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[Speculation] Kesler to remain a Canuck


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Kesler needs to stay. His play is all heart. I would even say, I prefer him over Henrik as captain.

Kesler needs to stay. His play is all heart. I would even say, I prefer him over Henrik as captain.

When Hank was out of the lineup and Kesler was top line we struggled but you see when kesler is injured we have a good record without Him so to me Hank is twice the leader.

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There are very few who do what he does, definately a big game player.

He will decide the future of this team, if he wants to stay and be a team guy, you can trade for top six help and possibly sign a free agent.

If he says I want to leave, it`s time for a complete rebuild, with the Sedins, Hamhuis and Bieksa showing the young guys how to be pros.

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When Hank was out of the lineup and Kesler was top line we struggled but you see when kesler is injured we have a good record without Him so to me Hank is twice the leader.

In regular season for sure but for this current Canucks team to have success in the playoffs Kesler has to be their best center.

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I would only like to see Kesler traded if it was for a rebuild. If not, he should stay to mentor guys like Horvat and Gaunce

If you want someone to mentor Horvat and Gaunce to pour coffee at Tim Hortons or bag groceries at Save On Foods, Kes is your man. To think he's going to mentor Horvat and Gaunce in the finer points of being a pro in the NHL is a stretch.

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I honestly view the playoffs this year in light of who losses the worst and whether they will want to

acquire either Kesler or Edler. The only top 6 players with the Canucks who have shown the ability to

carry a line is the Twins. I even suggest that Burrows, when healthy, has shown more ability to make his line mates better players. Kesler has serious abilities and possibly with different linemates might

still create something. I simply think that Van's upper depth is to challenged and Kesler's game is not

creative enough.

MG resigned the Twins to 4 year deals which was probably excessive at the money involved. That is done.

At this point in the timeline of the Canucks Kesler's 2nd line should be challenging the Twins #1 role

and it is not even close. One might even argue that Kesler should have been able to work more

effectively with Kassian. That might not be fair but it is becoming obvious that Kassian has superior

playmaking skills and that Richardson was able to work with him and Kesler could not.

It does come down to risk minimalization. Go into next season, once again trying to build a 2nd line

around Kesler, or trade him and bring back talent in the time line that compliments a 22 - 24 year old

development time line. I vote for the latter.

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Kesler is not the player fans, the media, the management, thinks he is. He is the best third line C in the game or a great winger and the best part of his game is playing big and taking advantage of his body size and reach, and his hits.

If he still has that shot he hasn't done much to demonstrate that since padding his stats with a bucket of powerplay goals in 2010-2011. Can't complain because nobody else on the team is scoring enough but just consider a few basic concepts: The good players in this game make others around them better. Kesler does not do this. Kesler takes the puck and tries to ram it through 3 defending players before chucking the puck at a teammate as a last ditch effort to maintain possession. Lost count of how many times that happened during transition, it's so frustrating to watch one guy trying to beat everyone by himself and failing.

Look at him for what he is. He is not a snipe shot with accuracy, in other words he's not a Perry or a Stamkos type guy, and he's not a playmaker. He got 41 goals one season and 50 assists during another and both seem to be an anomaly. He's not a guy that makes his teammates better, apparently, or the guys on his line jst don't have enough finish.

The man gets prickly when people ask him about it, and other things. He's not a thick skinned guy or a typical locker room leader. John Toews never sounds mopey or deflective, even pissy during interviews. Ryan Kesler is a great third line centre and this year we saw what he can do when the going gets rough- did he put the team on his back and go into the beast mode everyone talked about for so long? No. Seen him do it over the course of 2-3 games once or twice a year though.

The expectations on the guy are totally unrealistic, and to me anyway he's not what people think he is. If he succeeds somewhere else it will be due to other players making him more effective, something outside the scope of the big man's game he plays. He won that selke for being enthusiastic without the puck but tbh he looked uninterested this year and we've probably seen the best of him as a Canuck already. When the going gets tough , the rats flee the sinking ship, and the captain stays on board. Is Ryan the 'captain' of this team, or now that the going got rough, is he seeking a way out?

His pp stat padding in 10/11 amounted to a whopping 4 points. In 10/11 on the 1st unit with the Sedins he had 30 pp points. The previous season playing 2nd unit with Raymond and Samuelsson he had 26 pp points. It was actually the Sedins who had a big increase in pp production when Kesler joined them. Oddly the 2nd unit had a big drop in 10/11 without Kesler. That would seem to indicate it was in fact Kesler that was the driving force on the pp for the 09/10 and 10/11 seasons.

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His pp stat padding in 10/11 amounted to a whopping 4 points. In 10/11 on the 1st unit with the Sedins he had 30 pp points. The previous season playing 2nd unit with Raymond and Samuelsson he had 26 pp points. It was actually the Sedins who had a big increase in pp production when Kesler joined them. Oddly the 2nd unit had a big drop in 10/11 without Kesler. That would seem to indicate it was in fact Kesler that was the driving force on the pp for the 09/10 and 10/11 seasons.

No, that would indicate Ehrhoff was the driving force of the powerplay and made Kesler's point production insanely high. Once Ehrhoff left, Kesler has been horrible on the man advantage, standing around waiting for the puck, because none of our defensemen can hit the net for those juicy rebounds or make those nice passes for the open net tap ins for him.

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No, that would indicate Ehrhoff was the driving force of the powerplay and made Kesler's point production insanely high. Once Ehrhoff left, Kesler has been horrible on the man advantage, standing around waiting for the puck, because none of our defensemen can hit the net for those juicy rebounds or make those nice passes for the open net tap ins for him.

The main problem is all our D men are very static at the point with the puck.

Look at the good point men in the NHL, including Ehrhoff. They drive the puck forward stick handling past forwards who come out to challenge them. They skate backwards with the puck at the blue line, to the middle, to improve shooting angles. They make dissecting passes. In short, they are dangerous with the puck even beyond their shot, making guys guard them.

They also much more aggressively jump into the slot or behind D on the off side. To provide options for cycling forwards (like the Sedin's) who might otherwise get pinned by a big D man in the corner.

These open up all the lanes, and creates rotations which puts defenders out of position, to pass to forwards or hit the net with a shot.

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No, that would indicate Ehrhoff was the driving force of the powerplay and made Kesler's point production insanely high. Once Ehrhoff left, Kesler has been horrible on the man advantage, standing around waiting for the puck, because none of our defensemen can hit the net for those juicy rebounds or make those nice passes for the open net tap ins for him.

Ehrhoff was here the season before. Ehrhoff had no effect on the 2nd unit production from 09/10 to 10/11. Removing Kesler is the common factor there. Ehrhoff was here for 09/10 season playing 1st pp unit. So what changed in 10/11? Um, Kesler was moved up to the first unit. Many here highly overrate Ehrhoff.

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Ehrhoff was here the season before. Ehrhoff had no effect on the 2nd unit production from 09/10 to 10/11. Removing Kesler is the common factor there. Ehrhoff was here for 09/10 season playing 1st pp unit. So what changed in 10/11? Um, Kesler was moved up to the first unit. Many here highly overrate Ehrhoff.

I don't understand what your saying, is it that kess should be on the second unit pp?

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this only sort of fits in this thread, but i thought it was interesting but not thread-worthy.

Ryan Kesler was one who was widely believed to have friction with Tortorella, reportedly, at least in part, because he was stripped of his alternate captaincy status. But a couple of sources indicate that decision was not entirely on the coach, and was at least partially based on a team vote.

full article (about tortorella): http://www.theprovince.com/touch/sports/hockey/canucks-hockey/Botchford+Torts+twisting+wind+doing/9772804/story.html?rel=837260

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