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[Report] Canucks fire Bruce Boudreau, Trent Cull; name Rick Tocchet as head coach, Adam Foote as assistant coach, Sergei Gonchar as defensive development coach

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13 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:




Sophomore slump. Happens to lots of guys when they come back for year two. I fully expect him to rebound?

 Podz and Hoglander playing big minutes and getting seasoned in the minors is the track to which we must commit. They were struggling with low minutes in the bottom six with the big club. Even Ryan Kessler had some time in the minors so more of that process will round out the roster in 2-4 years. This makes more sense than over paying for retreads in the twilight of their career which has not worked out at all, especially with D-men.

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1 hour ago, Odd. said:

I mean I can understand that perspective.


Pettersson, Hughes, Horvat, Myers, OEL, Pearson, Joshua, Mikheyev, they all have no personality and it shows. Just quiet, can look very disengaged on the bench, lack emotion. 

We need some more passionate guys like Kuzmenko and hell even Garland. 

You mean we need more "Character" players? ::D

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1 hour ago, Heretic said:

I don't know about you guys, but I've got a bad feeling about this...

Like, we are going to go on a tear and just miss the playoffs and get a useless draft pick...



I had a feeling this would occur even in November - not just today - because it happens each year.  They get some sort of bump when they missed the playoffs because instead of playing for the post season now they play for their jobs which is understandable though. 


The one difference this year is Horvat - they need to do something which I still do not know  - trade / sign or do nothing (and wait for free agency).  I think the problem with Horvat deal is that buyers are trying to give as little as possible knowing he is an upcoming free agent - and the Canucks are not simply just going to give him away for a 2nd rounder.


Until this is resolved, I think this team can still go up / or even down - depending if they mass sell at TDL.

Edited by hockeyfan-observer
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22 hours ago, Harold Drunken said:

They were winning consistently when the PP was better? When? this was a sub .500 with the the PP clicking too lol you can go 50% in the PP and still lose when you give up 5 a night 

You're just picking on my words. I firstly said it was ONE of many issues. They're 2-10-0 in their last 12 games and their PP is now 14th in the league ( which is a dramatic slip from what it was. 

Yes 5 GA for almost 50% of games is terrible, BUT the Canucks completely lost their confidence when their PP started failing to score. They weren't a sub 500 team for period of time - going 7-3 at different times.

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1 hour ago, CanucksJay said:

Torts was ahead of his time. 

He was absolutely correct in his assessment of the team

They were stale


That teams issue was they played well against the tougher teams but took nights off when they played the lesser teams. This backfired on occasion and the team relied totally on the Sedin magic. Hard work was not in their vocabulary either.

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5 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

A. Pointless question ... obviously hasn't gone as hoped ... no duh

B. Started out great has gotten worse, very similar to be honest but hard to judge amongst the horrible hockey everyone else is playing

C. Depends what you mean avg age, avg speed ... yeah probably and?

D. This is silly, obviously not Bruce was the coach, that's the GM's job

E. Who knows no reason it doesn't ... the important thing is whether they get better at defence and winning  ... not padding their stats and losing. Another pretty unimportant/silly question. The answer should be blatantly obvious though but if you don't really get it no they don't expect them to go down hill. The want them to continue to have success, and for the team success to improve.


Feeling safe ... also incredibly petty and childish? Yeah you can make up whatever dumb comment here you choose. Obviously he was talking about the room environment not whether it was safe to come to work or whatever spin haters are trying to come up with. Are you honestly thinking this is a big issue?


I get that you want answers to questions but damn are you ever late to the party. These are the questions you should have been asking in the summer and for those of us that did we already know the answers. This part of the phase is about new coaching though and the affect that will have on the team, not the offseason and TDL work. There are lots of threads about that elsewhere.


For what it's worth they plan on making trades for younger players that can step in and play the way the coaches envision. Also, they have some major hurdles to clear needing at least 2 top 4 RD, and probably a center to replace Bo. Unfortunately, cap and the league finances are tight. It will take some time, maybe as long as another year to see significant changes.


I think the fans are having a harder time than Bruce. He was fired and it was a little uncomfortable. Long time coming and should have been done earlier. Either way it doesn't feel great losing a job you like/love. I know I've been through it. It doesn't really change anything if they would have canned him 10 days earlier. The pain and loss of job is exactly the same. Whatever, move on. Man this world can cry about anything these days. Gawd forbid something bad actually happened. 

 Management that has told us fans that we couldn't handle a full rebuild, when most of us have been clamoring for it since Linden left. 3 coaches with the same results couldn't help this core, now we need Alvin and Rutherford to tell is we need a retool???

And there can be so many unsympathetic jerks too, who forget about the human aspect of what happened. Don't tell people how they should feel, not everyone has to be jerk. 


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1 hour ago, RUPERTKBD said:

Honestly, this kind of thing is why I don't visit Canucks Talk much any more...


All of these guys start off as "great additions" and by the time they are inevitably let go, they're "useless bums"....


My opinion is often quite unpopular in these threads. I think Alain Vigneault is the best coach the Canucks ever had. (and that includes Pat Quinn) By the time he was finally fired, I had argued with pretty much everyone on CDC about him.....and it started around the '09 season....

I disagree about AV. He was great right up until the 2011 playoffs started. To get your team to totally dominate in the regular season and then to fumble your way to the SCF and not even show up for game seven told me he could not coach his team in the playoffs when it counted.

Quinn on the other hand knew how to get the best out of his team, ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. Look at their stats in how they exceeded their play in the playoffs. 

AV was good, but he was no Quinn. 

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On 1/22/2023 at 11:08 AM, DeNiro said:

He’s friends with the Sedins.


Welcome to the country club.

i doubt JR and PA care what they have to say, they've already brought the old boys club to the market with the hiring/signings , im not gunna trash tocchet, ill see what happens after this season and see if he gets the team going. IMO this isnt a coaching problem its the players, im not exactly upset about** BB getting fired but the way they did it, also didnt do shit to help BB out, also when when BB said in his interview maybe they waited for us to have a easier schedule.

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10 minutes ago, EdgarM said:

That teams issue was they played well against the tougher teams but took nights off when they played the lesser teams. This backfired on occasion and the team relied totally on the Sedin magic. Hard work was not in their vocabulary either.

I think the teams issue was that Sedins were past their prime and they didn't have young guys like Petterson and Hughes to take over. 

We had a bunch of mediocre players or former good players that were on their decline... 

I didn't think effort was the issue under Torts. 

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Just now, EdgarM said:

I disagree about AV. He was great right up until the 2011 playoffs started. To get your team to totally dominate in the regular season and then to fumble your way to the SCF and not even show up for game seven told me he could not coach his team in the playoffs when it counted.

Quinn on the other hand knew how to get the best out of his team, ESPECIALLY in the playoffs. Look at their stats in how they exceeded their play in the playoffs. 

AV was good, but he was no Quinn. 

You're entitled to your opinion....


......such as it is....

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