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[GDT] Mondray Flebruarry 21, 22: Sea-Addled Squids (51-16-31-4=36) @ Vancabularry Canucks-better-win-this-gimme-game-or-elses (51-23-22-6=52) 7:00 Our Time SN TV AM650

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2 minutes ago, aqua59 said:

I doubt the bromance thing. Lonely star?  


Petey pouts that's all it is.

Easy to perceive it that way.


I just see it as a lack of chemistry with his teammates. 

I know Markstrom was a big mentor to him. He seemed kind of lost on the team after he left.

Good to see him gain some chemistry with teammates. You need friends on the team you can spend your down time with. Otherwise it could be very isolating.

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5 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

Me too.


I feel like when Petey and Quinn were gone, the Boes Petey thing fizzled out. People don't realize how important the "brotherhood" in it all can be. That you can lose chemistry if you're not on the same page and connecting. When the season started, the Boes/Petey thing wasn't there.


I feel like Petey helping Hogs with his shot after practice, etc. has formed a natural bond. When you get along well it can make things a lot more fun than if you're just out there doing "a job".


Podz is also a young guy who's new here and has to fit in (and has the language barrier to contend with), so that gives these 3 a lot in common. I like the fact that they're finding similar ground (ice) to work from and are on a line that reflects that. God help the guys that play these 3 once they really mature and find their games...dynamite.

Yeah absolutely. Being on a line together they sit together at the bench, go over game film, work together at practice, and it just dovetails into a friendship as long as they're all 3 sincere, nice, hardworking people. It helps as well that the three of them are exceptionally talented for their age, and like you said, have other things in common. 

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You want to pout ....... get em out of here. This isn't a boys club, this is the freakin NHL!! Man up, play tough, and play as a team!! As have been the issue over the last few years the Canucks are way too soft and not the right mix of players. Ya its great to have shooters and natural goal scorers/play makers, you need to have some big solid players as well that can play tough and answer the bell as needed. Having a couple of big hitters and who play with an edge is needed to let the other players on your team be able to feel as if one of those guys will have their back when needed. You need the right mix! Canucks have alot of smaller players and other teams mostly have their way with them and know they can bounce them around at will! Gotta stop this pattern soon or nothing will ever change! Start by making Schenn or Miller the Captain!!

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26 minutes ago, aqua59 said:

I doubt the bromance thing. Lonely star?  


Petey pouts that's all it is.

He likes to succeed, I'm ok with that.


He gets mad as well as pouty and he isn't afraid to engage physically. Let him beef up/mature a bit and that'll play into his favour. Last game he threw a HUGE hit and he's not quite as "fragile/delicate" as people think.

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Here is to showing resilience and showing up to the game determined to win as losing is not an option against lesser teams.


Have the confidence to win.


Never be as arrogant as thinking this one’s in the bag.


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1 minute ago, AlphaNuck said:

Maybe his talent was more suited under the travis system 

Podz too has dropped a bit 


All part of the learning curve in the NHL. Almost every young player goes through it. The skill/heart is still there. Give it time, imho

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3 hours ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

Is that really the best mentality to have? If you get in anything can happen. That mentality has been here a while and it’s done nothing for this team. I think the organization should want to aspire to be at the top and stop this idea of let’s just try to make the playoffs. It should aspire to be the best in the league. Aspire to win the cup with the best roster possible. Not just hope things work out IF they get in. I think the players have heard for far too long, let’s just make the playoffs. There haven’t been any higher standards set. That the way they played against Anaheim is unacceptable. I think everyone’s goal should be to win the cup and not just make the playoffs and hope. I don’t think it’s right to question who is and who is not real fans either. I think the realistic fans look at the roster and can see clearly when compared to other rosters, we aren’t close. That’s just reality. You can hope all

you want but the stats, standings and attitude of the team prove that. I think it’s wrong for anyone to say your not a real fan without knowing the person in a real relationship. Just becuase it doesn’t fit your idea of what a fan is doesn’t mean they aren’t fans. They just look at things with a sense of reality.

The anything can happen mentality doesn't work for me. You hope to hell they get in but hope only gets you so far.


At what point is being a fringe/bottom team for multiple years with hope a bad pattern? Fans always hope but the buck stops somewhere? 


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3 hours ago, DS4quality said:

Bummer about Burroughs. 

I honestly hate the fact on a holiday like today they're still starting the game at 7. 

I'd love an afternoon game.

give them about 10 years and they will figure out Family day

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