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[PGT] St. Louis Blues at Vancouver Canucks | Dec. 19, 2022

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1 hour ago, N7Nucks said:

Bring in Gillis, he can build something around these kids. At the very least, he can't be worse. Remember when our biggest problems were finding someone to take MayRay and Ballard? Simpler times.

You mean to bring in the worst drafting GM in franchise history? Come on, do people not know their history?

Edited by Dazzle
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1 hour ago, kodos said:

Found benning 

Huh? The drafting under Gillis was horrible. Now, before people make excuses about where the team was competitively while he was on the helm, he couldn't draft a SINGLE serviceable defenseman, besides Hutton, nor a SINGLE goaltender at all.


His successes were: Horvat (high first round pick obtained from trading Schneider) and Hodgson (another high first round pick). That's it. He traded away Connaugton before he played.

Just look at the NHL games for the players that he acquired. The WORST pick ever probably goes to Alexander Mallet. That pick made zero sense at the time for an overage forward that wasn't even projected to go that high on draft lists.





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We argue because we care, but i suspect we're all going to xanax out and passively watch pretty soon.


I'd say fire Bruce but this team has such a limited ceiling right now that its pointless (though yeo could go and we'd be fine). That being said he seems lost. The lineup decisions continue to baffle me- terrible lines, roster moves (keeping pederson over hoglander?) and constant no practices. In any case there's no grit to fix the defence or checking. We're trending in the right direction for a high pick, just need to not screw up some big trade options. 


Least EP will be back soon, he's worth watching.

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2 hours ago, Dazzle said:

You mean to bring in the worst drafting GM in franchise history? Come on, do people not know their history?

Don’t you think he’s learned from that mistake?

Isn’t he one of the intelligent GMs out there? 
So now he knows he need to headhunt the right scouts.

But not Benning… He had to ask everyone around him wich players to pick.

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GM Patrik Allvin joined After Hours to say the franchise is not interested in a rebuild but are interested in making trades


Patrik Allvin carefully walks around a pair of questions regarding the team's "make the playoffs and see" attitude and whether or not #Canucks fans are tired of that strategy.


Demonstrations should befall poorly-run franchises and make no mistake, despite the management overhaul of last year, the Canucks remain poorly-run.


What was once viewed as managerial incompetence is now viewed as a larger problem, rooted and endemic with ownership.

just some clip from a few stories 

pretty clear for anyone that doesn’t have their head buried in the sand ownership is the issue and it has been for a decade. 

sell the team or Aquallini family removes Francesco from his CEO position with the club since it’s clear he isn’t capable. 


but in Francesco fashion I expect some PR move to try to distract from the total and complete failure of this CEO. 




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8 hours ago, AnotherCanucksFan said:

Can anyone tell me what we'd get for Bo Horvat that will actually help us?

That's the thing! People think we are going to get some big haul for Bo but it's just not happening in today's market. He is a UFA on a career year looking for a retirement contract. He is purely a rental and while he doesn't cost much to an Interested team, he simply isn't worth much.

I would say we get a 3rd line centre and a late first OR a #5/6 RHD and a late first.

If they don't want picks then it will be the centre and d coming back with no pick, and neither of those will make a difference.

But at least we won't be the teaming signing him to another 8m/7 year contract!

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6 minutes ago, JayDangles said:

That's the thing! People think we are going to get some big haul for Bo but it's just not happening in today's market. He is a UFA on a career year looking for a retirement contract. He is purely a rental and while he doesn't cost much to an Interested team, he simply isn't worth much.

I would say we get a 3rd line centre and a late first OR a #5/6 RHD and a late first.

If they don't want picks then it will be the centre and d coming back with no pick, and neither of those will make a difference.

But at least we won't be the teaming signing him to another 8m/7 year contract!

If our owner smartens up he will direct management to make the return for Bo futures.  Then we get more in the long run.  But that’s a rebuilding move.  So won’t happen. 

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1 hour ago, Dazzle said:

Huh? The drafting under Gillis was horrible. Now, before people make excuses about where the team was competitively while he was on the helm, he couldn't draft a SINGLE serviceable defenseman, besides Hutton, nor a SINGLE goaltender at all.


His successes were: Horvat (high first round pick obtained from trading Schneider) and Hodgson (another high first round pick). That's it. He traded away Connaugton before he played.

Just look at the NHL games for the players that he acquired. The WORST pick ever probably goes to Alexander Mallet. That pick made zero sense at the time for an overage forward that wasn't even projected to go that high on draft lists.





But Mallet had great hair.

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The Aquas are business people. It's how you spin it. You have a meeting. Show the past two games. Summarize it like this. The team is not making the playoffs with it's existing roster. You tell them you have some good pieces. But there's going to be a lot of movement. Going for a younger, faster, more competitive team. It will mean short term pain, but long term gain.


If the overall plan it to move expensive pieces and have a team with more cap space for flexibility. Tell them it will take time. But that's the best way to build a winner.



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