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[Official] Canucks coach talk. Keep all talk here.


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does anyone really think a new coach is going to solve our teams problems? these are grown men.. the style of play wasnt an issue.. neither was the game plan... you need players that care enough to lay it all on the line when it counts and you cant coach that..not to a veteran core like the canucks have. we have seen the best  we will ever see out of sedins, burrows, kesler ,bieksa ,hamhuis,higgins and edler a new coach isnt going to change their style of play.... the only thing AV did wrong as a caoch was made it too comfortable for this core group, never held them accountable for bad play.. these core group of guys i mentioned could have bad games and bad weeks and never miss a shift when a young guy in the lineup would get stapled to the bench after one give away.

We don't know either way....Did the players follow the coaches lead PP. 5 on 5 plays...or are they grown men who did their own thing and failed to listen to the coaches....Did the coaches do enuff to inspire or to say "hey follow the play!". We saw the constant lack of effort from the team, and no one from staff elavated or motivated them to win...A new coach may have the balls and intensity to inspire and motivate....CHANGE~!As for Tippet....I did a quick read on his bio and sound slike a coach who gets things done...impressive...MOST impressive

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As opposed to a young fart with no mind?

Ha ha, I guess Don has a chance of remembering where he put it.

I think 80 years of age is a little too much for the rigors of coaching in the NHL though. Also, I don't think he's kept up with hockey since the 70's and 80's, he's still living in the past.

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If Tony Gallagher doesn't like it, it's probably the right option.

Or how about Gallagher, McIntyre, and Botchford? They can ask themselves dumb questions. Imagine the stupid articles they could write then.

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does anyone really think a new coach is going to solve our teams problems? these are grown men.. the style of play wasnt an issue.. neither was the game plan... you need players that care enough to lay it all on the line when it counts and you cant coach that..not to a veteran core like the canucks have. we have seen the best we will ever see out of sedins, burrows, kesler ,bieksa ,hamhuis,higgins and edler a new coach isnt going to change their style of play.... the only thing AV did wrong as a caoch was made it too comfortable for this core group, never held them accountable for bad play.. these core group of guys i mentioned could have bad games and bad weeks and never miss a shift when a young guy in the lineup would get stapled to the bench after one give away.

actually, style was.

why does Edler always seem so clueless on the PP? is it really his fault that he was taught ONLY to drop pass over and over so much that it became his muscle memory? when you keep doing the same things the coach tells you to do, and they keep failing.. and you didn't practice anything else, how else are they suppose to try harder?

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Or how about Gallagher, McIntyre, and Botchford? They can ask themselves dumb questions. Imagine the stupid articles they could write then.

I wonder if we can trade them to New York for Brad Richards.

I'd eat the contract just to get rid of them.

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Has anyone given serious thought about Coach Jack Reilly? Sure, he lost to the Ducks in the PeeWee finals, but in his defense he lost his best player (Adam Banks) to district boundaries making him Ducks property. He still went out fighting with those plugs McGill and Larsen and that game against the Ducks was only his second 2nd place finish in the last 20 years, If it weren't for that choke artist Bombay, He would have had a heck of a streak.

Plus, you can't deny his motto 'It's not worth winning if you can't win big!'

I say, get Coach Reilly a Canucks letterman jacket and pop that collar!


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Tippet is the type of coach who might make Edler into that Norris player everyone thought he could be. I could see Kesler and Burrows starring under Tippet but the Twins might be a ? mark.

The Twins thrived under the original A.V system, which was the all out trapping, they will be fine under Tibbet.

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they also put value into winning.

Tippets style is a goalies dream. There are pros and cons. Pro's, its a working effecitive system. cons = boring hockey, that being said, Tippet never had a team as deep as the current Canucks.

Ownership is in a tough spot, as they know the fans want offense, but the league changed from allowing offense to allowing clutching and grabbing and violence. Who knows how the owners will react to how the league has changed. Makes for an interesting off-season.

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With the way our team is assembled right now I don't see how everyone is clamouring for an offensive style game. We have 1 line and lack an elite puck mover we NEED a more defensive style ..especially if we're throwing our young players into the fire

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Sounds believable.

The firing of AV has the appearance of an ownership imperative behind it.

As for Tippett, he'd be my choice among the obvious and potentially available options.

The fact that Tony Gallagher thinks otherwise only seals the deal - is he ever simple.

Let's hope this isn't Doan v2.0, because I'm not thrilled with the other options.

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The things that AV did that caused him to be let go.

- He trusted Alberts over Ballard in a playoff series where we needed more offense.

- Kassian kept being bounced over all 4 lines.

- Benches Ballard which is fine if it's based on performance, but would keep Edler who was doing horrible getting top minutes.

- When we got secondary scoring during the season from Hansen Schroeder and Higgins, and that line was going, he broke them up.

- The dreaded drop pass.

- Kept Edler on the point on 1st unit power play, when he could have used Garrison.

Honestly folks, AV looked at the last two games like a frustrated coach, who didn't have any tricks up his sleeve, and didn't seem to be comfortable with the players he had to work with.

AV will find a job in no time. Gillis on the other hand, if he doesn't clean up his own messes as quickly as he can, he will probably be back as an agent.

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