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Nikita Tryamkin | D


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17 hours ago, Provost said:

Unfortunately it is a different deal for players who aren't signing their first contracts.  They have to sign before Dec 1st (or whatever equivalent date this season) or aren't eligible to play for the rest of the season.  Tryamkin could play here at the end of his season when he signed on his ELC, just as Podkolzin can... but not now that he isn't signing his first ELC.

We don't really want to sign him now anyways as it means he would need to be protected in expansion whereas he doesn't now.  If we can get him for a 2 year deal at reasonable money in the summer... that would be perfect for us.  D will be at a little bit of a premium since Seattle will have stolen some from other teams.

Any word on the Dec 1st equivalent? 

Dec 1st was two months in...we start Jan 12th, so...mid March ? 


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10 hours ago, Where's Wellwood said:

Pod or Tryam?


I think both can play for us this season even if they sign a 2020/2021 contract after April since they are both on our Reserve list of players.

Every player that belongs to the Canucks is on the reserve list.  Boeser, Horvat, Hughes etc are also on the reserve list.  It ‘s maximum 90 players.  On that reserve list players have different status.  Tryamkin is a RFA.  



7 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

Any word on the Dec 1st equivalent? 

Dec 1st was two months in...we start Jan 12th, so...mid March ? 


11 February.

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On 1/2/2021 at 2:39 PM, janisahockeynut said:

I would like to see Benning address this issue of sign and loan back

Either he can or he can't

IMO, Benning is very negligent in how he addresses issues around Tryamkin, and should know what his fans want

Especially, when this year revenues are going to be so dismal

I would like to see weekly follow ups on all our prospects weekly play, development, chances of success, chances of coming over etc

After all....who is ultimately paying his salary

Just a revue and summary.......he has to know how crazy this market is....how hungry we are for info

Sure he has other things, but ultimately he works for us

Maybe have Higgins/Smyl do it............ it would keep us buzzing

Jan, I know you are a very passionate fan and I think that is fantastic but you need to think about a few things here:

- he cannot sign this player to an NHL contract (one way) and "loan him back" to the KHL.   That mechanism does not exist


- how on earth is the GM being "negligent"?   The GM didn't leave the team and sign those contracts in the KHL?   The only thing the GM can do it continue discussions with the player and/or agent and respect the KHL contracts - that is how the hockey world works business wise


- why is it up to the Canuck organization to provide information on a player that while still on their "list" isn't contractually tied to the team whatsoever - what you are suggesting is without precedence


- finally, and I know I don't align with all in this forum and I respect that but all should acknowledge I have been consistent on this opinion, have seen him play (a LOT) and know people well who watch him regularly, I doubt very much this player could crack the Canuck line up right now and is, IMHO, at best about 10th on their D depth chart as of right now


Again, sorry that this probably isn't aligned with your thoughts.   Cheers - love your posts!   :)


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24 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Jan, I know you are a very passionate fan and I think that is fantastic but you need to think about a few things here:

- he cannot sign this player to an NHL contract (one way) and "loan him back" to the KHL.   That mechanism does not exist


- how on earth is the GM being "negligent"?   The GM didn't leave the team and sign those contracts in the KHL?   The only thing the GM can do it continue discussions with the player and/or agent and respect the KHL contracts - that is how the hockey world works business wise


- why is it up to the Canuck organization to provide information on a player that while still on their "list" isn't contractually tied to the team whatsoever - what you are suggesting is without precedence


- finally, and I know I don't align with all in this forum and I respect that but all should acknowledge I have been consistent on this opinion, have seen him play (a LOT) and know people well who watch him regularly, I doubt very much this player could crack the Canuck line up right now and is, IMHO, at best about 10th on their D depth chart as of right now


Again, sorry that this probably isn't aligned with your thoughts.   Cheers - love your posts!   :)


Thanks for your post Rob....very gentle! And , yes It may have been a little dramatic. LOL (I did not go back and look at the post I was answering...maybe my own! LOL)


But I will say this in terms of how the Canucks have handled The Tryamkin issue.


First off, I think Benning has done a great job, overall with the team. But, it is not without its blemishes. How I see Tryamkin was miss-managed is as follows


#1. The coaching was horrendous, and I do not think that you, who have been to pro-camps, and pro-teams, would say is normal.

Not from the coach making statements in the press, to the video's of how to fight...........it just seems that there was no respect for Tryamkin

Everything should have stayed behind closed doors, with no ask of violence, which occurs organically, with some people prepared to fight and others not.

It is obvious that Tryamkin's physical play was intimidating and made teams alter their game plans. (not bad for a #6 or 10...as some people suggest...LOL)

It should have been enough physical play.


#2. I also do not think Benning prepared for Tryamkin's arrival. I totally agree that players need to prepare, but Benning should have recognized that Tryamkin's english was not stellar, nor that his girl friend could not speak it. (These are things that make a young players transition easier for success) Further more, Benning should have been working with Tryamkin and his agent to ensure he would arrive in shape. This is done by pre-scouting, discussion, and working with the player. I am reminded of a discussion I had with a elder manager at a golf Tournie, where he said that times have changed........I do not think Benning or Willie got that memo.


#3. Although, it is not confirmed, it has been suggested that Tryamkin's 2nd contract offer was low, and although we are not privy to to the negotiations, it obviously must have been low enough that it insulted Tryamkin. I also think that Benning's offer was a final take it or leave it, and he under-estimated Tryamkin's resolve. Now, I will qualify this by saying that Tryamkin's part in this is substantial, as well, but he is the young kid here, and Benning is the professional. I also believe that Tryamkin was edging closer and closer to being a top 4. I think a solid one, but I will accept a budding one, with special attributes, that you know personally can not be taught. (size, size, size) you can not out skate gap and stick position, especially by a monster! (I will also state here that the European size rinks play against Tryamkin, not for him)


#4. Now, Benning has been very fortunate, that his defense has fallen in place, but some of that, you must admit was sheer luck, and still has not been tested. But the fact remains up until Covid, Bennng was having a hard time finding cap space. I also do not think he was entirely pro-active on his cap-space, but I get that. There is always a cost, but it still is on Benning......by way of earlier...cough, cough signings.


To sum up why I feel this way, is that, there just are not that many players, that unique, and I would say, that "IF" Tryamkin was Canadian, and playing junior, instead of having the Russian factor, he would not have been ranked in the 3rd round, and more than likely been a late 1st, early 2nd.......surely a mid 2nd at worst. I would say that things would have been handled differently. I will also point out that Benning has repeatedly addressed the want to get Tryamkin back here, which indicates to me that he must think Tryamkin has the ability to play higher that a 6 or 7.......I mean, come on....how easy is it to get a 6 or 7 out of UFA? My point exactly!


IMO, Benning failed to keep him here, and did not prepare to get him back, as he could have been signed and loaned to the SHL if that was a concern. So, respectfully, there were mechanisms that were not explored. 


Now, I could be wrong, or conversely, the nay sayer's could be wrong......


Yes, I am passionate, and I do not apologize for that, but hopefully my posts are mostly well argued, with some degree of hockey knowledge.

(I will accept they are not always the most popular).


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11 hours ago, UKNuck96 said:

Tryamkin because he’s an Rfa, Pod can because it’s a ELC


1 hour ago, mll said:

Every player that belongs to the Canucks is on the reserve list.  Boeser, Horvat, Hughes etc are also on the reserve list.  It ‘s maximum 90 players.  On that reserve list players have different status.  Tryamkin is a RFA.  



11 February.

It works out better anyhow. If Tryamkin were to play this season, he'd be eligible to be taken in the expansion draft.


The fact that he can't play here till next season is fine with me

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The fact that we added more grit to our D helps. And it adds to the Canucks waiting to sign him till next year. But  Tryamkin>Benn, and more suitable for our playoff run. 

So if we can get him for the playoffs JB should. 

But avoiding the ED also works.

Edited by Hairy Kneel
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24 minutes ago, Where's Wellwood said:


It works out better anyhow. If Tryamkin were to play this season, he'd be eligible to be taken in the expansion draft.


The fact that he can't play here till next season is fine with me

couldn't he theoretically be pick by Seattle without being signed?

they are picking 31 players

a few hiden players  might be welcome

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44 minutes ago, lmm said:

couldn't he theoretically be pick by Seattle without being signed?

they are picking 31 players

a few hiden players  might be welcome

He won't have the games played to be eligible.


56 minutes ago, Hairy Kneel said:

The fact that we added more grit to our D helps. And adds to us waiting to sign him till next year. But  Tryamkin>Benn, and more suitable for our playoff run. 

So if we can get him for the playoffs JB should. 

But avoiding the ED also works.

Is Tryamkin better than Hamonic? Might be an interesting future question though... Going to be an interesting offseason next year too ::D

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18 minutes ago, aGENT said:

He won't have the games played to be eligible.


Is Tryamkin better than Hamonic? Might be an interesting future question though... Going to be an interesting offseason next year too ::D

Tryamkin is much better than Hamonic, just wait to watch Hamonic skate. Tryamkin's wing span makes up for any skating deficiencies if there are any, but he is stillnoted as being an excellent skater, skates like he is 6' feet tall, very good.

Playing 25 min a game every now and then, blocks the most shots, on and on, pretty much the best defensive defense man in his division.

Edited by Lazurus
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19 hours ago, Lazurus said:

Tryamkin is much better than Hamonic

Sorry, I am not sure on what you are doing for your comparison but Hamonic can arguably play in the top 4 of most any team in the NHL and Tryamkin would be lucky to get one-way contract offers from most.    I continue to be amazed at the legend this guy has become in a league where Nigel Dawes is equivalent to Connor McDavid.


I liked the big guy as a prospect and the Canuck D circa 2017-18 desperately needed some prospects with upside but given the depth they have assembled and the emergence of other prospects, I personally (may be only person here with that opinion) that this guy could current crack the top six with the Canucks and perhaps not even the NHL/taxi line up.    

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4 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Sorry, I am not sure on what you are doing for your comparison but Hamonic can arguably play in the top 4 of most any team in the NHL and Tryamkin would be lucky to get one-way contract offers from most.    I continue to be amazed at the legend this guy has become in a league where Nigel Dawes is equivalent to Connor McDavid.


I liked the big guy as a prospect and the Canuck D circa 2017-18 desperately needed some prospects with upside but given the depth they have assembled and the emergence of other prospects, I personally (may be only person here with that opinion) that this guy could current crack the top six with the Canucks and perhaps not even the NHL/taxi line up.    

I'd imagine Tryamkin could play 3rd pair here next year, particularly if Hamonic moves on (as assumed).


But to state that he's clearly superior to Hamonic is downright :blink::picard: material.

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9 minutes ago, aGENT said:

I'd imagine Tryamkin could play 3rd pair here next year, particularly if Hamonic moves on (as assumed).


But to state that he's clearly superior to Hamonic is downright :blink::picard: material.

Can agree with that....he could make Vancouver next year but he would not be an upgrade to Hamonic.    

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49 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Sorry, I am not sure on what you are doing for your comparison but Hamonic can arguably play in the top 4 of most any team in the NHL and Tryamkin would be lucky to get one-way contract offers from most.    I continue to be amazed at the legend this guy has become in a league where Nigel Dawes is equivalent to Connor McDavid.


I liked the big guy as a prospect and the Canuck D circa 2017-18 desperately needed some prospects with upside but given the depth they have assembled and the emergence of other prospects, I personally (may be only person here with that opinion) that this guy could current crack the top six with the Canucks and perhaps not even the NHL/taxi line up.    

Hamonic did not look very good last night.


He might have been top 4 on any team before but teams needing defence were not breaking down his door other than a PTO from the Canucks. I am sure you will hear some comparisons to Tanev at some point.


League, KHL, same league as Romonov (Montreal),


Come April it might not matter so much, by that time the team might have sign players if they see lightning or hear thunder. One thing is he will be cheap and be able to play left and right side and McDavid couldn't go around him before so not likely now. McD skated around Hamonic, Edler and Juloevi quite a few times like they were pylons..

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10 minutes ago, Lazurus said:

Hamonic did not look very good last night.


He might have been top 4 on any team before but teams needing defence were not breaking down his door other than a PTO from the Canucks. I am sure you will hear some comparisons to Tanev at some point.


League, KHL, same league as Romonov (Montreal),


Come April it might not matter so much, by that time the team might have sign players if they see lightning or hear thunder. One thing is he will be cheap and be able to play left and right side and McDavid couldn't go around him before so not likely now. McD skated around Hamonic, Edler and Juloevi quite a few times like they were pylons..

You watch a different game than I do.

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4 minutes ago, Rob_Zepp said:

You watch a different game than I do.

Well he took two penalties when McD blew past him and should have had another when McD deked him to sitting down. Mind yo I do see that McD can do that to many dmen but I can't say I saw a hit or great pass.

There is another game tonight so this time i will record it for replays

2 minutes ago, aGENT said:

Given his one practice, he had a couple (understandably) rusty moments but otherwise was quite solid IMO. Not sure what you were watching.

I totally agree that is why I am mystified that you  guys are putting him on a pedestal. The whole works looked sloppy but here there are posters raving about how much better he is than someone they haven't seen in 2  years. I do try to catch game highlights from the KHL, so I know he is a cornerstone there and Romanov was not that much better. Romanov was more offensive, Tryamkin is working on his defensive game, he gets PK and regular shifts vs top KHL players, just like Romanov did. He skates way better than Edler for sure.


But if a poster hates a player that player will never be any good even if his name was Orr. or Gretzky, just because

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The whole Tryamkin infatuation reminds me of an episode of an old t.v. show called "White Shadow"

A former basket ball star turned high school coach is trying to explain to his center that "Big things are expected of big people, whether that is fair or not".

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8 minutes ago, Lazurus said:

But if a poster hates a player that player will never be any good even if his name was Orr. or Gretzky, just because

But if a poster loves a player they will never see the flaws in that players game, just because.

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