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Kassian RFA year


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The fact that Hodgeson is now the 1st line center for Buffalo is enough to say how weak their roster is. Its not that he couldn't help Buffalo into the playoffs, its because the whole team wasn't playing good enough. No one I know ever said Hodgeson would carry us to the cup, but all things considering I would personally say that Hodgeson would have contributed more to winning in the playoffs than Kassian could at the time. Yes Kassian is physical but at the time he was nowhere near as developed as Hodgeson was.

Tyler Ennis is their best forward now. Hodgson lost that spot a few months back.

Ennis gives up 2 inches to Cody but he makes it up by being two steps faster.

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His trade, and the surrounding ones, should still always be viewed as a fail. It completely wasted the potential of the team at the time the trade was made.

We also overrated Schroeder's ability to replace CoHo mid and longer term. .

Still clinging to these delusions of the rookie's potency, and weak revisionism.

Your notion of wasted potential is ridiculous and your claim that Schroeder was over-rated is oblivious to the four serious injuries he has dealt with.

But thank you for posting this nonsense just before the head to head.

Kassian 4 primary assists, +4, 3 hits in 14 (3rd line) minutes. Young man is a beaut.

Hodgson nothing in 18:55. 31% in the faceoff circle, 2 giveaways, and a few bad angle shots.

Invisible would be flattering.

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The fact that Hodgeson is now the 1st line center for Buffalo is enough to say how weak their roster is. Its not that he couldn't help Buffalo into the playoffs, its because the whole team wasn't playing good enough. No one I know ever said Hodgeson would carry us to the cup, but all things considering I would personally say that Hodgeson would have contributed more to winning in the playoffs than Kassian could at the time. Yes Kassian is physical but at the time he was nowhere near as developed as Hodgeson was.

Buffalo was 3 wins out of the playoffs and played himself from the second line down to the fourth line that season. If Hodgson wasn't the difference between a cup and a first round exit for us what difference does the timing make? The result is the same either way: no cup. I honestly don't think keeping Hodgson would have even got us out of the first round. Sometimes you have to deal when what you are looking for becomes available. If you don't it will be gone. Unlike ea, the trade partner has a say as well and Buffalo was not going to wait.

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Buffalo was 3 wins out of the playoffs and played himself from the second line down to the fourth line that season. If Hodgson wasn't the difference between a cup and a first round exit for us what difference does the timing make? The result is the same either way: no cup. I honestly don't think keeping Hodgson would have even got us out of the first round. Sometimes you have to deal when what you are looking for becomes available. If you don't it will be gone. Unlike ea, the trade partner has a say as well and Buffalo was not going to wait.

There is a lot of logic in this. Although I do think Hodgson would have helped in the playoffs simply by giving AV more options for offensive lines. Kassian was not ready to contribute at that time but anyone who knew much about him then would have known that. He was an enigma in Buffalo before being traded.

Still, Kassian is underrated for his vision and playmaking ability. He has a lot of tools and when he puts that all together consistently (I say when not if because I truly believe he will get there under Torts) he will be a very good player for us.

He was a confident beast with the puck tonight. He shows glimpses of it every once in awhile. And then he shows glimpses of being a goon. But honestly he is a more skilled player than many think because of the goon side of the equation.

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Kassian played well tonight. 4 Assists is no small feat but if you ask me from the highlights of the game I saw the passes he made aren't anything spectacular. Is that a fair assessment or am I way off?

Seems like luck more then great execution. He certainly gave his teammates confidence though and I hope he can continue to perform like this. Not sure if he will have the opportunity against a larger more dominant team. Good to see him show some battle and really gain some confidence.

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Kassian played well tonight. 4 Assists is no small feat but if you ask me from the highlights of the game I saw the passes he made aren't anything spectacular. Is that a fair assessment or am I way off?

Seems like luck more then great execution. He certainly gave his teammates confidence though and I hope he can continue to perform like this. Not sure if he will have the opportunity against a larger more dominant team. Good to see him show some battle and really gain some confidence.

I respectfully disagree. He was strong on the puck and made several very good passes. He absolutely controlled the play and his anticipation was great when he had the puck which is maybe why the passes did not seem like all that much.

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When skilled players go down you need other skilled players to be there to pick up the slack. same for the grinders on the team, when they go down you need players that can step up and fill the hole. You are not going to win without scoring goals and we have all seen this in the playoffs especially. MG messed up the scoring ability of our team by targeting less skilled players. You keep bringing up particular trades but just like kass it's not booths fault that MG didn't do a good job of retooling. It's a combination of all the trades and lack there of that led us down the path we are on. I'm not adverse to the idea of a big strong team it's just that MG wasn't capable of building it and I don't understand why he even tried when we were a team that could compleat for the cup before the retool, it was a misjudgment on his part and we as fans are paying for it.

After the '11 finals I think a more balanced team of size, speed, and skill is superior to an average size team that relies only on skill. The way the game is defended and reffed now really favors bigger players and garbage goals.

Could anybody forecast the injuries to Booth? He was bigger, faster, younger and more physical than Samuelsson and on pace for 25 goals when the knee injury occured. Then it's been a string of injuries since. But that deal looked great in the beginning. Should MG have somehow known those injuries would happen and his productivity go with them? That's the chance you take in any trade.

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I respectfully disagree. He was strong on the puck and made several very good passes. He absolutely controlled the play and his anticipation was great when he had the puck which is maybe why the passes did not seem like all that much.

His assist on the Booth goal is evidence enough of what this kid will bring more consistently within the

next two seasons. Kassian, Mathias and Yensen all big boys and all handle the puck well.

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After the '11 finals I think a more balanced team of size, speed, and skill is superior to an average size team that relies only on skill. The way the game is defended and reffed now really favors bigger players and garbage goals.

Could anybody forecast the injuries to Booth? He was bigger, faster, younger and more physical than Samuelsson and on pace for 25 goals when the knee injury occured. Then it's been a string of injuries since. But that deal looked great in the beginning. Should MG have somehow known those injuries would happen and his productivity go with them? That's the chance you take in any trade.

May have been better but it wasn't because MG screwed it up. Let's recall that booth was playing on the third line on a lesser team when he was traded to us, MG took a huge chance with him and lost. Not that we lost in the trade but lost because he took a huge cap hit on a gamble that has cost us.

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Still clinging to these delusions of the rookie's potency, and weak revisionism.

Your notion of wasted potential is ridiculous and your claim that Schroeder was over-rated is oblivious to the four serious injuries he has dealt with.

But thank you for posting this nonsense just before the head to head.

Kassian 4 primary assists, +4, 3 hits in 14 (3rd line) minutes. Young man is a beaut.

Hodgson nothing in 18:55. 31% in the faceoff circle, 2 giveaways, and a few bad angle shots.

Invisible would be flattering.

I have posted virtually nothing on Hodgson in 18 months. I was a fan. But I came to realize as evidence mounted after he left he had to go.

I'll stick to my evaluation and consider myself an objective fan. At this stage barring a miracle turnaround, nearly 3 play off seasons later for us Canuck fans (Canuck fans, not Gillis gaggers) we will have only 1 play off win to show for the trade. Haven't won a series since! I have never questioned whether Kassian would be a good player, or was a good asset. Just lamented that alternate moves could have propped us up better in the short and medium term. We wasted a lot of potential and our team has slid from contender status to lottery team.

I'm happy for your moral victory. (sarcasm)

Of course everyone comes out and bashes when Kass has a big night. Just like they did when he had 5 goals in 7 games last year. I feel good about myself not kissing Kassian or Gillis's butt while our team slid downhill. I respect guys like you who defend the team in blind faith, regardless of what they do. Noble yes, but hardly objective.

Look; if Kassian becomes a perennial all star, and or we return to being a contender on the back of Kassians play > I will be wrong in criticizing the trade. And that is within his ceiling. But it will never have anything to do with Hodgson. Just how well we do.

Regarding Kassian; being a fan of the team I have cheered for him every time he has improved. Even though I critique the trade I consider myself a fan of his. I think today could have been a break through. Earlier in the year I suggested he needed to work harder in the corners; that a level of work ethic on the boards and fore checking (not any lack of talent or sloppy play on his part as some claimed) was what separated him from playing top 6. Goal one tonight came off the cycle on the boards, and was a nifty back handed pass. Goal 2 was even better. Kassian won the puck in a board battle, circled backwards and put it right on Mathias's stick in the slot. Goal 3 was a fortunate goaltender whiff, but goal 4 was again a hard working goal as Kassian bust up ice and sheltered off a defensive player before feeding Booth. His work ethic has improved the last month or two, which has led to these assists that are within his tool set appearing every 2knd or 3rd game (4 in a game today) instead of every 5th. Tonight was a great night with better results from better effort.

Good for Kass!

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May have been better but it wasn't because MG screwed it up. Let's recall that booth was playing on the third line on a lesser team when he was traded to us, MG took a huge chance with him and lost. Not that we lost in the trade but lost because he took a huge cap hit on a gamble that has cost us.

As usual,,you really don't know what you're talking about.

It's not that hard to look a little closer, but instead you just seem intent on peddling b.s.

Booth lead all Panthers forwards in ice time in 2010/11. Where do you comp up with this myth that he was a 'third liner on a lesser team'. B.S. plain and simple. He had 23 goals. He also had, as he always did in Florida, some of the best underlying numbers on the Panthers.


The year before that in an injury shortened year he had 8 goals in 28 games - a 24 goal pace.

The year before that 31 goals.

So, in your mind, a guy who scores 23 to 31 goals, with the best underlying numbers over a three year span, is a 'third liner' on a bad team?

I don't know where you buy your koolaid, but you need to try a different source.

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I have posted virtually nothing on Hodgson in 18 months. I was a fan. But I came to realize as evidence mounted after he left he had to go.

I'll stick to my evaluation and consider myself an objective fan. At this stage barring a miracle turnaround, nearly 3 play off seasons later for us Canuck fans (Canuck fans, not Gillis gaggers) we will have only 1 play off win to show for the trade. Haven't won a series since! I have never questioned whether Kassian would be a good player, or was a good asset. Just lamented that alternate moves could have propped us up better in the short and medium term. We wasted a lot of potential and our team has slid from contender status to lottery team.

I'm happy for your moral victory. (sarcasm)

Of course everyone comes out and bashes when Kass has a big night. Just like they did when he had 5 goals in 7 games last year. I feel good about myself not kissing Kassian or Gillis's butt while our team slid downhill. I respect guys like you who defend the team in blind faith, regardless of what they do. Noble yes, but hardly objective.

That is truly one of your most pathetic posts. Like the ridiculous reasoning you came up with to show that you know virtually nothing about Stastny (uh, he only has 8 points in 15 career playoff games....) here you are on the same tangent - as if the Canuck's one playoff victory in 2 years has anything whatsoever to do with Hodgson or Kassian. That is plain derpworthy.

As for your ability to be objective - that is also truly comical. You were one of the most blind Hodgson trade whiners on these boards, with very little concept of where his actual development was. Very few people gushed as embarrassingly over him, in absolute denial/ignorance of the fact that he was an inconsistent rookie with some massive gaps in his game that were sheltered by AV, Higgins and Hansen. The highlight reel noobs in Vancouver went on endlessly about the catastrophe that is was to trade Hodgson. A few years later, the reality - in patently obvious, and btw, the most objective form, statistic - is there for anyone to see. Get back to me when you have the slightest grasp of what are actually the most objective reference points.

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Look; if Kassian becomes a perennial all star, and or we return to being a contender on the back of Kassians play > I will be wrong in criticizing the trade. And that is within his ceiling. But it will never have anything to do with Hodgson. Just how well we do.

Good for Kass!

Hodgson is a skill center with no other upside. Surely we can all agree on this by now. He may develop leadership skills but he will never be a selke guru, nor heavyweight champion. Lets just all agree on this.

The idea that Hodgson could help us in a playoff situation against a team like the Kings is to have a suspension of disbelief. There is no way AV (or any other coach) would take Keslers icetime and contributions and throw them out the window to be a shut down guy so Hodgson can fill his shoes. How does anyone even entertain that ?

The guy was playing his rookie year, under very controlled conditions, on the Presidents trophy winning team, all in an effort to be traded. He needed to be in another team without Sedin and Kesler.

So lets just put this notion that Cody Hodgson was going to win us a single playoff game , let alone a series and furthermore the Stanley cup , into the trash bin where it belongs. Being objective means being objective . The guy was simply not equipped at his age and development to help anyone in a prominent playoff role.

So it really comes down to how Kassian and Hodgson pan out. You cant stick the bar up so high for Kassian that he has to become some superstar and carry us to the cup on a silver platter as your threshold for finally having the unabridged gall to admit you might have been wrong about your take on the trade.

The trade started out as a win win for both the Sabres and Canucks given their needs. There is no way we take back a 28 year old guy for a playoff run. We take back a future franchise player for trading a future franchise player.

Since then, Hodgson has stayed the same guy, while there can be no doubt that Kassian has almost caught up to him and in my opinion will roar right by him. In the end I believe we hosed the Sabres who did not have the patience to develop Kassian themselves. Cody was far more NHL ready than Zack was at the time of the trade.

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I'll stick to my evaluation and consider myself an objective fan. At this stage barring a miracle turnaround, nearly 3 play off seasons later for us Canuck fans (Canuck fans, not Gillis gaggers) we will have only 1 play off win to show for the trade. Haven't won a series since! I have never questioned whether Kassian would be a good player, or was a good asset. Just lamented that alternate moves could have propped us up better in the short and medium term. We wasted a lot of potential and our team has slid from contender status to lottery team.

This is how I feel too. I was never against trading Hodgson, but I think we got the wrong piece for him at the wrong time.

Having said that, Kassian's been growing on me.

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Hodgson is a skill center with no other upside. Surely we can all agree on this by now. He may develop leadership skills but he will never be a selke guru, nor heavyweight champion. Lets just all agree on this.

The idea that Hodgson could help us in a playoff situation against a team like the Kings is to have a suspension of disbelief. There is no way AV (or any other coach) would take Keslers icetime and contributions and throw them out the window to be a shut down guy so Hodgson can fill his shoes. How does anyone even entertain that ?

The guy was playing his rookie year, under very controlled conditions, on the Presidents trophy winning team, all in an effort to be traded. He needed to be in another team without Sedin and Kesler.

So lets just put this notion that Cody Hodgson was going to win us a single playoff game , let alone a series and furthermore the Stanley cup , into the trash bin where it belongs. Being objective means being objective . The guy was simply not equipped at his age and development to help anyone in a prominent playoff role.

So it really comes down to how Kassian and Hodgson pan out. You cant stick the bar up so high for Kassian that he has to become some superstar and carry us to the cup on a silver platter as your threshold for finally having the unabridged gall to admit you might have been wrong about your take on the trade.

The trade started out as a win win for both the Sabres and Canucks given their needs. There is no way we take back a 28 year old guy for a playoff run. We take back a future franchise player for trading a future franchise player.

Since then, Hodgson has stayed the same guy, while there can be no doubt that Kassian has almost caught up to him and in my opinion will roar right by him. In the end I believe we hosed the Sabres who did not have the patience to develop Kassian themselves. Cody was far more NHL ready than Zack was at the time of the trade.

You can make sense until you're blue in the face. Surfer simply has a deep gouge that keeps the record skipping and skipping - he's so hung up on how "pretty" Hodgson is, that he sings and sings that sad song of his, forgetting that his lyrics have no bearing to the real world.

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