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'Serious' allegations of child abuse levelled against Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini

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-Vintage Canuck-

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Sekeres has his claws out already and this is some of his feedback
Vangrooverloser6 HRS AGO

So he’s guilty first? Sekeres, you have always been trash.

  1. G Yukon7 HRS AGO

    Wow Sekeres you've already decided he's guilty, shame on you for not letting the courts decide. This smells of a woman scored and children being used as pawns for financial gain.

  3. Bill Couver9 HRS AGO

    these are still allegations right? asking for a friend

    also, they're in it for the money? wow, such insight. owning a sports team is a business, not a non-profit charity

  4. 9 HRS AGO

    Matthew Sekeres are you a court reporter too ?You should know a defense attorney can say anything during a court case & the scum print it like it credible unlike your article...

    'Ronafugazee10 HRS AGO

    Daily Hive (and all other media) are the ones who should be punished - for stating that allegations = convictions.  These are ALLEGATIONS.

    You know what the meaning of that term is, right Matt?

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8 hours ago, SilentSam said:

I’m “mad” now ? Lol


Amazing , Kreskin.

…. I’ll leave you holding your lil guy and your flag.

Wave it when someone takes something from you.

Evidently, yes.  Just look at the language and tone you use to talk about S&P.  You try to make it sound like they're the bad guys for raising a valid question when the guy they're "bullying, harassing, and defaming" is being accused of psychological and physical abuse.  Respectfully, whether you're aware or not, your perspective is all out of sorts.  To each their own, though, if you honestly believe the media is worse than the guy being talked about in the news.

And, no.  If you're implying that privacy is being taken away, no, that's not how it works when you're a public figure because you forego that to have a life of notoriety in which everything you do is followed under a microscope.  That's how it's always been.

And besides, if you don't want to have your private life aired to the public, then don't give a reason for journalists and media outlets to report on it.

Edited by AV.
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This is NOT the sort of thing the Vancouver Canucks team needs heading into the season!


I hope the team makes an announcement and the media are told very sternly to NOT ask a player about the situation and if they do...you lose your media pass for life!

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7 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Reading some of the accusations from his children where they describe beatings, abuse, breaking down the doors to get into the room to beat them etc. Sounds like some serious stuff. If true it makes him a piece of shit. People that care more about sports and winning vs. being a decent human being, can go pound sand.

Sounds like stories their mom has been making up for years. Probably some truth to volatile situations but kids remember things a little differently, especially when these stories are told and retold until they become truth over the dinner table. These kids also have a lot to gain. 


It's ultra convenient It's never been brought up before. Just when money became an issue. 

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5 hours ago, SilentSam said:

Speaking of Dirt bags ,  

again,  this is what’s wrong with this city .

The National Enquirer of all time ..



Hope someone will pry into his past,  expose his personal life.

Hope his Glee ,  and sense of obligation makes for some interesting times.



I would love that more than any news they provide. 


In depth dirt on the scum of Price, Sekeras, MacIntyre, and super annoying ultra slimy king creton Thomas dirt bag Drance! ::D

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On 9/28/2022 at 4:21 AM, Elias Pettersson said:

Another thread that needs to be shut down because of "allegations" from an ex-wife whose net worth is over $40 million.


Surprisingly, none of this ever came up in the divorce trial where the parenting of the children along with writing the ex-wife a large cheque were the two main items on the agenda. 


Why didn't this issue come up in the divorce?  If he was beating his kids when they were young surely the ex-wife would have let the court know this in 2013 when the kids were teenagers, and they were dividing up the custody of the children.  Why now?  And what does that even half to do with not paying child support when they are in university?  Seems odd that he stops paying for whatever reason and now he's an alleged child abuser from 20 years ago.




First they separate and the kids live with her.

Second, the kids don’t want to communicate or meet their father.

Third, they have high level uni studies… Too lie at that level to either protect their mother or get a few box for themselves is just stupied. Wich they proved they aren’t.


The interesting bit here is that Aqualini doesn’t know where his children go to school.

How is that possible today? 
Does his children changed their names so he couldn’t follow them online etc.?


”The children expressed a desire not to disclose their information so that they could not be contacted by their dad, said Hunter.”

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58 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

Sounds like stories their mom has been making up for years. Probably some truth to volatile situations but kids remember things a little differently, especially when these stories are told and retold until they become truth over the dinner table. These kids also have a lot to gain. 


It's ultra convenient It's never been brought up before. Just when money became an issue. 

Well, remember that these kids are not stupid.

Par example the one who wants to be a surgeon. For that you need to have a perfect memory.


My mother told stories when I grew up but I have no problem to go back and analyse what was wrong and what was right.




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10 hours ago, Timråfan said:

Well, remember that these kids are not stupid.

Par example the one who wants to be a surgeon. For that you need to have a perfect memory.


My mother told stories when I grew up but I have no problem to go back and analyse what was wrong and what was right.




I don't think you understand how trauma works. It's different compartments than the study section of your brain.



Trauma. Research suggests people who have a history of trauma, depression, or stress may be more likely to produce false memories. Negative events may produce more false memories than positive or neutral ones

I am not, by any means, defending FA....I have been a woman with children she was trying to protect from volatile behaviour and trauma. I've lived it. It's despicable to inflict violence and rage on anyone. When it's children, it's deplorable.


But I'm also learning about it all and this is something that can happen over time.

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Just now, -DLC- said:

I don't think you understand how trauma works. It's different compartments than the study section of your brain.


Well, to be a trauma something happened. 
Remember that they lived with their mother since the divorce.

So she is not the cause of the trauma.

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7 hours ago, BarnBurner said:

First of all, it's ridiculous to speculate at all, but are you and AV the same person? 


Serious question. 

Why do you ask? Does AV also answer your questions and have you spaz out for no reason? Was he a "jerk" to you? Tell me what the bad man said BB, we can work through this.

Edited by Shayster007
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11 minutes ago, Timråfan said:

Well, to be a trauma something happened. 
Remember that they lived with their mother since the divorce.

So she is not the cause of the trauma.

Exactly...no doubt something happened.


I just don't know that it helps anyone heal to use it in a fight for money. To hold on to hate.  I've avoided that very fight TO protect my children and would rather beg on the street than subject them to a public circus and reliving all the pain that we've worked so hard through. All the money in the world can't fix this hurt...I hope they're all also getting intensive therapy and somehow letting go of the pain rather than staying in that place of pain. I've experienced this as a Mom and it's the worst....but the relationship my kids have with their dad is important to them in the end and fixing that is more important than being compensated for it. They sort of play against each other....moving on but still hanging on. As adults, if you cut Dad out of your life I don't know that I agree with "except the $$". No matter how rich or poor, it keeps them connected. Cut that tie and be "done/free".

I just hope that everyone involved can work on themselves and try to be/get better.

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1 minute ago, -DLC- said:

Exactly...no doubt something happened.


I just don't know that it helps anyone heal to use it in a fight for money. To hold on to hate.  I've avoided that very fight TO protect my children and would rather beg on the street than subject them to a public circus and reliving all the pain that we've worked so hard through. All the money in the world can't fix this hurt...I hope they're all also getting intensive therapy and somehow letting go of the pain rather than staying in that place of pain. I've experienced this as a Mom and it's the worst....but the relationship my kids have with their dad is important to them in the end and fixing that is more important than being compensated for it. They sort of play against each other....moving on but still hanging on. As adults, if you cut Dad out of your life I don't know that I agree with "except the $$". No matter how rich or poor, it keeps them connected.

I just hope that everyone involved can work on themselves and try to be/get better.

As I see it it seems their father wants to have contact with his children and they strongly disagree.

Their mother probably made a deal with FA to not talk about any child abuse let alone what she endured.

If the children was abused you can imagine her situation.


This means the children were not allowed to speak about this.

Now they took their chance when FA wanted to know more about them.

Now it is possible for them to heal when they finally could speak out.




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8 hours ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Cases like these are far from being 'quick and decisive'.

Precedent? On public opinion and conjecture? It's first and foremost a legal matter. What your basing what his ousting on is a morale standard. If these allegations hold water I'm sure the police will get involved. Or are you suggesting we throw him under the bus right now?





I’m suggesting they hold all members of the organization to the same standards. Issue a press release that until the investigation is concluded, FA will step down from any active role within the organization. Even if it just for optics. 

It was only on public opinion and conjecture that Virtanen was suspended so yes there is a precedent. 

He was found not guilty after all so unless the Canucks own internal investigation found evidence to the contrary of his innocence and withheld it from the court investigators, everything surrounding Virtanen was due to the public’s perception of the situation.

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5 hours ago, RU SERIOUS said:

Wonder what the East End Boys Club, the Canucks for Kids Fund, the Canucks Autism Network,and the Canuck Place Children's Hospice along with sponsers like Rogers and others think of this man standing behind their name and brand?  Are ethics more important than money?

Did FA start these charities or did he inherit them when he bought the Canucks?


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15 hours ago, Vinny in Vancouver said:

Wow. Just saw the following post - I didn't realize the Aquilinis have had a lot of controversy over the years:

1983 - Slumlords who raised rents by up to 100% on tenants causing homeless seniors. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/flashback-15-years-ago-25-years-ago/article17975765/

2006 - Screwed over Gaglardi to buy the team. https://thehockeynews.com/news/francesco-aquilini-purchases-remaining-50-per-cent-of-canucks-from-john-mccaw

2011 - Charged with diverting river water to their farms unlawfully, killing thousands of fish. https://www.pressreader.com/canada/vancouver-sun/20110310/282690453698971

2011, 2012, and 2018 - Fined for having unsafe transport vehicle for temp. farm workers. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vancouver-canucks-owners-fined-again-for-unsafe-vehicle-at-family-s-berry-operation-1.5136249

2017 - #2 biggest political lobbyists in the province. https://commonground.ca/big-money-corrupts-politics/

2017 - Stiffed their Google partner on a contract and lost the subsequent lawsuit. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-investment-group-ordered-to-pay-us600000-for-contract-breach

2017 - Two kids of workers at their vineyard died after a fire, where the mobile homes allegedly had no smoke detectors and improper electrical. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/aquilini-companies-deny-negligence-in-suit-over-deaths-of-2-children-at-their-u-s-vineyard-1.5331369

2019 - Cheated on their taxes, declaring just 51k in income per brother, before being reassessed at $11.5m/each. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/aquilini-family-lose-appeal-in-federal-tax-court-to-offset-capital-gains-in-deal-to-buy-nhl-team

2019 - Stole wages from temp. workers on their farms. Denied them water breaks. https://www.thestar.com/vancouver/2019/05/28/at-aquilini-owned-blueberry-farm-we-lived-the-saddest-part-of-our-lives-says-one-temporary-foreign-worker-of-15-who-allege-poor-working-conditions-cramped-accommodations-intimidation-and-threats.html

2019 - Fell behind on child support. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/owner-of-vancouver-canucks-taken-to-court-over-child-support-1.4382959


Wow lol. 


What a clown, very entitled.  That guy and his brothers claimed less tax that one year than i did..  diverting river water? Everyone knows that is a big no no.


This guy thinks the law doesn't apply to him.

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7 minutes ago, BlakeQuinnAndEggs said:

Wow lol. 


What a clown, very entitled.  That guy and his brothers claimed less tax that one year than i did..  diverting river water? Everyone knows that is a big no no.


This guy thinks the law doesn't apply to him.

he can afford better accountants than you. 

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1 hour ago, Timråfan said:

Well, to be a trauma something happened. 
Remember that they lived with their mother since the divorce.

So she is not the cause of the trauma.

we don't know what their home life was like, to be able to make any comment like this one way or the other. Of course its possible she's part of the problem, or maybe its all him. We just don't know and likely never will.


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