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Rutherford again criticizes Canucks structure: 'Something has to be fixed'

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12 minutes ago, lmm said:

I thought he said they were not going to trade picks to dump cap?

Is Riley Stillman really worth a 2nd?

Where is the open honesty in regards to his Manager?


what's good for the goose...

No that was trash. But that would be the idea. Might see more of that tbh

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23 minutes ago, lmm said:

I thought he said they were not going to trade picks to dump cap?

Is Riley Stillman really worth a 2nd?

Where is the open honesty in regards to his Manager?


what's good for the goose...

No he isn't worth a 2nd round pick. I'd like an apology from Alvin.




Edited by Hairy Kneel
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29 minutes ago, DrJockitch said:

I think he was very much willing to wheel and deal since he got in. 
I also think he wasn’t getting value offers for his players. 
Didn’t want to loose assets for nothing and Brock’s counting stats look better than the eye test. So had to retain and the way his QO was structured he was getting paid. Good to get him down to where he is and once playing again, if can start to score could have value especially if retention is a tool we are open to use (I don’t think they will accept retention because they are going to try to short circuit a rebuild).

JTM, I think the offers just weren’t great and he accepted security and control over absolute dollars.  Not the path I preferred giving him a big long deal but still is possibly tradeable at deadline to team with right situation.  By NHL terms the JTM contract is very fair, just don’t think this team is in the right spot for it but better than losing asset for nothing. A trade may emerg at some point this year. 
‘I think pretty much every other vet was up for auction since JR got here, as he pointed out they just don’t have much value. This is a squad put together by a horrible GM who put a lot of I’ll fitting pieces and payed for bad contracts and little in the prospect pipeline. Going to take a while to dig out from that but what concerns me is what Burke said, JR is not patient and neither I think is ownership. 
‘I expect a wild period of I’ll-advised moves coming up if we keep losing and going just better 0-5 on this road trip seems like a more likely outcome than 3-1-1 or 3-2. 


I agree I think he is willing to wheel and deal, the problem I see is that he fails to see when the best deal is in front of him and pull the trigger.  He is instead taking the safe route  and just doing nothing which has lead to this mess.

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11 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Mo he isn't worth a 2nd round pick. I'd like an apology from Alvin.

since the Vancouver faithful like singing

I'd like to hear some select lyrics from this song sung at Canuck games

 there are 2 great lines in this song

one is the title

the other is the last line

Edited by lmm
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1 hour ago, JayDangles said:

I admire your optimism in thinking this team is only a RHD away from being a cup contender when we are flirting with last in the league right now.

You have to admit that we look like an absolute hell of a team for 20 minutes every game though. If the fix is one single 2/3 RD (which it legitimately could be, but i might be overselling that), we can stay optimistic right? Because I've watched every single game this season and there are moments, even periods, where we look like contenders. Then we choke. We're not as far off as it seems. 

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16 minutes ago, HorvatToBaertschi said:

You have to admit that we look like an absolute hell of a team for 20 minutes every game though. If the fix is one single 2/3 RD (which it legitimately could be, but i might be overselling that), we can stay optimistic right? Because I've watched every single game this season and there are moments, even periods, where we look like contenders. Then we choke. We're not as far off as it seems. 

I question how many Canuck fans actually watch other really good teams play. Like Carolina or Vegas or Boston. For sure Van can put together some slick plays or maybe have their way with a team for 20 minutes. They are NHL players so they are good at hockey... However if you actually watch some of these good teams play, you realize how far far far away this team is from being a contender, let alone a playoff team.


I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, I just think there's so much wrong with this team, from culture to skill that the only way to truly build a contender using what we have is to strip it down and start over. 

I say that being a big fan of this team and many of the players on it.

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2 hours ago, Strawbone said:

Well said, you know your bizness. 


Rutherford came in with a wealth of experience and an air of authority, and I really liked the hiring at the time but right now there seems to be a real disconnect at all levels of the organization. Like you said, Rutherford speaks like he is looking down at the coaches and players from his ivory tower, criticizing from above without actually being in the fight together. And I can't get a read on Allvin, from an outside perspective it doesn't feel like he's done much or has much say. Maybe they are all working together super hard and really do have a grand long-term vision that's going to work out, but it's pretty painful right now.

Painful right now would be subjecting Petey and Hughes to a teardown to bring in more high picks

I think this is just damaging


People talk about Trotz

why would he want to come here?

the same could be asked about Horvat

he can see his escape hatch opening, why would he want to stay?

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7 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Even if Boudreau isn’t his guy they hired Yeo and Cull who have been responsible for this teams poor D and PK.


Theres no way management can wipe their hands of this mess.

and yet they just keep wiping their mess all over Bruce

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8 hours ago, Jaimito said:

[Canucks Central] Jim Rutherford on holding players accountable, the defence, and building for the future #canucksCentral 




Thanks @Jaimito for the link.  Some interesting bits. 


JR didn't like the training camp we had.  First I've heard.


No movement with Bo.  Priority is to keep him ideally but will move him if it goes that way.


They are actively trying to work a bigger trade then what they've done so far.  Open up cap space, get younger, build the defense.  


Working towards next season as it will be difficult to get ourselves out of this bad start.


I liked the interview.  Hope it wasnt just lip service and we see some moves happen.

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6 minutes ago, DownUndaCanuck said:

Let's see how the team responds to these comments, I'm sure they'll show some good character.


Never good idea though by JR, fans love BB and they love this team, comments like this is only going to make them turn against you...

this team imo has shown that they do not react well to this

and all I see is confusion in management/coaching


what is the team supposed to react to?

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