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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Washington Capitals | Oct. 17, 2022

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-Vintage Canuck-

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6 hours ago, IBatch said:

Lol.   This team hasn't done squat yet ... and isn't the same age group as that team was either.   And they didn't have to blow it up yet either.   The guys aside from Bieksa, we're under contract - and went ahead and won another presidents trophy.   That team had its issues, but was still elite elite.   You don't blow up elite.   MG knee jerk reactions by bringing in Kassian was a big mistake.  Maybe Co-ho wouldn't have got sick so fast IF he was allowed to be a third line C and not forced to be their number one.   He wasn't ready - and our second PP unit with him actually shored things up (teams all got tape on how to deal with the Sedins, their PP was never the same after 2011...and really 24.4% isn't that amazing either) ... anyways the time to "blow it up" was letting the Sedins walk.  Instead one more deal.    It's a disgrace, that a team that good, got us a couple seconds, one first and that's about it other then Horvat.   


Anyways this "core" might need a re-boot... stale at 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 is not the best comparison.   Torts called our core stale and for good reason.   Who was our youngest player?  Tanev i guess, then Edler.   Naslund and the Sedins both hit their primes around the same ages, 26 and 27ish...peaked 29/30ish.   Right now we have one player who's peaked that's Miller.   And won't hurt us at his cap hit.   And well he's also still available to trade this year. 


One things for sure.   Allvin won't be patient forever.    Hate to say "told you so" to the CDC...but said it at the time, and this team hasn't change my mind yet although i'm still excited about their chances to make the playoffs this year with this roster ... and it's not a bad team to watch when it's on it's a lot of fun. 


That is, it was always going to be parts of the post Sedin core and the one coming up after that, that would give us the best chance at getting back to contention.    JB or Holland or Lou or whomever, was going to have a really tough time creating a core with very little to start with.   Linden's core - Keenan blew up and he was younger then the peak Sedin core when he did it ... it gave us enough for two cores.  The WCE era and the Sedin one.   


MG/JB lol... yuck.   At least take like Atlanta got Kovi, Heatley/Hossa, and CLB for Rick Nash.    We got ... Horvat.  


Look how long it took those teams to sort themselves out?  


Why should we expect miracle's...it was always going to take a long time.   That's a 32 team league for you.  When EP is 28-33 ... and only IF we draft and make some savy moves, then maybe we can be a top team again, like we were with the Sedin and WCE era ones.  


Also want to say this.   I'm way more curious about what this team can do in the post season then the regular season.   Yes we have to make it there first.   I'm sure Allvin and co are too.   Last crack at it we beat a top 3 defensive team league wide in MIN, the cup champs and then found out we sure weren't that good yet...  17 playoff games in the record books, QHs set rookie records all-time, and, well that's like making the conference finals any other year ... something this teams only done 3 times in their history.   


Sounds depressing.   And kind of is.   But that's the state one the league now. They should bring the play-ins back and reduce the regular season back to 80 games.   Even 78 like when Howe played.   Would keep fans interested during their cycles (both up and down). 


Tanking for Bedard is an option for sure. Trade Demko, Horvat and Miller.   


But let's give them until the all-star break anyways.   

I did say: that DESPITE the Sedins production a retool, was not the right choice cause (imo) after that core went stale, Gillis had nothing to transitioned to.  You said, it in your post that the team was still able, to get a presidents trophy and it has been downhill, eversince due to the constant retooling vs drafting & developing.  With hindsight, it seems obvious that Aquaman was never going, to allow his FO's to truly rebuild and without his full cooperation his FO's will always be handcuffed to JUST chase a playoff spot, instead of patiently building a contender.  A similar finish to last year, will only further entrenched their status, in NHL Purgatory: STILL capped out, with a weak prospect pool; and I would still argue, this current roster is starting to get stale, with no notable accomplishment(s) - but a mini streak, ever so often during the season should appease most.  For this season, both the playoffs and Bedard are looking like dream scenarios.  I believe JR, knows what the team needs to do but he doesn't seem to have an owner that understands.


Same JB & Aquaman roster, with the same flaws & strengths.

Edited by ShawnAntoski
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Just now, Heretic said:

no cap room to do it.


That in a nutshell is my biggest beef.  Don't get me wrong, I like the Canucks, always have, always will, but based purely on bang for buck - we're not worth that cap.  

All things being equal - every team that spends to the cap should be a contender - else you paid too much for those players.

This has always been a fully cap-constrained season.

Drop Virt, Holtby, Ferland, Juulsen, Di Giuseppe, and Dermott, and you've got $8,296,250 right there.

Subtract Miller's increase of $2,750,000 and add the expected $1,000,000 and you have new room next season of $6,546,250.

We might have to drag some bonuses or other such-like forward but mngt should strive to avoid these prior years' hangovers going forward.

And mngt can still make trades up to the deadline, moving excess forwards for help on D.

Win today, and CDC will be a much happier place!

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22 minutes ago, Canuck You said:

Man, If we go 0-4 CDC will crash!

Likely will, but it shouldn't signal the end of what's soon to feel like our longest season ever.

I'm confident we'll catch and overtake Arizona eventually, and escape the humiliation of finishing in our Conference cellar.

We already proved we can hold a lead against the Yotes, so there's reason to be cheerful.

A nice bonus would be to avoid the detested Kraken sweeping us along the way.

And lets not underplay the celebration awaiting when Bruce finally earns his 600th win in front of our adoring fans.

Lots to like yet.


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Am I the only one that watches the game and disects it last night and then gets up this morning to the disappointment of the media only doing what I did last night in the morning write ups?  


Is there a reason in this fast moving world that the media has nothing else to offer but a recap of what happened yesterday?  



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6 minutes ago, TGT68 said:

Am I the only one that watches the game and disects it last night and then gets up this morning to the disappointment of the media only doing what I did last night in the morning write ups?  


Is there a reason in this fast moving world that the media has nothing else to offer but a recap of what happened yesterday?  



What else should they talk about? What a player had for breakfast? What the going rate at the hotel they stayed at costs? It's 9am, how do you already have the energy to be blaming media for everything wrong with the world?

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9 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

I think that Demko's save percentage is in the 800s so far... Another big reason that we are where we are.  


Now it's Spencer Martin's turn, which may end up being a bit of a kick in the ass that the team needs. 

Canucks usually play a much better team game in front of backups, so they might get back to it tomorrow. 

Holtby and Halak don't think the team plays better in front of back up goalies.

1 hour ago, Goal:thecup said:

Petey is equal or better than that whole list.

Petey is a good player, but he is not in front of  McD, Drai, or Mckinnon.

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I'm not blaming coaching, I blame the captain on down. This is a players problem. Great captains get their team on the same page and lead by example. Losing is unacceptable, and I'm tired of Horvat's easy-going attitude towards it. If the captain is all laddi-da and "oh well, it's a long season" - then he's got to go. Losing needs to be unacceptable.



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2 minutes ago, gurn said:

Holtby and Halak don't think the team plays better in front of back up goalies.

Petey is a good player, but he is not in front of  McD, Drai, or Mckinnon.

Gurn, you are a stickler, but you missed "equal or" and I don't think Mac was even in that list.

Plus Draisaitl is riding McDavid's coat-tails; I wouldn't give up Pettersson for him, for sure.

Last, Kuzmenko says Pettersson is the best player in the world, not McDavid.

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2 minutes ago, Goal:thecup said:

Last, Kuzmenko says Pettersson is the best player in the world, not McDavid.

IIrc Kuz does not, and has not played with McD.

If he did he would say McD is better.

If he's signed with the Aves, he's say Mc Kinnon is better.


New players, saying nice things; not unusual or unexpected.

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Just now, gurn said:

IIrc Kuz does not, and has not played with McD.

If he did he would say McD is better.

If he's signed with the Aves, he's say Mc Kinnon is better.


New players, saying nice things; not unusual or unexpected.

Yeah, but I just had to throw it in.

Petey had one hell of a game last night.

Blowing past guys like he was a ghost or something.

Once that one-timer slapper gets dialed perfectly in, that will be a good thing Martha, I mean gurn.

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2 hours ago, canuck73_3 said:

Even if I would that is not how the league works so redundant. Again Pearson is far from a problem here. 

He's not a solution either,  we all know this defense group is the issue here, you can go down the lineup and point out who stinks,  Pearson's one of the players that stinks, you have  mentioned "Support Forwards and Defenders" is the issue as well lol :picard:


Your point is Pearson isn't the issue here, my point is Pearson is replaceable and we resigned Pearson at 3 years x 3.25 with a Modified No Movement Clause,  his contract expires end of next year,  we'll be lucky to get a third round pick in return, Benning has zero idea of asset management



This conversation started with Pearson leaving his assignment on the Carlson goal when the game was 4-3 Canucks , it did not start with "Pearson is the issue here" Go read what was said, before you speak out 





Edited by klw604
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I’d rather get these struggled out of the way early, but figure them out quickly. We need to figure this out sooner than 25 games like last year rather than struggle late and at a crucial time. Right now its special teams, 5v5 doesnt look bad right now, we’ve played very good 5v5, minus a few little breakdowns (which happens to every team) we’re scoring 5v5 which is a huge positive, PP went 1/1 last night so thats another positive… just need PK to last longer than 30 seconds… like 1.5mins longer

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