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33 minutes ago, DonLever said:

Perhaps numbers are lower in BC because not enough people are being tested.   Other doctors and  people have complained on TV they were not tested for COVID19 even though they had all the symptoms of covid19.  And these people are sent home to self quarantine and infecting other family members.

There are a finite amount of tests. It is my understanding that some health authorities aren't testing if they are confident in the diagnosis and thus saving a test for another case to confirm or rule out a diagnosis, furthermore they are probably not testing the majority of people who show 'mild' symptoms. I have heard of people being picked up by ambulance and requiring the ventilator on the ambulance until they can transfer them straight to a ventilator in the hospital, but they won't use a test on that person. Just through the grapevine so take that for what it is worth but it seems that the general consensus is that our reported numbers aren't a true representation of the total number of cases as they can only report positive tests. Less tests = less confirmed cases.

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35 minutes ago, DonLever said:

To be fair, that video was on Feb. 28, since then he has changed his tune.


Trump is a wingnut for sure, saying crazy things but every western country did squat until the WHO declared COVID19 a pandemic.   


Canada was slow to react as people continued to stream into Canada without checks until a couple of weeks ago.   Too late, the horse had left the barn as they say.

When you have megalomaniac ego like this guy and you take credit for absolutely everything.

You have to be accountable when things go bad, say that you were wrong and accept responsibility.


But this man have never taken responsibility for anything in his life, it’s always someone else’s fault.

Humility is not in his vocabulary so imo he deserves to get $&!# on more than Trudeau for example.

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1 hour ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:




I was mildly impressed by this. He is a conman but at least he puts some effort into his craft, he also earns high marks for coherence and really getting into character. In related news the bar is now at Honey Boo Boo level. 

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3 hours ago, coastal.view said:

so i am generally very much against conspiracy theories

as far far too often they distract from the truth and from reality

and attempt to create a different reality


yesterday i was monitoring the WHO webpage that provides corona updates live

basically it updates the virus data throughout the day

it switches its data daily at 7 pm (pst) - or at least i think that is the time

and yesterday i noted around 6:15 pm that the usa data stuck at an odd number

19,999 of new confirmed cases.

i kept updating this page and it did not change

it suddenly changed to 20,3** something

this over 20k number was not visible except for a minute or 2 on the WHO data page

and then for some reason the WHO web page started its new 24 hour clock a minute or 2 later


around 6:30 (i did not track the exact time as i was not tracking time.. i assumed it must be 7 .. then noted shortly it was not yet 7)


did anyone else notice this?

can anyone explain why WHO started the 24 hour clock on its web page early yesterday ?

am i the only one who noticed this ?

seems the usa did not want anyone to see their count went over 20k yesterday


currently the count is 24,492, i just refreshed.. and the page has not turned over to a new 24 hour clock yet

it's 6:41 (pst) now



has anything they can comment about this ?


edit: today the 24 hour clock started at 7 again

I too noticed. 

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3 hours ago, coastal.view said:

so i am generally very much against conspiracy theories

as far far too often they distract from the truth and from reality

and attempt to create a different reality


yesterday i was monitoring the WHO webpage that provides corona updates live

basically it updates the virus data throughout the day

it switches its data daily at 7 pm (pst) - or at least i think that is the time

and yesterday i noted around 6:15 pm that the usa data stuck at an odd number

19,999 of new confirmed cases.

i kept updating this page and it did not change

it suddenly changed to 20,3** something

this over 20k number was not visible except for a minute or 2 on the WHO data page

and then for some reason the WHO web page started its new 24 hour clock a minute or 2 later


around 6:30 (i did not track the exact time as i was not tracking time.. i assumed it must be 7 .. then noted shortly it was not yet 7)


did anyone else notice this?

can anyone explain why WHO started the 24 hour clock on its web page early yesterday ?

am i the only one who noticed this ?

seems the usa did not want anyone to see their count went over 20k yesterday


currently the count is 24,492, i just refreshed.. and the page has not turned over to a new 24 hour clock yet

it's 6:41 (pst) now



has anything they can comment about this ?


edit: today the 24 hour clock started at 7 again

That's nothing. The CCP is vastly under reporting the number of people who died over there. It's even plausible they executed some of their own citizens to contain the virus. 

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21 minutes ago, Tortorella's Rant said:

I guess. I didn't realize a pleb wage was that much. 

Solvency is just as important as income. Those who didn't save up for a rainy day will suffer the most from this. This situation should make everyone rethink their spending habits. Can't take anything for granted, got to be a scrooge now lol no more free beers for anyone, better bring your own because mine have corona. ^_^

Edited by Toews
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2 minutes ago, Toews said:

Solvency is just as important as income. Those who didn't save up for a rainy day are and will suffer the most from this. This situation should make everyone rethink their spending habits. Can't take anything for granted, got to be a scrooge now lol no more free beers for anyone, better bring your own because mine is corona. ^_^



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1 minute ago, Toews said:

Solvency is just as important as income. Those who didn't save up for a rainy day are and will suffer the most from this. This situation should make everyone rethink their spending habits. Can't take anything for granted, got to be a scrooge now lol no more free beers for anyone, better bring your own because mine have corona. ^_^


I was thinking about the servers and bartenders earlier...

Those in that industry are in tough. They already have a base min wage worst than the standard due to their receiving income from tips... not so many tips these days. 

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7 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I was thinking about the servers and bartenders earlier...

Those in that industry are in tough. They already have a base min wage worst than the standard due to their receiving income from tips... not so many tips these days. 

Yes that is why I have always been torn...are they like strippers or beggars. 
Sorry but I just can’t get  comfortable with tipping.  It is not fair to the servers or the customers. 
Just be up front and charge the true price of doing business. 

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4 minutes ago, spur1 said:

Yes that is why I have always been torn...are they like strippers or beggars. 
Sorry but I just can’t get  comfortable with tipping.  It is not fair to the servers or the customers. 
Just be up front and charge the true price of doing business. 

I agree, but its the way it is.


The gov not giving those workers regular min wage is very lame. There is quite a difference in tips when working at Denny's vs working at a hip pub etc. .

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