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Tortorella's Rant

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Status Updates posted by Tortorella's Rant

  1. Stupid Microsoft. All I want to do is create a &^@#ing email; not fill out my life story. 

    1. LordCanuck


      microsoft does email?

  2. When you order prime rib & swiss at Subway and get an $11 veggie delite instead. #$15minwage 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. luckylager


      Horseradish mayo too, Thrusty

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I did tell them! But I didn't watch that closely. Kinda assumed two women could manage a single sandwich 

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      update: went back and got it fixed up. I was nice, they were nice, we all had a good laugh. And it was delicious :) 

  3. Man, Cassels sucks. Too bad for someone who looked so good in his final season of junior. 

    1. Quantum


      That's the problem with over agers... they can show such tantalizing qualities but then you remember that he was playing with and against kids up to 4 years younger then he was and it puts things into perspective.


      Really was hoping he'd pan out but I doubt he gets re-signed after this ELC. Best case for him would be to sign elsewhere or Europe to try and salvage his hockey career. Shame. I thought the injury/mono were the only things hurting him but there aren't many excuses for what's going on with him this season.


      Of the 2013 draft class, it's looking like only Bo Horvat and Jordan Subban will be NHLers with Horvat being the only impact NHLer of the bunch. With Shinkaruk staying one dimensional in Calgary, Mike Williamson quitting hockey because of injury, Miles Liberati not being signed and struggling to stay in the ECHL, and Anton Cederholm already back in Europe (and likely never coming back)... it goes to show how bad Gillis was at drafting (especially with how well Benning's 2014 draft class is doing) and how lucky the Canucks got with Hutton, Gaunce, Corrado (RIP in Leafs Purgatory), and likely Labate (likely sticks with the big club next year as a 4th liner/13th forward -- especially if another Skille or Megna doesn't pop up) and Tommernes (with another team once he signs back in NA after his standout SHL season).


      It's too bad, I was hoping Cassels would turn into something... at least we have Adam Gaudette, William Lockwood, Brett Mackenzie, and Jakub Stukel to look forward to now. In particular, I'm really excited for Gaudette. Kid has bonafide NHLer with 2nd line upside written all over him.

  4. Happy poets day. 

    1. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Piss Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday. The English lad at work taught me that one. I need to do more of the former from now on on Friday. 

  5. Christmas is 360 days away and people already have their $&!# up. Unreal. 

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      IKR ? dam holiday music everywhere : (

  6. Okay, I'm going to say it: no more minor celebrity death threads. Thanks. 

    1. Ossi Vaananen

      Ossi Vaananen

      I too share this opinion.

    2. Alflives


      Alf doesn't like any of the death threads.:(

    3. nucklehead


      why don't we just create an official obituary thread?


  7. Merry Christmas CDC. If it wasn't for this mass gathering of scrubs, I'd have to find somewhere else to waste away my days. 

    1. ShakyWalton


      Merry Christmas to you!

  8. Not sure what died faster: Kony 2012 or Pokemon Go. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coconuts


      R.I.P Kony 2017

    3. Guest



    4. Pears


      Probably Pokemon Go considering how fast it blew up. 

  9. What's with all the liquor stores opening recently? One by my house, on the way to the gym, at the mall, and by Wal-mart. All within a few miles radius. Never mind the two that already existed.. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Sounds like distribution of Orwellian Victory gin is increasingly required?

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      @Sean Monahan Actually, I do. Here's a picture of me from last week before a competition, which I of course won: 


    4. Sean Monahan

      Sean Monahan

      @Tortorella's Rant


      Abs are uneven and the medial delts are pitiful. Would not bang.

  10. Lost the Canucks tickets raffle at the work Christmas party. &^@#.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ghostsof1915


      I lost my fitbit at the Waterfront Station on Monday. :P

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I'm mowin the air, Rand, I'm mowin the air! Or in the context of BC right now, I'm mowin the Snow, Rand, I'm mowin the snow!

    4. RRypien37


      I'm busy right now bud I'll be over in a minute...listen..can I borrow your cowboy boots bud?

  11. Had a really bad dream. I wanted it to heavily snow so when I woke up that morning, it was 20 degrees out and sunny. Then when I woke up for real, it had barely snowed at all and the grass wasn't even covered. Disappointed twice big time and it wasn't even 6:30. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuxfanabroad


      Y'know what Freud claims about unmet expectations in our dreams, don't U?...

    3. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      No, not particularly. Please enlighten me...

    4. Nuxfanabroad


      Chip, The classic 'Interpretation Of Our Dreams' was published in 1899!(Sigmund was a smartypants) Will send a copy for the holidays


  12. People actually pay for Winzip?

  13. Won the day summer 2013. #veteran

    1. Nuxfanabroad


      Remember that vividly..had yer game-face on, givin' a hunderd & TEN%

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      Must be alzheimer's cuz I dont. 

  14. RIP Larsen. We hardly knew ye.

    1. Silky mitts

      Silky mitts

      Unclassy bro 

    2. Blömqvist


      duuuuuuude not cool

    3. Western Red

      Western Red

      You're a &^@#ing meathead.

  15.  Hail Satan.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cookieeater55
    3. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      I don't know about hail... but I would certainly go for a beer with him.

    4. Roger Neilsons Towel

      Roger Neilsons Towel

      Hailing sounds like a lot of commitment though... I don't know if I'm ready for that. 

  16. That moment you bring down the whole company network with an ACL #oops 

  17. Yes! I solved my own blue screen of death out of nowhere this morning with A LOT of swearing and some ol' fashion luck. Well, solved it enough to back up my files.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heretic


      You mean you didn't pay $300 to the fine young man in India to fix it?

    3. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      The Torts Effect. Glad to hear. ^_^

    4. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      @Heretic That fine young man, revenue agency officer John Palmer (with an Indian accent) tried to scam me instead! http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/india-arrests-dozens-call-centre-scandal-161006045243771.html

  18. Tricep has been twitching for days. Really annoying. Time to cut my arm off.

  19. Can we re-sign Dana Murzyn to shore up the backend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ReggieBush


      Rather have Marek Malik

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Chon that is the best pic of Phanuef  i have ever seen xD

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Why do we want a slug on the back end? 

  20. Damn internal clock. Keeps waking me up a half hour before I need to. Starting to get really annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Green Building

      Green Building

      Yeah I don't appreciate the 3 hour curve ball but just like the Canucks Rangers game, that's the way she goes.

    3. Jaku


      I hate that. Some times I can't fall asleep after work so I'm up until 3 or 4 in the morning, then my body is like "okay it's 8:30, GET UP!!!" 

    4. Green Building

      Green Building

      My favouite though is hearing my alarm go off after waking up 3 hours early THEN feeling relaxed enough to fall asleep. What a jip.

  21. Abraham Drinkin. Beer can top hat. "Four score and seven beers ago.."

    That's a genius halloween costume.

  22. Bro gets hit-and-run. Still has to pay a whopping deductible. Lovely system. 

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Blame the victim! Why was he just minding his own business? That's asking for a hit-and-run.

    2. Salmonberries


      Yep. Some 'insurance company' we have here eh.

    3. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      What? He was away from his truck when someone plowed into it.

  23. That viral apple pen thing. I assume this is the result of radiation leak at Fukushima?

    1. Phil_314


      I had a brain, I have a sharp pen... uunhhnhh... bra@yyi!ynn wi!tThhhHh a pehhnnh.

    2. Phil_314


      (How I envisioned the first singing of the song was like)

  24. Got someone to sign an Id 10 T form today.

    1. Green Building

      Green Building

      Probably joined the PEN 15 club too.

    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      I did as a kid. Apparently it's permanent membership.

  25. When you're at a party and chatting with a chick for 20 minutes then out of the blue she's like, "I'm glad I got a sitter tonight for my three kids, I haven't been out in half a year." 




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BananaMash


      Oh damn, awesome. I can't wait to have kids together. 

    3. chon derry

      chon derry

      i was at her trailer once , she's a real trooper that one.....

    4. Alflives


      Torts, what were you thinking, partying in Surrey?  . Did she tell you about her pit bull,  and show you her tatties?  :lol:

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