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Too Early to call Kassian a dissapointment?

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Kass had 40 hits in 17games when he first came to the Canucks... only 29 in 24 games this year

Yeah I don't get why he can't atleast hit... It almost seems like he tries to hit the boards instead of the guy when he goes for a hit.

I saw Booth throw more hits in one shift last game then Kassian did the whole game...

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Yeah I don't get why he can't atleast hit... It almost seems like he tries to hit the boards instead of the guy when he goes for a hit.

I saw Booth throw more hits in one shift last game then Kassian did the whole game...

He was a hitting machine in the OHL and hit everything that moved when he first came to the Canucks (5 hits in his first game). Now he doesn't even attempt to hit his opponents hard unless he's mad.

edit: the same thing is going on with Hansen (even though he doesn't need to hit to be effective)... he was the Canucks leader in hits prior to acquiring Lappy in 2010-11 but stopped hitting since.

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I'm disappointed in his physical game, he really needs to take some pointers from Sestito on how to throw a hit!!! He usually just gives them a nudge into the boards, that's not going to intimidate anybody. The way he hits i doubt he would even knock Mason Raymond off the puck it's frustrating.

That being said he's far from a bust, he needs some seasoning in the AHL. I can see him becoming a Ryane Clowe type player, Clowe however played 4 seasons in junior and 3 in the AHL before he made the jump and didn't breakout until he was 26 so be patient!

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Kassian has HUGE upside .... only way canucks will do well is to play him on the top line. Come playoffs twins are crushed. Burrows and Kesler arent durable anymore. If this team doesnt develop farm team players soon the canucks will be the new edmonton/calgary. Torts can keep his fingers to himself, right now I aint impressed. This team will quit on him too, sad I thought he had learned but I guess not. Again the weakest link on this team is the coach. I had expected team toughness and spirit but I can see that he isnt winning the hearts or minds of his players.

I would love the chance to point my finger into this attention seeking, narcisstic clown repeatedly....

Do you even watch Canucks hockey? The system is totally different in defensive terms, as blocking shots is done by EVERY player and taking away seam passes is a huge focus. Offensively the forechecking is there for sure and shot taking is through the roof. Please take the time to watch a game before you talk, and the interviews with players where they echo torts' work ethic and mentality of the "process".

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Expecting a Very soon to be 24 year old to put up 60 points is not out of the question getting the juicy minutes and power play time he gets. You keep lowering the bar of what is reasonable. The guy was drafted 10th overall. Not in the 2nd or 3rd round. He aint 18 years old either. He should be able to get 60 points . Like I said, nobody since expansion has got less to lead their team in scoring. And lots of guys lead their team in scoring at 24. Its not that young. Hodgson may not even get 50. How low does the bar go . I

He was drafted to be a scorer. Not a fighter. He doesnt fight. His defensive game is a wreck. He brings nothing else to the table.. If the guy cant score at this point, playing with the best players and getting 19 juicy minutes a night , he is not going to score 80 points in his career unless he is surrounded by superstars.

Want a direct comparison between hodgson and Kassian? On the only terms that Hodgson can defend himself ? The points?

Kassian doesnt play the power play. To compare them means to apples to apples.

Kassian has 5 goals and 6 points in total. Wanna know how many even strength points your beloved Hodgson has?

Nine. 4 goals and 5 assists, and one of the goals was an empty netter.

He has played 5 more games than Kassian, played twice the amount per game than Kassian and played with the best players they have compared to the half baked 3rd and 4th liners Kassian plays with. In fairness to Cody, since we cant count powerplay we can deduct Hodgson usual 4 min on average pp time. So instead of 19min its 15 min.

Hodgson gets 15 min to Kassians 7 or 8 .

And he has THREE more points. A guy a year older , is drafted to score way more than Kassian, and with all those advantages he has THREE more points?

For you to read that, and then CONTINUE to proclaim that Hodgson is better than Kassian would be belligerent. Willfully spinning crap to keep believing a point of view that just isnt true.

We got good value for the guy.

obviously the hockey people know what Kassian's big time potential is & to get a package like that is very very hard to find. Cody is a point producer period while Zack is a physical presence as well as a scoring potential power forward. Come playoffs I'll take a Penner type (Zack) over a Horcoff type (Cody).
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Do you even watch Canucks hockey? The system is totally different in defensive terms, as blocking shots is done by EVERY player and taking away seam passes is a huge focus. Offensively the forechecking is there for sure and shot taking is through the roof. Please take the time to watch a game before you talk, and the interviews with players where they echo torts' work ethic and mentality of the "process".

Well, it's a process, actually a process of processing our processes, process by process but we're not there yet.

Coho is basically the Light version of Kessel. Do you want creampuffs like that on the roster in the playoffs (Coho 12gp, 0g, 1a)? Kassian definitely has to pick up parts of his game, but the playoffs are about attrition which suits him perfectly.

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Kassians forecheck consists of pointing at both dmen and taking the wrong route every time . Every successful team has young players step up and deliver. We all know what we are gonna get from the vets. Anythibg by the youngsters is a bonus. And Kassian is that young guy the Canucks need to be good now. Not in three years.

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If you recall coreectly, before Kassian was placed on a line with the Sedins they were struggling. There were countless calls on the online shows about "what's wrong wth the Sedins". Keep in mind this was a short stretch they were going through and not a prolonged slump. When Kassian was on the line the Sedins were still getting criticized for playing porrly and Kassian sort of gave them a jump. Then you know what happened....but I wouldn't call him a fire hydrant on that line.

I'm sorry but this is just wrong, they were criticized when zack was on there line and didn't get out of there slump till zack was taken off the line. He had/has no puck retrieval skills and the twins had a hard time getting the cycle set up when zack was with them. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so frustrating to watch.

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I'm sorry but this is just wrong, they were criticized when zack was on there line and didn't get out of there slump till zack was taken off the line. He had/has no puck retrieval skills and the twins had a hard time getting the cycle set up when zack was with them. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so frustrating to watch.

Plus zack was so slow getting on the forecheck compared to Burrows and just doesn't have the tenacity and willingness to battle for pucks like burrows does. Having 3 slow player on a line is a recipe for disaster

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I'm sorry but this is just wrong, they were criticized when zack was on there line and didn't get out of there slump till zack was taken off the line. He had/has no puck retrieval skills and the twins had a hard time getting the cycle set up when zack was with them. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so frustrating to watch.

I think you're absolutely right about Zack here but I think the Twins should take some heat for not being able to adapt. Really difficult to field a good team when you're two highest players need to play with each other and can't adapt to a certain player who is scoring goals at a torrid pace. What I'm saying is that it would seem reasonable that two superstars would be able to more easily adapt to Kassian than Kassian to them.

Plus zack was so slow getting on the forecheck compared to Burrows and just doesn't have the tenacity and willingness to battle for pucks like burrows does. Having 3 slow player on a line is a recipe for disaster

I really wanted Zack to succeed but the more I watch him the more he has a lot to learn. I believe this is a true power forward project and we won't really see the real player for several years. He's still stuck in junior style where he doesn't do any extra work and isn't satisfied just playing defence. He's forever hanging out on the half boards waiting for the puck and when he gets it he hasn't figured out how to rush it or create instances where he can be succesful. I do see glimpses though and as he matures he still has great potential.

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I'm sorry but this is just wrong, they were criticized when zack was on there line and didn't get out of there slump till zack was taken off the line. He had/has no puck retrieval skills and the twins had a hard time getting the cycle set up when zack was with them. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so frustrating to watch.

So what you're saying is the Sedins need a good player on their line in order for them to produce? Meanwhile it doesn't work the other way when it comes to Zack. I agree that Zack is raw and still needs to develop as a player, but when you stick him on a line with Sestito and Richardson and expect him to get points every night it's not going to happen. Let me ask you this, Do you all think Thomas Hertl would have as many points as he does if he wasn't playing with Joe Thorton and Patrick Marleau? How about Kuntiz with Crosby? Of course these guys are going to do better with better players. Is Thomas Hertl a tenacious back checker? No F'n way man. Zack has to improve in all areas of his game and that is going to take TIME, and he will need some GUIDANCE from his coaching staff. To completely write this guy off is absurd and shows a lack of patience among some of you fans. Zack needs to play, train hard and learn at this level. He has so many tools. He just needs to focus more on the game mentally, and gain experience and confidence in the NHL.

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So what you're saying is the Sedins need a good player on their line in order for them to produce? Meanwhile it doesn't work the other way when it comes to Zack. I agree that Zack is raw and still needs to develop as a player, but when you stick him on a line with Sestito and Richardson and expect him to get points every night it's not going to happen. Let me ask you this, Do you all think Thomas Hertl would have as many points as he does if he wasn't playing with Joe Thorton and Patrick Marleau? How about Kuntiz with Crosby? Of course these guys are going to do better with better players. Is Thomas Hertl a tenacious back checker? No F'n way man. Zack has to improve in all areas of his game and that is going to take TIME, and he will need some GUIDANCE from his coaching staff. To completely write this guy off is absurd and shows a lack of patience among some of you fans. Zack needs to play, train hard and learn at this level. He has so many tools. He just needs to focus more on the game mentally, and gain experience and confidence in the NHL.

What the twin need is a player with energy that can forecheck and I don't think that's to much to ask.

With zack right now the points are secondary and I'm not sure why it's an issue for you, he just needs to learn how to play a full shift forecheck and back check hard every shift. Moving him up the line is not going to help him develop because the skill set he's missing is basic hard work. The guidance he needs from the coaching staff is zack get your butt out there and skate like you want to play in the NHL.

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If the day ever comes when it's time to declare Kassian a young man who did not develop to his abilities, how about at that point someone runs a message down under the bridge that there's a new thread for y'all to congregate in and recycle all your premature fears, desires, wishes at the appropriate time?

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Well, it's a process, actually a process of processing our processes, process by process but we're not there yet.

Coho is basically the Light version of Kessel. Do you want creampuffs like that on the roster in the playoffs (Coho 12gp, 0g, 1a)? Kassian definitely has to pick up parts of his game, but the playoffs are about attrition which suits him perfectly.

Pick and choose stats much?

That was CoHo's rookie year and he had a whole 8 games of NHL exp prior to that. (8gp,1g 1a).

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