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3 minutes ago, aliboy said:

Not really sure that Italy did much to get out in front of things, I think they more reacted to what was already happening, much like the US will soon be doing.

They did. They were clearing beds/space, canceling surgeries etc too.


3 minutes ago, aliboy said:

What are the measures you want to see now??


5 hours ago, aGENT said:


I honestly don't know why the government hasn't mandated something like this? All employers who have employees who can work from home, do so. Immediately.


Schools will be closed for a couple weeks in short order already but that could likely happen a day or two early as well.


In relation to Spring Break, we should also be shutting down all travel and borders IMO.


Not sure why we're waiting for this to become much worse...?


5 minutes ago, stawns said:

Not many.  I don't work with a single teacher who doesn't put every single kid ahead of themselves.  Not one.

The ones who are bad are BAD but the vast majority of teachers are excellent, caring people who work extremely hard in a rather unforgiving environment. We're pretty blessed my boys have an EXCELLENT teacher this year.


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8 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

probably. But the province and feds are going to have to figure out how to give at least one parent leave time as well, otherwise the little monkeys are going to end up in daycare groups anyway. 

i hear there are many informal daycares springing up

for all kids of all ages

just outside the local 7-11 stores

where there is some sort of magical anti corona virus bubble in place

so kids will be safe congregating there

no need for any parents to miss work

*cough cough*

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Just now, JC2 said:

I agree with both sides to a certain degree. We obviously have to take the virus seriously and take the best and most rational precautions we can but to shut down basically  everything is a bit overkill. Despite what anyone says this is a flu, a more potent flu, but a flu nonetheless. Those who are healthy likely don't have to worry too much as long as they follow the recommended precautions and those who are not healthy will have to be more careful and pray they don't get it. People will die unfortunately but this flu will run its course eventually. 

But every single health expert around the world is saying this is not the flu, why would anyone disagree with them? And more and more reports are coming out of Italy that young healthy people are needing ICU care. I just posted a video of a reporter covering this in Italy stating ages 30-50 are starting to be affected more and needing ICU care. 

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5 hours ago, aGENT said:


I honestly don't know why the government hasn't mandated something like this? All employers who have employees who can work from home, do so. Immediately.


Schools will be closed for a couple weeks in short order already but that could likely happen a day or two early as well.


In relation to Spring Break, we should also be shutting down all travel and borders IMO.


Not sure why we're waiting for this to become much worse...?

OK, so you wrote this 5 hours ago, isn't a lot of this happening now?


No one is supposed to go to work sick, the Feds have waived the wait period for EI, just about everything seems to be shutting down now, one announcement after another.

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2 hours ago, Kanukfanatic said:

I am middle aged and never went through anything so hyped up in my life.


I blame the social media and the fact they are blasting this at the public 24-7 right now. Very fear inducing for most normal people.


Mankind has gone through these types of pandemics many many times before. The vast majority of people were ok and will be again. But I am not sure how well those surviving people's psyches will be.

100 years ago the Spanish Flu infected 1/3 of the worlds population.. if you call that ok then yes no worries mate

Edited by Nathancanuck
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27 minutes ago, aliboy said:

OK, so you wrote this 5 hours ago, isn't a lot of this happening now?


No one is supposed to go to work sick, the Feds have waived the wait period for EI, just about everything seems to be shutting down now, one announcement after another.

Some, individual organizations are doing this. The government should be out ahead of it. They're not.


And travel and borders are still open.

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Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

Thu 12 Mar 2020 21:45:13 GMT


Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton press conference (held with Gov. Mike DeWine) 

  •  given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus
  • "We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," 
  •  "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."
Adds that the slow rollout of testing means the state does not have good verified numbers to know for sure.
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6 minutes ago, nuckin_futz said:

Ohio health official estimates 100,000 people in state have coronavirus

Thu 12 Mar 2020 21:45:13 GMT


Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton press conference (held with Gov. Mike DeWine) 

  •  given that the virus is spreading in the community in Ohio, she estimates at least 1 percent of the population in the state has the virus
  • "We know now, just the fact of community spread, says that at least 1 percent, at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today," 
  •  "We have 11.7 million people. So the math is over 100,000. So that just gives you a sense of how this virus spreads and is spreading quickly."
Adds that the slow rollout of testing means the state does not have good verified numbers to know for sure.


This is highly irresponsible for the Health Director of a state to report hypothetical numbers like this.

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2 minutes ago, RonMexico said:


This is highly irresponsible for the Health Director of a state to report hypothetical numbers like this.

You may be right but she is standing right beside the Governor of the state. So maybe they have a good reason to warn people. Then again maybe they are fools. Time will tell.

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26 minutes ago, JC2 said:

I agree with both sides to a certain degree. We obviously have to take the virus seriously and take the best and most rational precautions we can but to shut down basically  everything is a bit overkill. Despite what anyone says this is a flu, a more potent flu, but a flu nonetheless. Those who are healthy likely don't have to worry too much as long as they follow the recommended precautions and those who are not healthy will have to be more careful and pray they don't get it. People will die unfortunately but this flu will run its course eventually. 

The projections being quoted by health professionals are based upon proven models. They are projections, so it may not end up being that bad, we have to wait and see.


From this:



So if the congressional in-house doctor is right, and the death rate is 1%, then fatalities will be between 700K and 1.5 million in the US. In Canada someone from the Health Department said on the news yesterday that she thought between 30% & 70% of Canadians would get the virus, so 10-20M, and 1% would be 100-200k fatalities. I don't think it will get that bad but this is what we are trying to prevent by shutting down just about everything, which seems to be happening now.


Harvard expert says 70% of the world could get the virus.



Edited by aliboy
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1 minute ago, nuckin_futz said:

You may be right but she is standing right beside the Governor of the state. So maybe they have a good reason to warn people. Then again maybe they are fools. Time will tell.

I'm not discounting that there is a threat but by spouting off percentages like that you increase fear. We don't need people flying off the handle and this just pours gas on the fire. Until there is a known cure/vaccine, do your part to prevent the spread. That's all they need to say and even after that, continue to use your melon. If you are sick with the one of the other flus, you quarantine yourself until you are no longer sick. It's common sense.

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1 minute ago, RonMexico said:

I'm not discounting that there is a threat but by spouting off percentages like that you increase fear. We don't need people flying off the handle and this just pours gas on the fire. Until there is a known cure/vaccine, do your part to prevent the spread. That's all they need to say and even after that, continue to use your melon. If you are sick with the one of the other flus, you quarantine yourself until you are no longer sick. It's common sense.

Haha realistically though people move around out in public and go to work all the time with the flu. A lot don’t use common sense sadly 

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22 minutes ago, Nathancanuck said:

100 years ago the Spanish Flu wiped out 1/3 of the worlds population.. if you call that ok then yes no worries mate

Check your number, you are way way off.  Did you make that number up?

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57 minutes ago, Petey40 said:

It’s very dangerous to think like that. 

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-uk-us-response-criticism-boris-trump-italy-a9398166.html This is an article from a doctor in Italy. Social media isn’t doing country wide lockdowns, social media isn’t declaring this a global pandemic, social media isn’t killing people. 

social media directly impacts people and government.  


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Just now, samurai said:

social media directly impacts people and government.  


Not to this extent though don’t you think? We’ve had virus break outs before and measures like this weren’t taken. We had social media back then as well. 

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Breaking - US Federal government coronavirus relief package has been delayed

Thu 12 Mar 2020 22:17:50 GMT


While the US House of Representatives is expected to pass a coronavirus relief bill Thursday evening US time the Senate will not

  • the Senate just closed up for the week despite the work being done on the bill
  • Which Means that final action on any bill will be delayed until next week




Can always count on these squabbling idiots to muck everything up.

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