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A Game Of Thrones: To the point of the TV show, no spoilers beyond that


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Now we know know for sure though the Rhegar and Lynna were secrerly married. 


Lot of stuff happened..Tyrion/Jamie, return of Gendry, Jorah makes it to dragonstone and now north of the wall, Jon finds out Bran/Arya are back, Ayra getting played by Little Finger, Jons interaction with the dragon..the interesting group heading beyond the wall. Soo much happened so quick in an episode.


Tyrion makes it to Kings Landing and back..it is pretty rushed but ive still enjoyed every episode.


Oh ya and Dickon and his father get lit up. This makes Sam head of the Tarly clan?

Edited by HI5
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21 minutes ago, Scottish⑦Canuck said:

This season has felt incredibly rushed.

Kind of weird when everyone is teleporting back and forth across the continent when the White Walkers marching is taking absurdly long.


But I don't think they're doing too poorly when it seems like they're trying to do 2 seasons of stories in 7 episodes. Atmosphere building has all been left on the chopping block.


I think it was a pretty good episode, but it seems like there were a couple of really cheesy moments of dramatic irony. Like when Sam got agitated and ran off right before could Gilly could complete her reading of what Rhegar did. Or when Jorah showed up beside Jon and Daenerys and has not to this point mentioned that Sam Tarley was the one that healed him, right before Daenerys killed his father and brother.


Though the surrounding context is well crafted, those exact moments were very amateur feeling.

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12 minutes ago, HI5 said:

Now we know know for sure though the Rhegar and Lynna were secrerly married. 



Tyrion makes it to Kings Landing and back..it is pretty rushed but ive still enjoyed every episode.


Oh ya and Dickon and his father get lit up. This makes Sam head of the Tarly clan?

This makes Jon with the best right to the throne. Also in my mind he is the prince that was promised. I thought it was it was interesting how the red witch never told Danny she was the one that was promised. All she said was she had a role to play. 


They could have easily stretched this into 10 even 15 episodes. Maybe didn't have it in the budget? Either way I think everything is happening too quick for my liking. 


Well Sam would be the head of the Tarly bunch but let's not forget he took the wall which prevents him from all of that. So no he won't be able to, unless he does it anyways and no one really brings it up without explaining it. Similar to what they did to Jon 

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I enjoyed the episode for whatever it was, but at this point I'm just waiting for the show to end and everything to be sealed up


the dialogue in that episode was excruciating (that "trust a stranger" conversation was straight out of a medieval Rob Reiner movie), the "time logic" is ridiculous, the green screening is out of control, and I find the wait between episodes to be more tedious than before when I found them more or less enjoyable


i thought the plot line to go north of the wall to grab a zombie to be extremely contrived and silly. maybe my least favorite plot point in recent years


but still, i found the tension between jamie + cersei to be wonderful, same with tyrion and dany. something's gotta give with them all. i really like arya, but i'm getting a bit sick of the same old conflict between her and sansa, but that, too, is coming to a boil. so i guess we'll see

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8 hours ago, HI5 said:



Apparently its a note Sansa wrote to Robb from season 2 asking him to bend the knee to Jofferey and save Ned.

The one she was forced to write.


So Little Finger vs. Arya who wins?


Is Cersei playing Jaime?  Looks like her and Qyburn were scheming.


This episode was one big tease.

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On 8/6/2017 at 7:45 PM, Canorth said:

Great episode. Drogons flame sure packs a punch.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was Jorah who knocked Jamie into the water.


I was thinking that it was going to be Rickon Dickon. (Bronn just seemed too obvious) Had to feel for the poor guy. He somehow managed to grow up a decent human being despite having such a dickwad for a father.


On 8/6/2017 at 8:13 PM, Beluga Whale said:

By far the best episode this season. That battle was amazing and they did a great job of showing the horrors of Dany using Drogon to burn an army to the ground. Only nitpicks are Jaime's convenient plot armor and Bronn somehow manning a ballista by himself. 

I love the parallels between Jon and Mance regarding not bending the knee to a foreign leader. 

The Stark reunion with Aryy was good. Sansa is rightfully abashed by how weird all her siblings ended up.

I mentioned that to the wife as we were watching. Dany's words to Jon were pretty much verbatim what Jon said to Mance....


On 8/8/2017 at 9:09 AM, taxi said:

Bran knows everything, but they still need proof. Littlefinger is very influential in the Vail. They'll need some kind of evidence of his wrongdoing before just offing him.

He is, but only because of Robin Arryn. The Royces know what Littlefinger is all about and would only be too happy to see him knocked off his perch, IMO.


7 hours ago, DeNiro said:

So what's the angle behind Little Finger planting that note for Arya to find?

I think it's to drive a wedge between the sisters.


The letter is the one that Sansa sent to Robb, telling him that Ned was a traitor and that he should bend the knee to Joffrey. The letter was obviously coerced, (Which the Starks realize right away) but Arya doesn't know that and considering the sibling rivalry between the two Stark girls, Baelish is likely guessing that she'd view it as a betrayal of both her father and her brother.


Littlefinger has long promoted the narrative that he is Sansa's only friend. Lately he's seeing that hope fall apart, as Sansa is reunited by more and more family members. We've already seen his reaction to Jon and Arya's return probably isn't making him more comfortable.

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2 hours ago, RUPERTKBD said:

I was thinking that it was going to be Rickon Dickon. (Bronn just seemed too obvious) Had to feel for the poor guy. He somehow managed to grow up a decent human being despite having such a dickwad for a father.


I mentioned that to the wife as we were watching. Dany's words to Jon were pretty much verbatim what Jon said to Mance....


He is, but only because of Robin Arryn. The Royces know what Littlefinger is all about and would only be too happy to see him knocked off his perch, IMO.


I think it's to drive a wedge between the sisters.


The letter is the one that Sansa sent to Robb, telling him that Ned was a traitor and that he should bend the knee to Joffrey. The letter was obviously coerced, (Which the Starks realize right away) but Arya doesn't know that and considering the sibling rivalry between the two Stark girls, Baelish is likely guessing that she'd view it as a betrayal of both her father and her brother.


Littlefinger has long promoted the narrative that he is Sansa's only friend. Lately he's seeing that hope fall apart, as Sansa is reunited by more and more family members. We've already seen his reaction to Jon and Arya's return probably isn't making him more comfortable.

Without the token reciting of titles.


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4 hours ago, Tre Mac said:

The one she was forced to write.


So Little Finger vs. Arya who wins?


Is Cersei playing Jaime?  Looks like her and Qyburn were scheming.


This episode was one big tease.

Little Finger just trying to stir up some more chaos so he can climb his ladder, only to find Arya waiting at the top holding a knife to his neck like he did to her father.

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3 hours ago, HI5 said:

Little Finger just trying to stir up some more chaos so he can climb his ladder, only to find Arya waiting at the top holding a knife to his neck like he did to her father.

It might work, imagine Arya killing Sansa and using her face:o

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I'm sorry but I'm so disappointed in that last episode. The plan to capture a Wight to show Cersei is just so stupid that it ruined the entire thing for me. Pretty sure they all understand that she's borderline insane. Also, I don't think she even has a decent standing army at this point so I don't get why they'd be worried about her or want her help.


Also how the hell did Jaime escape that battle?? Did they think he died in the lake? Obviously Tyrion didn't because he knew Jaime would be in King's Landing.

Basically the story has completely lost the organic quality it once had.


Interesting that they dropped Jon being the legitimate Targaryen heir. But having it revealed by Gilly in that manner seemed inappropriate.

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29 minutes ago, Beluga Whale said:

I'm sorry but I'm so disappointed in that last episode. The plan to capture a Wight to show Cersei is just so stupid that it ruined the entire thing for me. Pretty sure they all understand that she's borderline insane. Also, I don't think she even has a decent standing army at this point so I don't get why they'd be worried about her or want her help.


Also how the hell did Jaime escape that battle?? Did they think he died in the lake? Obviously Tyrion didn't because he knew Jaime would be in King's Landing.

Basically the story has completely lost the organic quality it once had.


Interesting that they dropped Jon being the legitimate Targaryen heir. But having it revealed by Gilly in that manner seemed inappropriate.

Definitely. I can't imagine Tyrion thinking that Cersei would give them the time of day, let alone actually believe that what was presented to her was actually a wight. 


Cersei and Qyburn were definitely scheming. Both times Jamie showed up, he was there. 


I feel like Arya is too politically inexperienced to know that Littlefinger is playing her against Sansa. 



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9 minutes ago, Down by the River said:

Definitely. I can't imagine Tyrion thinking that Cersei would give them the time of day, let alone actually believe that what was presented to her was actually a wight. 


Cersei and Qyburn were definitely scheming. Both times Jamie showed up, he was there. 


I feel like Arya is too politically inexperienced to know that Littlefinger is playing her against Sansa. 



It's possible, but I think the point was to underscore her being knocked up... 

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