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Canucks requiring covid vaccination for staff and fans

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42 minutes ago, morgo said:

I'm finished with this thread.  Enjoy your authoritarianism :).

You people make me glad the Canucks have zero cups.  Adios!


And this ladies and gentlemen is the person pissing and moaning about everyone calling them names but for sure doesn't have a victim complex.

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44 minutes ago, Edge_Case said:

But it can be simple - get vaxxed (like you and me) wear a mask (like me) and drink whisky like ...well all of my Scottish uncles.



I’m a beer guy but I hate stout, if everyone was like you there’d be a whiskey shortage and 

prices would be insane so be glad people think differently.

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On 8/12/2021 at 6:10 AM, iinatcc said:

You probably aren't going to prevent Covid from spreading fully ... ever. The point of vaccination is to mitigate the spreading and also preventing hospitalization even if you are infected 

Agreed, this is a 10 year + problem, we will be dealing with vaccination resistant variants before long.

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1 hour ago, coho8888 said:

Oh I wouldn’t be surprised either.  But the plaintiffs better hope they get an anti-vaxxer, anti-masking COVID denier as a judge.

Not sure why anyone that doesn't support vaccine passports gets labeled as an anti-vaxxer and anti-masker and a COVID denier.  



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I'm curious as well, for people hesitant to get vaccinated, where are you seeing information that is convincing you, not to trust the vaccines. I ask because, I've been building stuff online, since back in the 90's, so I know how to disassemble a website.


So far, everything that has been sent to me, have been veiled marketing sites or linked back to lobbying sites and organizations. Mostly sites on domains that have l been registered within the last 500 days, and the links from them, all go to other sites, hosted on the same server. Most of them are built around breadcrumb marketing programs designed to push people in a strategic direction, for everything up to and including sales of alternative treatments through to manipulation of stock prices.


So, just curious, what people are seeing.

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Just now, VancouverHabitant said:

Not sure why anyone that doesn't support vaccine passports gets labeled as an anti-vaxxer and anti-masker and a COVID denier.  



not saying they are.  Just trying to make light of the fact that the courts will probably not rule in favour of those Challenging it based purely on violation of rights and freedoms.  Under WorkSafe regulations and Guidelines, the employer must ensure that reasonable steps are taken to make the work environment of the employees safe.  And this is the kicker.  Its not necessarily whether a worker is actually safer or not, its also whether the worker(s) feel safe.  I have a buddy that works as a manager for WorkSafe and these court challenges have very little chance of succeeding according to him.  When the PHO was asked (re: court challenges) during her announcement about the imposition of mandatory vaccines for workers in LTC, she stated that legal counsel was consulted on this matter and she was confident that there would be no legal issues.  

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7 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

I'm curious as well, for people hesitant to get vaccinated, where are you seeing information that is convincing you, not to trust the vaccines. I ask because, I've been building stuff online, since back in the 90's, so I know how to disassemble a website.


So far, everything that has been sent to me, have been veiled marketing sites or linked back to lobbying sites and organizations. Mostly sites on domains that have l been registered within the last 500 days, and the links from them, all go to other sites, hosted on the same server. Most of them are built around breadcrumb marketing programs designed to push people in a strategic direction, for everything up to and including sales of alternative treatments through to manipulation of stock prices.


So, just curious, what people are seeing.

It's usually information that is not very credible, and is then retold by word of mouth.  

There's also new age versions of Alex Jones on YouTube.  I really don't care to spend much time looking into any of that, I barely have enough patience to look at the traffic in Google Maps before I leave my house. 

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2 hours ago, -DLC- said:

They sell out nearly every game...I'd say they're doing a good job.  There is a diverse crowd, all ages and ethnicities from what I've seen.  The only REAL issue is keeping tickets for Canuck fans and not reselling to Leaf fans (etc.).  It's horrible when we're outnumbered in our own rink.  


Lions games should have stayed at Empire Stadium....BC Place is too big, cold and it just doesn't work well for games.  When they had the temporary switch back to Empire, it was awesome.  CFL competes with the NFL and it's a bit of a wash trying to.  NHL doesn't have that issue.

i know,that is so embarressing, but on the flip side when the canucks beat TO or MTL when they're in town, there's nothing better than watching their homeys squirm in their seats with their jerseys on.  Then we get the last laugh and in Montreal's case get to sing....na nan na naaaaa, na na nanaaa, hey, hey hey gooooood bye !     That is the ultimate pain for a habs fan!     So, there's two sides to that.


Oh yea, and you are so right about the lions.  I loved empire back in the day and loved it a few years ago when they went there during the BC Place construction.    Such a great venue and i'd definately go to more games if they were there.

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Waiting for canucks to send out email about this and wonder what option they give to season ticket holders.   I’m sure some will opt out (either not vaccinated or not comfortable going to games at this time).   I still don’t see canucks having 100% capacity 

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1 hour ago, jovocop55 said:

Waiting for canucks to send out email about this and wonder what option they give to season ticket holders.   I’m sure some will opt out (either not vaccinated or not comfortable going to games at this time).   I still don’t see canucks having 100% capacity 

Absolutely agree.  With the 4th wave doubling numbers every week to 10days, I would not be surprised to see some form of decree from Dr. Bonny limiting live audience sizes. So unfortunately, it has come to this. This all lies at the feet of the Anti vax creatures. So if the Canucks have any choice they should be the first ones to be banned. No one wants to be around those selfish people anyways.

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On 8/15/2021 at 9:02 PM, VegasCanuck said:

Agreed, this is a 10 year + problem, we will be dealing with vaccination resistant variants before long.

With m-rna technology it's very easy to bring out a new vaccine specific for variants resistant to the original vaccine.  You use a differently coded m-rna strand along with all of the other ingredients.

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On 8/15/2021 at 7:23 PM, morgo said:

Lets say these numbers are correct.  I don't believe they are but lets just for arguments sake say that only 6,631 died from the vaccine.  It wouldn't matter if there were 5 deaths out of the 351 million, you still don't have the right to force or coerce anyone into getting a medical procedure against their will... Period.  If you think you have that right, you are a delusional authoritarian and a waste of skin.

The feeling is 100% mutual.  Enjoy what's coming.



Mandatory vaccination is within the power of the state in the US, period. The supreme court ruled on that in 1905.


In Canada, it has never been tested if an omni-requirement would stand at the supreme court: but provinces have successfully passed laws to make it a requirement to receive some other services, unless the individual provides a compelling reason for an exemption. And the burden of proof is on the individual. 


The first line of the charter says "reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society". Any charter right can be limited for a "good reason". We have already seen multiple Covid restrictions vs religious freedom suits (Public health restrictions banning in-person religious services/ceremonies) and the courts have upheld the restrictions as reasonable. See: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/judge-dismisses-gracelife-pastor-s-charter-challenge-of-covid-19-public-health-measures-1.5459335 for an example.

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