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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Detroit Red Wings | Oct. 16, 2021

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15 minutes ago, rekker said:

Some things never change, like Red Wings favoritism. The call on Hogs was fair. They completely botched the Garland crap. Refs should be called out and asked to explain that one. Terrible. And then open season on Garland, when he did nothing wrong. 

I mean they did stay in the Western Conference for longer than they did so they did take one for the league 

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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I'd be concerned when the smallest guy on your team is also the most aggressive player you have. 

Don’t worry. Just when the other team thinks they have him beat he’ll kick the door down and shoot them with a crossbow while they’re dropping a turd. 

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4 hours ago, BarnBurner said:

Thing is, he wasn't even elbowed in the smacker. Garland was aware of his incoming presence, braced himself, and threw a reverse hit without throwing an elbow.

I know, and it could clearly be seen on the replays... He should have had 2min for diving instead, with the way he reacted.

Ridiculous decision to give Garland 2mins... Refs totally embarrassed them selves there. Its one thing to make a wrong call in the heat of the moment or miss a call, but when it is replayed over and over... Surprised at best. 

Maybe some of referees (pert time referees on this board can explain, what I am missing).


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7 hours ago, wai_lai416 said:

coz our powerplay is super slow generating 0 speed. how often do you see our player fly into the offensive zone backing the defense up? like i thought the reason for the drop past back into our zone on the PP is for generating speed.. but the guy carrying the puck is just slowly coasting up the ice after receiving the puck and usually runs into the wall of defender lining up across the blue line and try to stick handle thru if not dump the puck in.. hard to stick handle and go around the guy if you have 0 speed.. and once we have the puck there's literally 0 movement and we pass the puck around back and forth in slow motion too.. if u watch other team.. their passing is quick and crisp moving the goalie and ppl around.. ours is so slow gives the defense plenty of time to get out there to block the shot/passing lane.. it's like they might as well tell the ref they want to forfeit the powerplay

I hope the carry it in crowd watched that game last night.  They got stood up at the bline on the pp every time struggled.......dump and chase boys

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1 hour ago, iinatcc said:

I mean they did stay in the Western Conference for longer than they did so they did take one for the league 

Boohoo. They were further west than half the league at the time. Columbus was in the West too. Canucks used to play in the East division, and until the arrival of the Kraken Vancouver was for the longest time absurdly far from any of their opponents. Geography isn't fair.

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29 minutes ago, stawns said:

I hope the carry it in crowd watched that game last night.  They got stood up at the bline on the pp every time struggled.......dump and chase boys

What about timing the dump in with a speedy winger swooping in from the neutral zone. A winger strong on the forecheck. 

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Just now, Hairy Kneel said:

What about timing the dump in with a speedy winger swooping in from the neutral zone. A winger strong on the forecheck. 

A young d corp, a goalie avg at playing the puck........they should have utilized it and their speed more, for sure.

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4 hours ago, DefCon1 said:

They should have beat Detroit but i blame that loss on the coaching staff. Either there is something wrong with their system or they dont pra tice the important things like PP or PK. Heck even our FO% is down. I dont think this is a personnel problem. I will say that Boeser is a major Canuck player and as important as Petersson. He was our top goal scorer last year and can finish Petersson passes. Motte is also an integral part of PK because he is the only one that actually blocks shots and doesnt stand still.

Lol.  Wrong target.  There is only one reason why we didn't beat them, and he got the first star for a reason.   Unless you expect Travis Green and Bomber to lace them up too?

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6 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Yea, that concerns me.  Thats a swedish/Euro thing I think.  I can remember the sedins helping players up off the ice that they accidently knocked down and it made every hair on my neck stand up.   If anything you give them a last shot - to send a message.  That is how you make your mark known!  One day we'll hopefully get some bigger and grittier players to help us thru the playoffs.  Right now we've got almost no one with any family jewels to make statements after Uncle Jimlet Mac and Gad walk away for nothing, so it was super refreshing to see Garland (one of the smallest players on the team) do that.  That's what you call leadeship........  BO !!!

I actually agree with this.   That said, and yes i know we've been waiting for payback forever - i didn't mind seeing our guys close to Keith skating by and checking in on him one bit.   If it was a playoff game maybe not - but the guys a top hundred player all-time, an aging vet in the twilight of his career, and deserves some respect (which for sure he got) from his peers.    Best part of the season so far for me though - Myers has been a bit of a force for us, setting up Podz (like a young Savard i believe the announcers said) ... 


Ive been really, really patient waiting for a Captain that isn't a Swedish one - and agree with you in that regard.   Always felt Crawford sh!t the bed naming Naslund instead of Jovo.    He got his due later in ARI, had a lot of good years in mediocre to bad teams there.    Hank was fine though, a deserving leader.   Horvat is still growing into the role, and for sure isn't a Smyl type - 5'8" who would fight and hit anyone, and willing to do anything for the team, or Linden.   Yet , but his bubble performance was on pace to catch Bure as our all-time playoff leading goal scorer ... and he for sure looks good so far this year (again).   


I think things have changed too, the hate between teams doesn't exist like it used too, just not enough games to make it fester, and a totally different outlook/generation, they will actually go out together after games which never happened when i grew up (rarely anyways - EDM and CAL would purposely put them on separate tables as far away from each other as they could during summer charity events, and even the idea of socializing was forbidden thinking - Joel Otto talked about this a couple times).    It's not just the "euro" players anymore.    At least the league still has throwbacks.   And for sure Canadian and even American hockey is rougher and tougher. 

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15 minutes ago, rekker said:

I can't like the Wings. Never have.

I respected the Wings of the 90's and 2000's, but that's as far as it went, same as the COL teams.     That said i do miss having them in our conference, same as Toronto.   Geographically it didn't make a lot of sense, but that's just the way they had to make it work.     The only thing that sucks about it, is if they were still in our conference we'd get to play them more then twice a year now lol.. we should be padding our stats while they wait for their rebuild to stick .... started at the same time, they've had two GMs now, re-setting their rebuild...oh well, at least we have ANA (Gibson is awesome though)...

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That was quite the game. Threw the kitchen sink at Greiss in the 3rd, but just wasn't to be.


Very disappointing not getting the result, but I'm encouraged with what I've seen through 3 games.


The one problem area is special teams. 1st unit PP is too static, I'm about ready to see Garland given a chance in Miller's spot on PP1. (He likes to move around). And the PK just flat out needs to be better. They made the Lammikko trade, but I wonder how long before they start looking for another guy to help the PK.



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15 minutes ago, IBatch said:

It's a rule.  They watched it on video, and you could see Green saying no goal.   What is the penalty for failing on a coaches call again?   If Green challenged that and lost, which he would have, what would you and others be posting up him instead?   Good grief, we threw the kitchen sink at them in the third, it was like watching Team Canada play the Swiss - and guess who was in net - Griess, the same guy that did exactly the same thing to our countries best a couple of times.    A for effort for everyone in the third period.    This was two points we should of had.    Demko and Markstrom have both done that for us in the past, if we play 50% of our games like this going forward, we win 9/10 every time. 

Greiss is German and is no longer playing for the national team because of some twitter messages that caused some controversy.  Funny thing is that in the off-season 2020 when Canucks added Holtby they could have signed Greiss who was also an unrestricted free agent for less money. Greiss  would have been  a homerun for the Canucks. well that's the past and we should look forward.

you can't deny that PP + PK and FO numbers are lower than in previous seasons. One of the assistant coaches I miss the most is Manny Malhotra, because he had such a positive impact on the FO percentage numbers. Horvat constantly over 50% , Beagle + Sutter close to 50%.

The PK is indeed a problem because Motte is out - who is a PK specialist - , Hamonic absent due to personal reason-  . As good  as a Goalie is, sometimes you just have to shoot the puck to the net to get a rebound and beat the goalie or to sneak into the backdoor to get open and bury the puck. How many times score forwards positioning themselves at the backdoor ? Countless times.

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1 minute ago, Smashian Kassian said:

That was quite the game. Threw the kitchen sink at Greiss in the 3rd, but just wasn't to be.


Very disappointing not getting the result, but I'm encouraged with what I've seen through 3 games.


The one problem area is special teams. 1st unit PP is too static, I'm about ready to see Garland given a chance in Miller's spot on PP1. (He likes to move around). And the PK just flat out needs to be better. They made the Lammikko trade, but I wonder how long before they start looking for another guy to help the PK.



that's a good point. Who are the bottom six guys who can play on the PK? Highmore ? Dowling? Höglander?. There is definitely a lack of PK specialists on this team. Neither Gadjovich nor Mac Ewen would have solved this problem. Jim knew that Motte is out with an injury and should have signed another role player in free agency.

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