

We need to start talking jail time or serious public service time for anyone who continues to flought the weak rules we do have in place because they carry the blood of everyone who dies from whatever variants hit us next. Im done with these people.

this one has a religious angle too. Victim card being played heavily. 



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1 hour ago, -DLC- said:


That photo is almost accurate.  To be completely accurate it needs to identify that the patient was an unvaccinated selfish and entitled pr*ck, and it should also be showing him using a stick or something to hit the doctor that is holding him up.

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5 minutes ago, Hamhuis Hip Check said:

I too am sick and tired of public health policy having to cater to these adult children who put up a fight against any attempt to stop this pandemic once and for all. We probably could have been done with this months ago if everyone gave even the smallest effort from the start.

Delta might not even have gotten here in the first place if we shut down international properly, but no we had to leave loopholes big enough to fly a plane through to appease these assholes and now there appears to be another big variant of concern coming soon.

We need to start talking jail time or serious public service time for anyone who continues to flought the weak rules we do have in place because they carry the blood of everyone who dies from whatever variants hit us next. Im done with these people.

I'm pretty confident that almost all teachers in BC will be vaccinated.  I know my staff were all fully vaxxed by the end of June, even the skeptical ones.  

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31 minutes ago, stawns said:

I love my job and I am, imo, an excellent teacher.  I am currently weighing my options for an extended leave or outright resigning and finding a different job.  I absolutely do not feel safe going back to work next week, especially when you look how it's unfolded down south. 

Start by looking into Worksafe's 3.12 legislation. 


3.12 Procedure for refusal

(1) A person must not carry out or cause to be carried out any work process or operate or cause to be operated any tool, appliance or equipment if that person has reasonable cause to believe that to do so would create an undue hazard to the health and safety of any person.

(2) A worker who refuses to carry out a work process or operate a tool, appliance or equipment pursuant to subsection (1) must immediately report the circumstances of the unsafe condition to his or her supervisor or employer.

(3) A supervisor or employer receiving a report made under subsection (2) must immediately investigate the matter and

(a) ensure that any unsafe condition is remedied without delay, or

(b) if in his or her opinion the report is not valid, must so inform the person who made the report.

(4) If the procedure under subsection (3) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues to refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, the supervisor or employer must investigate the matter in the presence of the worker who made the report and in the presence of

(a) a worker member of the joint committee,

(b) a worker who is selected by a trade union representing the worker, or

(c) if there is no joint committee or the worker is not represented by a trade union, any other reasonably available worker selected by the worker.

(5) If the investigation under subsection (4) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues to refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, both the supervisor, or the employer, and the worker must immediately notify an officer, who must investigate the matter without undue delay and issue whatever orders are deemed necessary.

3.13 No prohibited action

(1) A worker must not be subject to prohibited action as defined in section 47 of the Workers Compensation Act because the worker has acted in compliance with section 3.12 or with an order made by an officer.

(2) Temporary assignment to alternative work at no loss in pay to the worker until the matter in section 3.12 is resolved is deemed not to constitute prohibited action.

[Amended by B.C. Reg. 279/2019, effective April 6, 2020.]

Note: The prohibition against prohibited action is established in the Workers Compensation Act Part 2, Division 6, sections 47 through 50.

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41 minutes ago, gurn said:

Start by looking into Worksafe's 3.12 legislation. 


3.12 Procedure for refusal

(1) A person must not carry out or cause to be carried out any work process or operate or cause to be operated any tool, appliance or equipment if that person has reasonable cause to believe that to do so would create an undue hazard to the health and safety of any person.

(2) A worker who refuses to carry out a work process or operate a tool, appliance or equipment pursuant to subsection (1) must immediately report the circumstances of the unsafe condition to his or her supervisor or employer.

(3) A supervisor or employer receiving a report made under subsection (2) must immediately investigate the matter and

(a) ensure that any unsafe condition is remedied without delay, or

(b) if in his or her opinion the report is not valid, must so inform the person who made the report.

(4) If the procedure under subsection (3) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues to refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, the supervisor or employer must investigate the matter in the presence of the worker who made the report and in the presence of

(a) a worker member of the joint committee,

(b) a worker who is selected by a trade union representing the worker, or

(c) if there is no joint committee or the worker is not represented by a trade union, any other reasonably available worker selected by the worker.

(5) If the investigation under subsection (4) does not resolve the matter and the worker continues to refuse to carry out the work process or operate the tool, appliance or equipment, both the supervisor, or the employer, and the worker must immediately notify an officer, who must investigate the matter without undue delay and issue whatever orders are deemed necessary.


3.13 No prohibited action

(1) A worker must not be subject to prohibited action as defined in section 47 of the Workers Compensation Act because the worker has acted in compliance with section 3.12 or with an order made by an officer.

(2) Temporary assignment to alternative work at no loss in pay to the worker until the matter in section 3.12 is resolved is deemed not to constitute prohibited action.

[Amended by B.C. Reg. 279/2019, effective April 6, 2020.]

Note: The prohibition against prohibited action is established in the Workers Compensation Act Part 2, Division 6, sections 47 through 50.


it'll be interesting to see if someone tries this. I have my doubts that work safe goes against Horgan but we'll see maybe. 


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I'm here for my weekly argument guys and gals. 


Up to 78% fully vaccinated in BC. We are doing very well. Although I don't agree with the vaccine passport, it is pushing more people to get it done so that's a good silver lining in my opinion. 


Now let's get back to calling people anti-vaxxers and telling them what horrible humans they are! 

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NHL's new COVID-19 protocols include mechanism for suspending unvaccinated players


Quick Thursday evening blog: The NHL and NHLPA have finalized COVID-19 protocols for the 2021-22 season.

The biggest news is a mechanism for teams to suspend unvaccinated players who are “unable to participate in club activities.” This includes situations where a player cannot travel because of local, provincial/state and/or federal regulations “upon return.” Such individuals would “forfeit the equivalent of one day’s pay for each day” they are precluded from participating.

It’s a major development considering the Canada/U.S. border and different rules/approaches across the NHL’s North American landscape. General managers were warned about this possibility at their virtual meeting in July and began informing players about the possibility.

There are exceptions — unvaccinated status based upon medical reasons; a conflict with “sincerely held religious beliefs;” establishment “on the basis of a balance of the probabilities,” COVID-19 “arised out of the course of employment as a hockey player;” or quarantine because of being a high-risk close contact.

If a fully vaccinated player is confirmed with a positive COVID test, his condition “shall be treated as a hockey-related injury for all purposes” under the CBA.

Unvaccinated players who are not exempted for the above reasons will not be paid if his team establishes, “on the basis of a balance of the probabilities, that the player failed to comply with the terms of this protocol in a manner that was reasonably related to his contraction of COVID-19 and/or any resulting or related illness.”

Other notable points of emphasis:

• Any player who wishes to opt-out of the 2021-22 season because they are unvaccinated or fully vaccinated “but can establish that an immediate family member with whom he shares a household is at substantially heightened risk of severe illness by contracting COVID-19” can opt-out by Oct. 1. The team in question will then have 30 days to decide if the player’s contract will be “tolled” (basically rolling it over to 2022-23) or if this season would be removed from the agreement. Anyone opting out would not be able to play in another league or the Olympics.

• Any person whose job, role, position or access entails or entitles them to have personal interactions (within 12 feet) of club hockey operations personnel (including players) must be fully vaccinated.

• Fully vaccinated players shall be subject to PCR testing at least every 72 hours. That guideline could change depending on how things progress. Unvaccinated players will be tested daily.

• There are stiff rules for unvaccinated players. On the road, they cannot enter “internal venues” other than the team hotel, practice facility, or game arena. They are not allowed to use the hotel gym, pool, sauna, steam room or other shared facilities. They are not allowed to have teammates, team staff or visitors inside their hotel room, with the exception of fully-vaccinated family. They are not allowed to leave the hotel to eat (or purchase food) or use any restaurants/bars (in or out of the hotel) that are open to the public. They can’t pick up food except where the restaurant provides curbside pickup (or similar service) that does not require entrance to the main restaurant.


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9 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:



Now let's get back to calling people anti-vaxxers and telling them what horrible humans they are! 

I'm open to hearing an argument from you about how they are being good citizens. 

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1 minute ago, JM_ said:

I'm open to hearing an argument from you about how they are being good citizens. 

You won't hear it from me! 


Don't like the protests if that's what you're referring to 

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18 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I'm here for my weekly argument guys and gals. 


Up to 78% fully vaccinated in BC. We are doing very well. Although I don't agree with the vaccine passport, it is pushing more people to get it done so that's a good silver lining in my opinion. 


Now let's get back to calling people anti-vaxxers and telling them what horrible humans they are! 

No need to point it out, they're shining a big, bright spotlight on themselves

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13 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

You won't hear it from me! 


Don't like the protests if that's what you're referring to 

that, and refusing to get the vaccine and still demanding to be at work putting others at needless risk. 

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Just now, JM_ said:

that, and refusing to get the vaccine and still demanding to be at work putting others at needless risk. 

Not doing it JM, I am just doing a quick hit n run in this thread ;)


We should be enjoying our numbers here in BC, that's all I'm here for. 

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