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[PGT] New York Islanders at Vancouver Canucks | Jan. 03, 2023

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-Vintage Canuck-

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Didn’t New Jersey win the lottery with the 5th pick?  If the Hockey Gods want it to happen it will. 

We probably have the same chance at Bedard if we are last overall or 5th last really. It is all on luck and God. 

We need to make sure we are in the running though. If we trade BO and Luke that should help us with the stealth tank. 

Here's hoping 


Even 2OA would be amazing 

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35 minutes ago, stawns said:

popped up in my youtube feed.......thought we could all use a pick me up



Oh God I miss those days

Didn't realize they were so physical. 

We're complete pansies now. But I guess that's playoff hockey. We haven't seen that in a while lol

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3 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

Oh God I miss those days

Didn't realize they were so physical. 

We're complete pansies now. But I guess that's playoff hockey. We haven't seen that in a while lol

Different game now though, most of those hits would have been penalties 

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1 hour ago, stawns said:

popped up in my youtube feed.......thought we could all use a pick me up



Thanks for sharing.......for anyone not thinking we should rebuild, watch this video.  Barely a Chicago player with the puck who didn't get hit.  But hits aside, look at the pace and the hunger of all players.  Yes it's the playoffs, but this is the BIG difference between a contender and our current team.  The Sedins were all about fitness and they led the way.  I've often wondered if the current team's fitness level is the rate limiting step.....


Win or lose, so exciting watching that brand of hockey (dog on a bone hockey)

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10 minutes ago, NHL97OneTimer said:

Thanks for sharing.......for anyone not thinking we should rebuild, watch this video.  Barely a Chicago player with the puck who didn't get hit.  But hits aside, look at the pace and the hunger of all players.  Yes it's the playoffs, but this is the BIG difference between a contender and our current team.  The Sedins were all about fitness and they led the way.  I've often wondered if the current team's fitness level is the rate limiting step.....


Win or lose, so exciting watching that brand of hockey (dog on a bone hockey)

I agree they need that kind of urgency.......sadly, most of those hits would be penalties now

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9 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

So as if the game wasn't bad enough on its own (although we do have a good time win and/or lose)...


The guy sitting beside me was quite large...I'd guess 400+ pounds. Was spilling over onto my chair but this isn't out of judgement that I'm posting this. I like people in general and he was pleasant and courteous. It's health related, so that's why I even mention it.


In consideration of the recent Hamlin incident in the NFL and with it being so fresh, we experienced a bit of a scary ordeal at the game.


The guy got up at intermission and made his way past everyone in the aisle until he reached the stairs. Our seats are at the top row of the arena. All of a sudden he sat down on the stairs and I thought, "ok, he just wants to have more room to spread out a bit". His wife/partner followed behind him and she was standing on the other side of the rail beside him. No big deal, a guy was standing up a few rows in front of us so perhaps they wanted to watch the on ice event with an unobstructed view.


I looked over at one point to see what was up because people were starting to file back up the stairs to their seats and this couple was still there. Suddenly the guy fell backward and was laying there, sprawled at the top of the stairs. A woman seated beside him starting yelling...there were no attendants in the area. The buffet section was directly above me so I flagged a waitress and told her to call for help, which she did. Shortly afterward, a bunch of paramedics were on the scene (I was surprised...they all looked very young). Then Rogers arena staff and police. They shut down the stairs for a bit to attend to this fellow...I turned away because I just couldn't take any more of this after the Hamlin event. It's too gut wrenching and sticks with me. I saw my friend come through the tunnel and look toward me...she was unable to access our seats as the stairs were blocked. Thankfully, the guy eventually did sit back up and I noticed he was chewing something (perhaps he was diabetic)...they'd also given him a Gatorade. After a bit of "regrouping" he decided to come back to his seat! I was surprised at that...but the arena staff were great...they came to him (and me) and asked us to give a signal to them if there were any further problems. They watched from the tunnel (like hawks) and we had to keep giving them the thumbs up. I'm glad the guy was ok...it was super scary. The game suddenly wasn't so important and the feeling of frustration subsided as all concern had been for this fellow. Relief kicked in. Life's uncertain, even crummy hockey games can have a good ending if things go the right way. For this guy, they sure did. 

While I’m glad things worked out, and I really am. What great paramedics and event staff. Kudos to them. 

I have to say that this individual seems to have zero ability to take some personal responsibility. 

Anyone that had a medical emergency wouldn’t go back to watching a hockey game. Most normal people would go straight to the hospital in case that episode was the first ‘tremor’ in a health ‘earthquake’. 

That’s not a ‘feel good’ story. It’s a warning to all. Get your health in order. Listen to your body and be ok with missing games and unimportant events to ensure one’s survival. 


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36 minutes ago, -DLC- said:

So as if the game wasn't bad enough on its own (although we do have a good time win and/or lose)...


The guy sitting beside me was quite large...I'd guess 400+ pounds. Was spilling over onto my chair but this isn't out of judgement that I'm posting this. I like people in general and he was pleasant and courteous. It's health related, so that's why I even mention it.


In consideration of the recent Hamlin incident in the NFL and with it being so fresh, we experienced a bit of a scary ordeal at the game.


The guy got up at intermission and made his way past everyone in the aisle until he reached the stairs. Our seats are at the top row of the arena. All of a sudden he sat down on the stairs and I thought, "ok, he just wants to have more room to spread out a bit". His wife/partner followed behind him and she was standing on the other side of the rail beside him. No big deal, a guy was standing up a few rows in front of us so perhaps they wanted to watch the on ice event with an unobstructed view.


I looked over at one point to see what was up because people were starting to file back up the stairs to their seats and this couple was still there. Suddenly the guy fell backward and was laying there, sprawled at the top of the stairs. A woman seated beside him starting yelling...there were no attendants in the area. The buffet section was directly above me so I flagged a waitress and told her to call for help, which she did. Shortly afterward, a bunch of paramedics were on the scene (I was surprised...they all looked very young). Then Rogers arena staff and police. They shut down the stairs for a bit to attend to this fellow...I turned away because I just couldn't take any more of this after the Hamlin event. It's too gut wrenching and sticks with me. I saw my friend come through the tunnel and look toward me...she was unable to access our seats as the stairs were blocked. Thankfully, the guy eventually did sit back up and I noticed he was chewing something (perhaps he was diabetic)...they'd also given him a Gatorade. After a bit of "regrouping" he decided to come back to his seat! I was surprised at that...but the arena staff were great...they came to him (and me) and asked us to give a signal to them if there were any further problems. They watched from the tunnel (like hawks) and we had to keep giving them the thumbs up. I'm glad the guy was ok...it was super scary. The game suddenly wasn't so important and the feeling of frustration subsided as all concern had been for this fellow. Relief kicked in. Life's uncertain, even crummy hockey games can have a good ending if things go the right way. For this guy, they sure did. 

Thanks for helping him Deb, and for sharing the story.  Good perspective on what’s important.

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