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Tortorella's Rant

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Status Updates posted by Tortorella's Rant

  1. Canada, NA final. Book it!

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Nm. Russians looking too jacked today.

  2. Team Europe be like, can we have a running clock please.

    1. numb3r 16

      numb3r 16

      Sbisa just dropped a pizza

  3. Had a terrible dream: I was banned from the forum for bad grammar.

    1. goalie13


      If bad grammar was a reason to be banned, this place would be a ghost town.

    2. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      sometimes my grammer isn't very good

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      TS, your just special. It's okay.

  4. Turnip in heat, boys.

    1. thejazz97


      Keep it away from the male turnips

  5. Jus plop da muck alrady

  6. Why is there a "pass" option in Family Feud. Nobody ever uses it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Steve, we're gonna go with tampons.

    3. Aladeen


      Sorry the answer we were looking for was used tampons... Used tampons.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      ... Used .. tampons?


  7. Scammer idiots calling my house. I didn't answer but googled instead. "118 complaints about number xxx.." lol,..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nuckin_futz


      Haha I got that CRA call a few months back. Little hint to these people to run their scam better. Don't be calling from a California area code. CRA most likely will not have a guy who barely speaks English calling you from Cali. Was good for a chuckle though.

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Mine was somewhere in the lower mainland but then immediately after that got a call from D.C.

    4. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      Been getting a ton from the states recently.  They hit my # 3 or 4 times in a row from the same US #.  Really looking forward to them calling when I can actually answer and screw with them.

  8. Why do some stores have terrible lighting. You look haggard as hell. Reminds me of the George Carlin bit: ... you see every scratch, bump, bruise, pimp you've ever had and all you can think is "I got to get the hell out of here!"

    1. SaintPatrick33


      Because when you feel ugly, you will want to buy more things to make yourself feel better :wub:

  9. Saw a bunch of mindless zombies playing Pokemon Go at the park yesterday. It's happening here too..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Hah, I know. Im just playing. I might play it myself if I had the phone for it

    3. Twilight Sparkle

      Twilight Sparkle

      i caught a bellsprout in my living room LOL

    4. Phil_314


      @Toews remember Crocs, those ugly plastic water sandals which came in bright colors and had holes in them?  I'm surprised those didn't make the list.


  10. How does anyone start in an industry if every new job wants 2+ years experience. Big fat worthless degree right now


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Workopolis,Vancouver Job shop, Work BC job fairs?

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      If you wanna pay me to plug in some cables and stuff, Shift, I'm your guy!

      I got some companies from the school website looking for students. Local ones too. I'll see how that goes before complaining some more

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I'm already done school. BCIT was way too far for me to go to every day and all day long including homework after. I couldn't switch half way through, or whatever, either. I don't think the credits are transferable meaning i'd have to start all over again.

  11. #freedesiboy


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BananaMash


      The Pauser and Flinch had a hilarious forum beef here years ago. I think Pauser challenged him to 1 v 1 road hockey at some point.

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      yeah i don't remember him. Flinch sticks out after all these years because he was the prick with the House avatar. Hard to forget that guy

    4. BananaMash


      He basically was Dr. House in my head.

  12. The power of power naps.

    1. Shift-4


      I need like a three day power nap

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      How about a permanent nap, punk. *cocks revolver


    3. Shift-4


      You scares me TR




  13. Last exam in this university degree then I am finished. After today, I can join all the other university degrees on the unemployment line.

    1. Heretic


      Congrats and good luck!

    2. Ghostsof1915


      That's why you have a trade as a backup. 

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Hah I'm kidding. It's one of the most prosperous industries in the world. I shouldn't have an issue finding a good jerb.

  14. GG for Anton Yelchin. 'Final Destination' for many celebs in 2016.

    1. HerrDrFunk


       OH FFS! Poor dude, sounds like a freak accident. 

  15. RIP Vin Diesel. Source: Facebook

  16. "14 day free trial", but we need your credit card. Sites falsely advertising like this deserve a DDoS from hell.

  17. Gonna troll my fasting Muslim friend in class today by bring some phat snacks that he can`t have.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      Triple O tuesday!

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      that reminded me of the english fellow on my ship in the navy..of course we called him kipper..when we hit choppy seas and the newest sailors were draped over the stern heaving their guts up...he would wait till they started feeling better and thinking about putting some food in them...then he would sit down beside them, open up a can of sardines and slide those greasy buggers down his throat...poor lads would be hurrying back to the stern of the ship...

    4. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      @smithers joe  Hahaha that's awesome! Always love your stories. 

  18. Smith machine bench at the combine now? lol

    1. LuckyLuciano


      Dafuq!? What kind of pussy $&!# is that?

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I swear I saw that. A video of the combine the other day with them benching using the smith.

  19. Damnit. Gstank was banned? He owed me money and I didn't get his contact info.

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      I'll sell you his contact info

  20. What is this Rush Hour show with a lame version of Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan?

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      The original should have won an Oscar

    2. Rey


      Doesn't matter. Shows canceled. Thank god. 

  21. 4th year uni still doing stupid elective courses. No wonder people call it a big waste of money.

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      "bro, this is cool and all, but unless it's going to pay my bills I don't really give a $&!# at this point."

  22. Potential Sharks Bolts final. That's like an NBA final of the Raptors and Vancouver Grizzlies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I dunno. Point being nontraditional markets playing for the ultimate prize. Not that I rly care. Just wanted the Hawks to get knocked out

    3. Green Building

      Green Building

      I gotcha.


      I wouldn't have minded the Hawks winning again, Keith is the only Hawk player I really dislike. LA though, for some reason I don't like them at all.


      San Jose looks unbeatable. I don't see them getting through the Pens. Bolts either for that matter.

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      My "money" is on SJ at this point. I've doubted them the entire time. Same with the Bolts so maybe the Pens can finish them lol.. otherwise I dunno who to pick.

  23. Guy in class today DOS attacked the entire class and blue screened everyone LOL. GG lecture. Early break.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      The moral of the story. Linux!


    3. Heretic


      Reminds me of when I was in college, I used assembly language and flipped dir and del commands in MSDOS, loaded it on one of the other students disk. :)


    4. Tortorella's Rant
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