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Trade the Twins Now or Wait and hope for an internal rebuild?

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We all know it is coming, the glory days that the Sedins helped bring (with Luongo and co) are all but done, and within a couple years the best players this team has ever had (ok Bure was the best and Naslund was as good for two years) will start dropping down the depth chart and other players will make up the #1 (and eventually #2 lines).

At this point they are 33, are two seasons removed from point plus players per game, a few more away from winning Art Ross and Hart trophies and could still draw a good return.


For those that are in hockey pools and study the draft every year for future fantasy prospects you already know that Van has one of the weakest prospect pools in the league (that's what happens when you are at or near the top for years, you don't get the best prospects unless your Detroit). This means we don't have the stable for a rebuild internally YET, Benning is very good at the table so this will change, but there is no guarantee there.

A rebuild is coming whether we want one or not - the team is in a transitory period and it may be years before we get to see the likes of a Bure, Mogilny, Naslund (or Bertuzzi in his prime), or Sedin again - unless the GM pulls the trigger and makes it happen while their is still time.

My hope is they rebound hard this year and their stock goes up - and that we trade them both for a Duchene or Benn or Mckinnon or such. They are both in my top ten favourite Canucks of all-time, and would hate to see them leave but it would be for the best (and is very likely to happen as a result).

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Even if the Sedins rebound, why would someone take on that much cap space and give up a McKinnon etc.?

Sedins have NTC, so are unlikely to me moved. And only the poor teams will have the cap space to take them on, and they aren't giving up a Taveras type play to get them.

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Your right, the only teams that might be able to do this trade would be the ones trying to make the cap floor like FLA, BUFF etc. As for the NTC that is a pickle but players are still traded with these by waiving it, it is possible for a GM to encourage this to happen. FLA is the most realistic trade partner for this arm chair gm action.

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Why would Florida and Buffalo trade young assets to acquire players on the wrong side of 30. If lets say the Sedins were to be traded, the interested teams would be contenders and for a contender to trade for them they will require 14m of cap space and have to do some major restructuring of their team as well as give up a package of young players and picks. Too many complications in any deal for the Sedins, seems very unlikely that something like this is doable.

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They will not waive their NTC's as they've already stated that they feel this is likely their home, even after they retire.

I also believe they feel they've earned those NTC's for their years they've given to this team, and not to mention the years they've given the team hometown discounts.

In an ideal world, the team would trade the twins on the downsides of their careers for young prospects and picks. What I can see happening is that they either end up playing out their contracts and retiring, or they end up signing short term one or two year contracts on the cheap with a team on the cusp of winning the Cup once their current deals are done.

Either way they'll play out their next four years as Canucks and I don't see us ever trading and getting anything for them.

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i believe the sedins will retire when this contract is up...4 yrs and they will be all with the canucks....it is only fitting that they finish their careers where they forged them....and their skills haven't eroded that much yet....

over the course of every team's life they rebuild but the smart ones do it gradually, by the time the sedins are done there won't be many current core players left...maybe juice and hammy.....our young drafted and traded for players will gradually become the leaders....

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I think the Sedins will retire as Canucks. I think if they rebound this season, they will last long enough to get to 1,000 points each.

Henrik will for sure. He needs 158 pts to reach 1000 which works out to about 40 pts/yr over the next 4 years.

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With the exception of last year the twins were essentially PPG players since 2005-6.

However,if you look at what they have been paid it is clear they took less $$ to be here.

2005-6 Dan and Hank had 71/75 points for $1.25 million.

They both achieved PPG averages over the next three campaigns for $3.75 m per season.

In 2009-10 and 10-11 Hank and Dan led this successful team and won near every NHL award for $6.1million per season.

The twins gave up a lot less cash to stay here and help this team win.

I am 100% behind the twins refusing to be traded and hope Benning can support the roster effectively while they play out their careers here.

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No GM will trade for two players at age 34 (In September) and a combined salary of $14 million.

The positives: You'd get about anywhere from 100 to 150 points from them both.

They are low maintenance.

They are great in the community.

The negatives: Age

Cap hit/production ratio.

You'd need to have cap space. And the Twin's would have to be complementary pieces in a Cup run. In short we will not get a stud prospect(s) for them. Now the question becomes if we get offered a top five pick in 2015, and say a 1st overall pick in 2016?

And its a city that the Twins would agree to move to. Now that would be a tough call.

The reality is the Twins are here to stay, and lets hope they are good mentors and still productive.

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With the cap seeming to be on an upward trajectory over the next few years I don't think their hit will handcuff management as much as some may think.

These guys deserve the money and are legends both on the ice and off of it in Vancouver. Personally, I would love it if they retired as Canucks, spending the entirety of their careers representing the city that they have adopted as their own.

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They'll most likely be here for at least the next two years, and I'd predict that they'd have a rebound season next year with Vrbata. Even after that, I'd say Hank can hold down the 1st line center spot until McCann or whoever can hold down the 1st line spot going forward, since European players seem to age later. If he's productive, Danny could also remain as an asset for 2-3 years. Either way though, I'd agree that they'd be tough to move, and maybe they'll have to play lower down the lines if they really tail off.

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Danny is edging towards retirement, if he can't overcome the head injury. I would never want to see him get hurt, but I think he is one hit away from ending his career.

Can't see him risking his health to play hockey.

I suspect Henrik would fulfill his contract, unless his performance took a serious drop; then he would retire.

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As everyone is saying, it's virtually impossible to trade them, however, even if something did come along, I would rather not.

These guys deserve to end their NHL careers here (As long as they want to), and to see their numbers raised right next to Smyl and Linden's the very next season. (Yes, Naslund and Bure too, although I rank the Sedins above those two, in terms of what they have meant to this city.)

Sometimes respect and the fairy tail ending take precedence over straight business.

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