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Henrik Kesler

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Everything posted by Henrik Kesler

  1. Mo Rivera being honored by the Red Sox...at least there is one classy Boston sports team

    1. Rick Grimes
    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      Mariano Rivera, aka the best closer in the history of baseball who retired this year

  2. Sauve recalled? He's either been really good in a small sample of games, or one of Garrison, Hamhuis, Edler is hurt

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VICanucksfan5551


      Not Corrado? What the hell?

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Edler being traded for someone who isn't a defensive liability?

    4. AppleJack


      I think its a trade as well......

  3. The Cards chances of getting back in this game just took a very serious blow after that inning ending double play

  4. Taxi is a smart man. You NEED to gain some weight back. I'm very much in favor of tracking everything that you eat in a day by using a food scale to measure the intake of everything you eat, and myfitnesspal to track your daily intake. Continuing to cut to ~10% bodyfat at your height and weight is a fools venture. You would end up suppressing you metabolism pretty horrendously through a combination of reduced cals and the lots of cardio and just thus making a complete mess of things for when you start to bulk. Sidenote: lots of low intensity cardio is actually a horrible way to go about things when trying to lose fat. Your metabolism becomes dependent on the low intensity cardio to maintain your weight after 3-4 weeks so it's overall, not a great option as the ONLY option to get things moving again is to do more...which isn't a good option. HIIT intervals are a much better option from a metabolic standpoint, and they actually improve cardiovascular function.
  5. You hold your breath when straining because it increases intra-abdominal pressure allowing you to push harder. In addition, the increased intra-abdominal pressure helps protect the spine, something I think you'd want to do if you lift anything remotely heavy. As stated before, the valsalva (holding breath while straining) isn't actually dangerous so don't worry about it. I agree, with two caveats: 1: you need to be able to squat 275 to depth for a set of 5. 2: don't go over 35% of you 5RM squat when doing good mornings.
  6. After a strong 11-2-1 first week, Burrows Finger Bites is looking like it will get a healthy drubbing this week. Frack

    1. peener


      does drubbing mean fingering

  7. Good to hear. It's amazing what gaining 30-40lbs of (mostly) good weight does for how you look. Will you look how you want? No. Will others (especially the women) think you look much better? Yes. My recommendation would be to do the Starting Strength (google this and Mark Rippetoe) linear progression while eating lots and drinking a decent amount of milk. You'll be amazed at how quickly you can go from "weak" to "not fracking around" territory.
  8. Getting off work at 3:30 am, EST gives one a different perspective on things

    1. rampage


      like what neighbourhood you live in ???

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      bartending at a private establishment in Pennsylvania. Don't have to make last call 'til 2:30am which means it's a really late night for me

  9. If you're the immediate gratification type, trying to get big won't be for you. It takes years, not months. This is a long, slow grind but I think it is worth it. You can make very solid progress in a year, but what actually happens, and what you expect to happen will most likely not match up. . IMO, you'd be best served by spending 6-12 months getting strong in the basics (squat, bench, deadlift) and then start adding in more assistancy (lifts that cannot be infinitely loaded) type stuff. Best of luck and keep it up.
  10. just realized Stanton has a cap hit of 550K for this year and next...probably explains why Gillis claimed him. Cheap (stupid cheap given his production) on his ELC. If he keeps up this level of play this year and next, his

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      I think Stanton can be more than just a 5/6 guy though. I honestly think he can be a top 4 player with decent offensive prowess...meaning Hammer could get moved at the deadline (in a few years) for help if the Canucks are still a playoff team in need of a top 6 winger at the time.

    3. Scottish⑦Canuck


      It's only been 8 games. Lets not look too far ahead just yet.

    4. Squeak


      Not his ELC.

  11. Ryan Stanton. How in the world did Chicago let this guy go on waivers?. Solid player who is pretty polished in the offensive zone for a defensemen

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      I just hope he keeps it up. His play style (low risk, but knows when/how to pinch) seems to indicate he will keep it up. Chicago will be kicking their arses over this one if he becomes half the player he looks like he could be

    3. Trebreh


      he was a late cut and the Blacksucks thought they could sneak him down without anyone noticing.

    4. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      While true it would have been hard to find a spot, if Chicago knew what they had (clearly Vancouver did) they should have traded him for SOMETHING instead of giving up a solid player for nothing

  12. just watched Makaveli's Embellishment City videos. Goddamn, those are pure gold. The absolute BEST is when the Boston commentators call out their own team for flopping.

    1. -Stammer-


      that was editing, they actually did that to a canadiens player

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      of course, that part had to be to good to be true...crape

    3. rampage


      still that video and all of maks videos are a work of art

  13. Tanev should get a shot on the PP. He now has a slapper and I'd love to see him feed Garrison for one-timers

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AppleJack


      Tanev is a stud I would love to see him on the PP.

    3. ilduce39


      We should not let Tanev get a sniff of PP time until we sign him cheap.

    4. RockNroLLa.
  14. Dale Lamontagne ‏@Dale_Lamontagne 1h Nail Yakupov: I really don’t like skating all the time, and forechecking, and hitting somebody every shift. I don’t think it’s my game

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I think our vets would have a better chance of setting him straight. The Sedins commitment to training and Burr getting hurt blocking a shot sets such a positive example.

    3. JE14


      favourite team growing up was the canucks. if you can get bure to talk to him and give him motivation for 10 minutes then we are set.

    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Yakupov didn't pay much attention if he thinks Bure didn't like throwing his weight around. Just ask Shane Churla.

  15. Which can lead to serious bad habit development. I wasn't convinced of the ROI on sending him back to junior instead of keeping him with the club.
  16. Thank you, it needed said. The Canucks absolutely dominated last night and could not buy a freaking bounce. Montreal leaned on Price a lot to keep from getting smoked.
  17. For bulk vs. cut, it depends on where you are currently at. So what are your current stats (height & weight)?
  18. Whether you want to or not, when performing a heavy lift you WILL perform a valsalva. Don't fight it because it is a protective measure for the spine, and it does not cause stroke issues: http://startingstrength.com/index.php/site/the_valsalva_and_stroke Holding your breath (valsalva maneuver) is a natural reaction when under strain. You do it subconciously when pushing out a poop. Contrary to what some less than smart Dr's would have you belive, it isn't actually dangerous (see above link).
  19. Canadiens were a counter punch team that absolutely relied on goaltending for the win tonight.

    1. Carl's Jn

      Carl's Jn

      smart way to play... the canucks actually do that most of the time....

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      so frustrating when you control play and territory and get killed on the scoreboard. This was a "bad loss that looked good" kinda thing.

  20. Shouldn't there be some onus on Hertl to avoid a hit he can see coming? I mean caman this is becoming nonsensical

  21. Scotch is growing on me. The smokey smoothness is a nice change of pace from the bourbon burn I love so much

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      For bourbon I have a bunch of different ones I love (Buffalo Trace, Wild Turkey 101, Old Grand-Dad 100 proof, Eagle Rare, Elijah Craig 12 year to name a few).

      Currently drinking McClelland's single malt Islay. Not the best scotch, but definitely not horrible either. Noticeable smoke and peat which is a beautiful change of pace after a high rye, high proof bourbon.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Big fan of Oban single malt myself, those hints of cinnamon and ginger :)

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      If you don't use it to hydrate at the gym then you're not a real man.

  22. Carbs are NOT the enemy and keeping them low while trying to lose fat is asinine IMO. Losing fat is all about being in a calorie deficit (taking in less than you burn). The ONLY reason you should be doing low carb while losing weight (assuming protein intake is 1-1.25 g/lb bodyweight as that is all you need) is if it helps with compliance.
  23. Hertl scored 4 goals with just 11:12 of ice time. How is that possible?

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      SJ scored 9! That's almost as incredible as Hertl personal accomplishment.

    2. AppleJack


      San jose scares me...

    3. kodos
  24. I'm just hoping San Jose scores all of their goals for this week in one game. Dear lord

  25. Edler and Bieksa paired up. Not good

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Why ? They have both been playing unreal...

    2. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      They have a history of playing like a hot garbage fire together

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