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Thatcher Demko | #35 | G


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Well you gentlemen sure showed me.  How dare I express my opinion.  Bad Hippy, Bad.


I stand by what I said.  IN MY OPINION, I feel it shows more character to stand up and finish your obligations than it does to bail and seek greener pastures or more lucrative offers.  IN MY OPINION, it serves a person, not a player far better to finish school or finish a contract than it does to enter a larger professional arena in pursuit of monetary gain.


How dare I express an opinion that i feel better serves a person through their entire life as opposed to a few years maybe decade plus long sports career.


I mean, who am I to say these things right?

I respect that you have an opinion, as these are just our counter-opinions.

I'm interested on your thoughts about my CHL statement, as well as Toews leaving after 1 year of NCAA scholarship.

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Well you gentlemen sure showed me.  How dare I express my opinion.  Bad Hippy, Bad.


I stand by what I said.  IN MY OPINION, I feel it shows more character to stand up and finish your obligations than it does to bail and seek greener pastures or more lucrative offers.  IN MY OPINION, it serves a person, not a player far better to finish school or finish a contract than it does to enter a larger professional arena in pursuit of monetary gain.


How dare I express an opinion that i feel better serves a person through their entire life as opposed to a few years maybe decade plus long sports career.


I mean, who am I to say these things right?

Warhippy, I don't see why you're being so defensive here. I haven't seen one person be disrespectful to your opinion, only counters to it. Regardless, you've started a good discussion and have very valid points.  FWIW, I agree with everything you have said up to this point. 

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Well you gentlemen sure showed me.  How dare I express my opinion.  Bad Hippy, Bad.


I stand by what I said.  IN MY OPINION, I feel it shows more character to stand up and finish your obligations than it does to bail and seek greener pastures or more lucrative offers.  IN MY OPINION, it serves a person, not a player far better to finish school or finish a contract than it does to enter a larger professional arena in pursuit of monetary gain.


How dare I express an opinion that i feel better serves a person through their entire life as opposed to a few years maybe decade plus long sports career.


I mean, who am I to say these things right?

I get what you're saying, but players aren't obligated to finish their 4 years of school, just like the institution isn't obligated to grant them a spot on the team and a scholarship for all four years. Its a give and take relationship. Colleges cut players and revoke scholarships all the time. I don't think it shows a lack of character at all to go play professionally when your skill level allows it. You can always finish your degree later.

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I question anyone who willingly leaves their obligations in the pursuit of "something better" regardless of what people think their character shows.

I am happy Tryamkin is finishing his contract, happy Demko has all but said he'd like to finish school and that's that.  For me personally, sticking through their obligations shows as much heart as a player that fights to keep the play alive on a shattered leg like a warrior.

I simply can't comprehend that stance.

We're not talking about blocking a shot or playing through a sprained wrist here. This is real life and there is no shame in taking advantage of a life-changing opportunity that can significantly benefit you and your family. Demko can spend another few years in college and risk injury outside the pros, playing out a non-guaranteed contract where he can be cut or lose out his scholarship at any time, or he can take an opportunity to play in the best league in the world and set himself up financially now and into retirement. Whatever his decision, he is no less or more of a "warrior". 

I am in third year of an employment contract that forces me to pay $15,000 to my employer upon termination of the contract. Two months into the contract, another company offered to buy me out and I turned them down, on principal. Well, my contract is nearly up and I will be moving on, happily, as the last year few years have been the worst of my career. I can't express how much I regret turning down that original offer and, looking back, I don't think it would be a reflection on my character had I done so. Sometimes, you have to do what's right for you. In sports, it might look bad to "turn" on your team or school... but day-to-day life is different.

Demko probably wouldn't lose anything by sticking in college but it's not a reflection of his character, should he choose to follow his dream and play in the NHL.

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I understand what you'e saying about living up to commitments and if he leaves I'm sure the coach who scouted and signed him will not be over the moon.. However we should keep in mind Demko has a career for a short period, is subject to that being shortened by injury. The sooner he reached the money years the better for him. The Uni coach understand that as much as Demko/agent understands that. To reach the big money there's a learning period low paid and hard work. Right now he may blow away some major earning years if he doesn't enter the Pro ranks

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Just throwing this out, but how does Demko compare to Jack Campbell and John Gibson? Are their stars still shining as bright and careers on track at 23, 22 as when they were 19,20?

Not that it means much, but I've been a goaltender for nearly 20 years, and this is my take on these guys:

Gibson is the real deal. A very calm goaltender with fluid movements. Has elite upside. Seems like a very quiet kid though.


Campbell is losing steam. Could be like a Jake Allen, but doesn't seem to have the x-factor. Still relatively young, though. He'll still get his chance.


Demko is very different than both guys. He is cocky. He is loud. He is a character.  His movements are explosive and his style is more based on talent and reaction than by the books butterfly goaltending. Almost reminds me of Mrazek in Detroit (one of my fav goalies). Kid has an attitude like Patrick Roy. Top end potential (possibly the best goalie prospect we've ever had), but his attitude could also be detrimental in the wrong situation.

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Demko is very different than both guys. He is cocky. He is loud. He is a character.  His movements are explosive and his style is more based on talent and reaction than by the books butterfly goaltending. Almost reminds me of Mrazek in Detroit (one of my fav goalies). Kid has an attitude like Patrick Roy. Top end potential (possibly the best goalie prospect we've ever had), but his attitude could also be detrimental in the wrong situation.

What attitude are you referring too? I've never gotten the impression that he's cocky or loud.

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Well you gentlemen sure showed me.  How dare I express my opinion.  Bad Hippy, Bad.


I stand by what I said.  IN MY OPINION, I feel it shows more character to stand up and finish your obligations than it does to bail and seek greener pastures or more lucrative offers.  IN MY OPINION, it serves a person, not a player far better to finish school or finish a contract than it does to enter a larger professional arena in pursuit of monetary gain.


How dare I express an opinion that i feel better serves a person through their entire life as opposed to a few years maybe decade plus long sports career.


I mean, who am I to say these things right?

Your opinion on this is silly, however I respect your right to express it.

But that's just my opinion.

Edited by Jägermeister
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Well you gentlemen sure showed me.  How dare I express my opinion.  Bad Hippy, Bad.


I stand by what I said.  IN MY OPINION, I feel it shows more character to stand up and finish your obligations than it does to bail and seek greener pastures or more lucrative offers.  IN MY OPINION, it serves a person, not a player far better to finish school or finish a contract than it does to enter a larger professional arena in pursuit of monetary gain.


How dare I express an opinion that i feel better serves a person through their entire life as opposed to a few years maybe decade plus long sports career.


I mean, who am I to say these things right?

good job. It's completely wrong, of course, but good job just the same.

if you had a new employer offer you a million dollar per year raise over your current employer, what would you do?  

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Demko is very different than both guys. He is cocky. He is loud. He is a character.  His movements are explosive and his style is more based on talent and reaction than by the books butterfly goaltending. Almost reminds me of Mrazek in Detroit (one of my fav goalies). Kid has an attitude like Patrick Roy. Top end potential (possibly the best goalie prospect we've ever had), but his attitude could also be detrimental in the wrong situation.

Could you post some links, clips, quotes, video's supporting the theory that TD is 'cocky, loud, and has an attitude like so-and-so'?  This isn't a shot at your post, I'd really like to hear/see any evidence of this theory/supposition.  Because he didn't attend the camp (I know about his NCAA eligibility precluding him from doing so) there isn't a lot out there unlike there rest of the prospects who attended camp both at the Young Stars and in PG.

I suspect this is like the McCann thing at the draft where he was put on the spot, made a quote and people blew it completely out of proportion insinuating from a 2 minute interview moments after he was drafted that he wasn't pleased to be a Canuck - which has proven to be entirely NOT true. 

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DeNiro, is he that good, or is his team just really a lot better than the competition and he gets no shots?

The Eagles are one of the best teams in NCAA and often control the play.

That being said you can't discredit what Demko has done. Part of the team being so confident is knowing they have Demko back there.

Even if he only has to face 25 shots a night, he still has to make the saves. The Eagles comentators are constantly pumping his tires too.

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Could you post some links, clips, quotes, video's supporting the theory that TD is 'cocky, loud, and has an attitude like so-and-so'?  This isn't a shot at your post, I'd really like to hear/see any evidence of this theory/supposition.  Because he didn't attend the camp (I know about his NCAA eligibility precluding him from doing so) there isn't a lot out there unlike there rest of the prospects who attended camp both at the Young Stars and in PG.

I suspect this is like the McCann thing at the draft where he was put on the spot, made a quote and people blew it completely out of proportion insinuating from a 2 minute interview moments after he was drafted that he wasn't pleased to be a Canuck - which has proven to be entirely NOT true. 

Well, I certainly wasn't trying to pretend I had some sort of insider information (I don't), I thought it was fairly clear from watching any highlight package or interview with the kid that he truly believes he is a special player (and honestly why shouldn't he?). Saying he has an "attitude" is not the same as a "bad attitude", I meant he is a confident, charismatic kid, who seems to have higher aspirations than simply making the NHL. I've played with goalies that are mouses in the locker room/on the ice, and Thatcher is not one of those guys. He also seems to be quite vocal with his D-men, and even the refs. Something we haven't seen in Corey, Eddie, Ryan. I guess a younger Markstrom could be a good comparable, somebody that's very in tune with the game and extremely passionate. I personally consider that a great attribute, but it's pretty stark contrast to somebody like Carey Price (the current face of goaltending) who makes at MOST a passive aggressive comment after the game.

I'll admit to not having much evidence to turn to, but just about everything I've seen from Thatcher give me the impression that he considers himself a notch above most other young goalies, and that he's a cocky guy that loves to make big saves. Cocky is good. Remember how good Luongo was in his prime? Well, he was also notorious for blaming his D men and giving off those death stares (rarely taking personal onus for mistakes), and that was the only very slight concern I could have with Demko. It's small, but something to consider in a place where "goaltending controversies" happen rather frequently. Cocky players tend to take a lot of things personally.

But I mean, come on. 5 shutouts now? It is officially time to get very excited about this kid. He might be THE prospect in our pool. Patrick Roy achieved legendary status with his "attitude". 

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