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Canucks requiring covid vaccination for staff and fans

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2 minutes ago, RU SERIOUS said:

The canucks have allready got rid of about 95% of kids out of the building, due to shy-high ticket prices, so the simple solution is raise the ticket  prices one more time by about 10-15% and that ought to get rid of the last of em..........

Tickets really aren't as out of reach as people make them out to be.  Take your family camping, to the PNE, even to a movie (with snacks) these days and it gets pricey.  It's all about what you're into and spend your entertainment $$ on.


Sure, some premium games are out of reach but there are plenty of games that tickets are available for that you could take your family to.  Hit Costco for a hotdog/pop combo on the way in and you're set.


There are still loads of kids there, trust me.  They line up on the glass during warm ups, trying to grab a puck that's flipped over to them.  It's awesome.

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1 minute ago, -DLC- said:

Tickets really aren't as out of reach as people make them out to be.  Take your family camping, to the PNE, even to a movie (with snacks) these days and it gets pricey.  It's all about what you're into and spend your entertainment $$ on.


Sure, some premium games are out of reach but there are plenty of games that tickets are available for that you could take your family to.  Hit Costco for a hotdog/pop combo on the way in and you're set.


There are still loads of kids there, trust me.  They line up on the glass during warm ups, trying to grab a puck that's flipped over to them.  It's awesome.

Yes i know.  I'm just saying that tongue in cheek to get the canucks to put more of their seats into the family pool seat packages because they are so limited now and only available at select games (but yes, at a great $).   They really need to sacrafice a bunch more seats because they were always sold out whenever we tried to get them but at least the cost was more affordable and came with snack & drink.  However even with that, I'd still say that a typical game (on average) only about 10-15% of the seats had kids in them, however during Marquee or Premium + games, that would shrink to maybe 3-4% and I remember back in the day during playoff games (when we used to have them in the "olden days") you'd be lucky to see a kid - especially a young kid - sitting anywhere around you.   


The CFL is now paying the price for keeping prices high in the 80's, 90's, 00's and poor marketting and now their average fan is a white, male in their mid 50's because they abandoned their young audience and did'nt adjust their entertainment value towards the younger people and demographics.  Now they're in trouble.  Although the Canucks do a much better job marketting their product towards the younger generation - they need to actually get more of them in the stands more.  Especially the ethnic and immigrant population that is quickly changing the face of society here in BC and is the future.  They've done a fantastic job with the South Asian community and need to emulate & expand that to other target ethnic audiences to ensure the game lives on and thrives and is inclusive of everyone in our city. I would suggest they hire some marketting people from within some of the other larger ethnic communities.  That is important because we need to ensure our team is enjoyed by all and lives on - well into the future.

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On 8/13/2021 at 10:50 AM, Metal Face Doom said:

This isn't cool either.  


The division that this created and the politicalization of the virus has created isn't a good thing.  People can have opposing opinions.  It's all good.  There are valid arguments from experts on both sides.  Mainstream media has a narrative as well.  

Oppose all you want, thats your right. just stay home like the dumb dumb you are...is all im saying.

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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

More tickets will sell with a vaccine passport in place.  85% of population is vaccinated or getting vaccinated.  Canucks are making a business decision, as well as a very good social responsibility choice.  

Agree and thankfully so, as we certainly don't want to be like the Albertan teams (Oilers/Flames) who I heard are going to be handing out discounted cremation coupons & urns to everyone that enters the gate without a mask and wearing an "I love Stephen" or UCP lapel pin.

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19 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

And you think the unvaxxed people will go, no problem, we’ll just use curbside pickup?


I asked a question and no one seems to want to answer, I’ll ask one more time and make it multiple choice so there’s no beating around the bush.


If it was announced that unvaxxed people were not allowed entry into any grocery stores what do you think would happen?


1) nothing, they’d all accept it and figure out how to get food.

2) peacefully protest.

3) riot and/or loot.

I’m curious to know what your plan is when your not allowed to shop in person is it 1,2 or 3 for you because reading thru the lines of your posts to this topic I assume you are unvaccinated 

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1 hour ago, RU SERIOUS said:

The canucks have allready got rid of about 95% of kids out of the building, due to shy-high ticket prices, so the simple solution is raise the ticket  prices one more time by about 10-15% and that ought to get rid of the last of em..........

Yeah ... not a whole lot of kids at the games any more..... Maybe Abby will be the hot commodity for families?

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23 minutes ago, wastamaga33 said:

I’m curious to know what your plan is when your not allowed to shop in person is it 1,2 or 3 for you because reading thru the lines of your posts to this topic I assume you are unvaccinated 

You assumed wrong.

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1 hour ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Agree and thankfully so, as we certainly don't want to be like the Albertan teams (Oilers/Flames) who I heard are going to be handing out discounted cremation coupons & urns to everyone that enters the gate without a mask and wearing an "I love Stephen" or UCP lapel pin.

Oilers are now deciding on vaccinations like the Canucks.  As the majority of their season ticket holders want this too.  

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The anti vax crowd absolutely has rights and freedom of choice. They are free to refuse and exercise their rights to watch games at home where they can do as they please.


what they do NOT have the right to do at this point is put the responsibility of consequences for their choices on others.


The minute they go unvaxxed into public they are stripping our rights from us forgiving us to risk being the consequences of their choices.



I do believe the very very few with legitimate medically supported reasons for not being vaccinated should be excluded however for everyone else it’s not about personal choice and those who choose no should be the ones facing the natural consequences of their decisions and not everyone else.


they scream about their freedoms and trample the majorities as if you and I never had any.


Good on the Canucks for going this route if they follow through. And for the record I don’t have a problem with anti vaxxers who are isolating and not putting others at risk .. that’s your right and your exercising it responsibly.   

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

You've made no points that are not, have not, and can not be easily disproved with the most basic searches in this very thread.


But sure, you're the victim for being saddled with the burden of proof for your statements.

wow I was watching the news when I first said that it would be mandatory to have both shots to work in old age homes and that is FACT!The people would have to make a choice to work their and get the shots or not, also a fact.People need to look up facts before saying others are wrong.Fact speak louder then thinking there is something else which most here arguing do.Going to school and learning usually helps with that.

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3 minutes ago, cripplereh said:

wow I was watching the news when I first said that it would be mandatory to have both shots to work in old age homes and that is FACT!The people would have to make a choice to work their and get the shots or not, also a fact.People need to look up facts before saying others are wrong.Fact speak louder then thinking there is something else which most here arguing do.Going to school and learning usually helps with that.

anyone not willing to get fully vaccinated has no business being anywhere near long term care, as an employee or a visitor. 

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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So essentially you're




You don't understand vaccines or viral transmission.


Keep regurgitating the same disproved talking points.


Indicate that your camp is in fact selfish

Oh wow, more name calling...  I'm so shocked :lol:



Don't have a credible argument outside of it might be bad for me, but don't ever take in to account the fact covid is literally thousands of times more lethal than any potential side effect of the vaccine by sheer volume of numbers


Good to know.


Carry on


CDC website says hello.  You haven't disproved anything.  "Carry on."


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1 minute ago, morgo said:

Oh wow, more name calling...  I'm so shocked :lol:

CDC website says hello.  You haven't disproved anything.  "Carry on."


yes name calling here happens more then not, there should be a section just for the people that need to do that and can do it to each other!

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9 minutes ago, justathought said:

Why did you get vaccinated?


I chose Pfizer, in i fact passed on AstraZeneca and passed when they want to mix my second shot. I question things always and came to the conclusion just recently that the benefits outweigh the risk. I am not an antivaxxer, nor am I pro vax, I am not left or right, quite frankly I don’t fit labels, I educated myself best I can and make my decisions accordingly and I believe everyone should have that right. I got my first shot in May and second in July, before that I did not want one, not everyone fits nicely into the antivaxxer label, some have just not reached the point where the benefits outweigh the risk,  getting mad or calling them names doesn’t help bring them around.

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32 minutes ago, Dumb Nuck said:

I chose Pfizer, in i fact passed on AstraZeneca and passed when they want to mix my second shot. I question things always and came to the conclusion just recently that the benefits outweigh the risk. I am not an antivaxxer, nor am I pro vax, I am not left or right, quite frankly I don’t fit labels, I educated myself best I can and make my decisions accordingly and I believe everyone should have that right. I got my first shot in May and second in July, before that I did not want one, not everyone fits nicely into the antivaxxer label, some have just not reached the point where the benefits outweigh the risk,  getting mad or calling them names doesn’t help bring them around.

Government might have to make these vaccinations mandatory.  The recent science is clear; mutations occur in the non vaccinated.



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4 minutes ago, Dumb Nuck said:

Mutations can occur in the vaxxed as well if they catch it.

“For the most part, the coronavirus vaccines reduce the risk of getting infected, and with fewer infections, there is less replicating virus so the chance of producing new variants decreases as well,” she added.              https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-mutations-vaccine-idUSL1N2OZ1PU 


   If you've had the vaccine, you are pro-vaccine...


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5 minutes ago, Dumb Nuck said:

Mutations can occur in the vaxxed as well if they catch it.

There are many reasons why governments are supporting private businesses, like the Canucks, implementing vaccine passports.  The mutation breeding grounds of the antivaxxer is just one of them.  


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1 minute ago, justathought said:

“For the most part, the coronavirus vaccines reduce the risk of getting infected, and with fewer infections, there is less replicating virus so the chance of producing new variants decreases as well,” she added.              https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-mutations-vaccine-idUSL1N2OZ1PU 


   If you've had the vaccine, you are pro-vaccine...


What’s your point? If the chance decreases there’s still a chance no? That’s all I said.

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