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Rowdy Rexal place


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Huh? How do you figure? Oil rigs? Regardless, they still have to live in that dump of a city and province

Agree the city is a dump. I live here. I don't hate the whole province though. Calgary is much nicer, Jasper and Banff too. I had an incident occur last year trying to leave Rexall after a game. Asshat in an Oilers jersey was leaning against my car with an open beer in his hand, and tried to insist I wait to move because I'm a stupid Nucks fan and all the rest of that crap. Also get tired of hearing about cups won 30 years ago from the village idiots around here.

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The morals of the story, as I got them:

1. Beer is too expensive to throw around. Don't do it. If your girlfriend throws it, she truly doesn't value it as she should and this is a sign of things to come. Dump her. Expect she will also abandon your children at the mall food court at the first hint of a giant Dollarama sale.

2. Elbow room is not worth fighting for. However, in the event that small man feels it is, a more viable solution is to make sure your team scores so you can thrust your arms straight up into the air, thus eliminating any need for it. Edmonton needs work on that.

3. Pick your battles. Mostly, if you're this guy at a crushing 170, the list should include: great grandfather, neighbour's cat (or, perhaps not).

4. If you're auditioning for Canada's Got Idiots, practice at home. Don't go in cold without testing the waters first. Start slow and work your way up. Go to the rodeo and boo the bull. From inside the ring. Wearing flip flops. If you win, congratulations, you've graduated to hockey fights against big guys.

5. Alberta Fracker got drilled.

Seriously, there ARE idiots at hockey arenas...they're in abundance by third periods. Personally, humour and working with vs against them is often the path of least resistance - one that doesn't involve cops and security. They want to play that game because they are all about attention. So the whole crowd gets to look at them, even if they are being dragged out by their ankles. They like that.

I try to befriend even the biggest clowns early on - develop some trust and comradery (yes, even with opposing fans...I fool them...they fall for it every time). Then they respond better if I have to politely nail them with my elbow - we're bros. They know I come in peace and we've established some level of respect for one another. So I set the tone early so if it all unravels, I am their leader. (so not true).

Things can escalate quickly and, really, it isn't worth it in the end. But you did what you had to, OP and perhaps that fool will think twice down the road. More likely not because common sense would have prevailed long ago if it was going to for this bloke - in the selection of a mate.

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Huh? How do you figure? Oil rigs? Regardless, they still have to live in that dump of a city and province

Ignorant post. There's some fantastic places in Alberta. I take it you haven't travelled much.

Just because some Oiler fans are obnoxiuos doesn't mean their province is a 'dump'.

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ive been living in Edmonton for last 11 years grew up in van... If had a lot of "problems" with oiler fans. I've never missed a game in 11 years but tonight took the cake I feel like sharing

Me and my friend are sitting centre ice row 11 lower bowl usually less problems with drunk annoying rig pig fans there but of course tonight I got sat beside a total retard. The second we got to are seats this guy was being loud, rude and just annoying the crap outta me.

Now if you have ever been to rexal the seats are extremely tight hardly any room at all. I'm 6,5 285lbs and weight lift 4 days a week so I can't help but take up a lot of room. So anyways through the 1st period this guy keeps pushing my elbow off the arm rest... Like there's only arm rest for 2 people obiously. So I'm trying to not let it bother me but every time I so much as put my arm anywhere near the arm rest this 5.9 170 lbs drunk guy insists on pushing it off

Now about Mid second period after are suttle game of arm rest wars this guy decides he's gonna slap my arm off the arm rest spilling my beer! So I simply look over at him and sat in iquote "do you really wanna get fracked up tonight?" His I guess "heffer" GF decides even though she's hasn't seen anything to now throw beer in my face I stand up and this wasted oiler Fan takes a swing at me...

Well in case your wondering why I'm posting at 630 am that because I just got home from dealing with cops all night! And I'm pretty sure that oiler fan Won't be seing out that side of his face for a week. Just a crapty night

Glad we won!!

Ps no charges cause enough witnesses saw how it when down. Just felt like venting! Nite Nucks nation

Love everything about your story, kill_the_avs_2 (except for the inconvenience you had to deal with in the aftermath of the beat down you laid down on the moron).

I suppose I would have a case of Napoleon complex if I had a fat, ugly, obnoxious girlfriend...couldn't hold my beer...and was an Oiler fan...but I wouldn't pick a fight with someone your size no matter what.

I hope that Kevin Lowe continues to be President and Dallas Eakins continues to be coach. These two will assure that morons like buddy you gave a beat down on will have no joy with their hockey.

Rest your hand OP. Canuck fans all over are raising it for you.

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Went to the Calgary season opener against the Canucks about 2 weeks ago and had no problems. One of the reasons could have been I was sitting 12 row (lower bowl) right in front of their corporate boxes. People in the boxes where all in suits and didn't really seem to care about the game.

However, I did give several "air hi-fives" to other Canuck fans in the section when we scored with no problems.

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ive been living in Edmonton for last 11 years grew up in van... If had a lot of "problems" with oiler fans. I've never missed a game in 11 years but tonight took the cake I feel like sharing

Me and my friend are sitting centre ice row 11 lower bowl usually less problems with drunk annoying rig pig fans there but of course tonight I got sat beside a total retard. The second we got to are seats this guy was being loud, rude and just annoying the crap outta me.

Now if you have ever been to rexal the seats are extremely tight hardly any room at all. I'm 6,5 285lbs and weight lift 4 days a week so I can't help but take up a lot of room. So anyways through the 1st period this guy keeps pushing my elbow off the arm rest... Like there's only arm rest for 2 people obiously. So I'm trying to not let it bother me but every time I so much as put my arm anywhere near the arm rest this 5.9 170 lbs drunk guy insists on pushing it off

Now about Mid second period after are suttle game of arm rest wars this guy decides he's gonna slap my arm off the arm rest spilling my beer! So I simply look over at him and sat in iquote "do you really wanna get fracked up tonight?" His I guess "heffer" GF decides even though she's hasn't seen anything to now throw beer in my face I stand up and this wasted oiler Fan takes a swing at me...

Well in case your wondering why I'm posting at 630 am that because I just got home from dealing with cops all night! And I'm pretty sure that oiler fan Won't be seing out that side of his face for a week. Just a crapty night

Glad we won!!

Ps no charges cause enough witnesses saw how it when down. Just felt like venting! Nite Nucks nation

Well done. Sorry you had to deal with that douchebag.
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ive been living in Edmonton for last 11 years grew up in van... If had a lot of "problems" with oiler fans. I've never missed a game in 11 years but tonight took the cake I feel like sharing

Me and my friend are sitting centre ice row 11 lower bowl usually less problems with drunk annoying rig pig fans there but of course tonight I got sat beside a total retard. The second we got to are seats this guy was being loud, rude and just annoying the crap outta me.

Now if you have ever been to rexal the seats are extremely tight hardly any room at all. I'm 6,5 285lbs and weight lift 4 days a week so I can't help but take up a lot of room. So anyways through the 1st period this guy keeps pushing my elbow off the arm rest... Like there's only arm rest for 2 people obiously. So I'm trying to not let it bother me but every time I so much as put my arm anywhere near the arm rest this 5.9 170 lbs drunk guy insists on pushing it off

Now about Mid second period after are suttle game of arm rest wars this guy decides he's gonna slap my arm off the arm rest spilling my beer! So I simply look over at him and sat in iquote "do you really wanna get fracked up tonight?" His I guess "heffer" GF decides even though she's hasn't seen anything to now throw beer in my face I stand up and this wasted oiler Fan takes a swing at me...

Well in case your wondering why I'm posting at 630 am that because I just got home from dealing with cops all night! And I'm pretty sure that oiler fan Won't be seing out that side of his face for a week. Just a crapty night

Glad we won!!

Ps no charges cause enough witnesses saw how it when down. Just felt like venting! Nite Nucks nation

Don't be hating all the Oiler fans. I'm sure most of them were on your side because they were your witnesses. I think it says a lot about the individuals rather than the collective group.

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I am also a BC transplant to northern Alberta, and the Oiler fans are nothing short of scary. Alot of young guys with alot of money and everyone is on drugs, so much so that they can't accept the reality that their hockey team needs to be fixed.

I find it hilarious that ALL Oiler fans up here consider the Canucks a HATED rival...I mean if the Canucks beat the Oilers the next day they don't even mention the score on the sports report on the radio in my small town.

Sure the Oilers are a divisional rival for the Canucks, but I have never considered them a HATED rival with bad blood between the 2 teams. But if you talk to most Oiler fans around where I live, you would think we had a Bruins/Habs situation going on... I guess it's hard to get along with people when your team needs so much work.

Has anyone ever been to the Oilers msg boards? There is a pinned thread from the mods basically stating you're not allowed to criticize management on the boards. WTF!

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ive been living in Edmonton for last 11 years grew up in van... If had a lot of "problems" with oiler fans. I've never missed a game in 11 years but tonight took the cake I feel like sharing

Me and my friend are sitting centre ice row 11 lower bowl usually less problems with drunk annoying rig pig fans there but of course tonight I got sat beside a total retard. The second we got to are seats this guy was being loud, rude and just annoying the crap outta me.

Now if you have ever been to rexal the seats are extremely tight hardly any room at all. I'm 6,5 285lbs and weight lift 4 days a week so I can't help but take up a lot of room. So anyways through the 1st period this guy keeps pushing my elbow off the arm rest... Like there's only arm rest for 2 people obiously. So I'm trying to not let it bother me but every time I so much as put my arm anywhere near the arm rest this 5.9 170 lbs drunk guy insists on pushing it off

Now about Mid second period after are suttle game of arm rest wars this guy decides he's gonna slap my arm off the arm rest spilling my beer! So I simply look over at him and sat in iquote "do you really wanna get fracked up tonight?" His I guess "heffer" GF decides even though she's hasn't seen anything to now throw beer in my face I stand up and this wasted oiler Fan takes a swing at me...

Well in case your wondering why I'm posting at 630 am that because I just got home from dealing with cops all night! And I'm pretty sure that oiler fan Won't be seing out that side of his face for a week. Just a crapty night

Glad we won!!

Ps no charges cause enough witnesses saw how it when down. Just felt like venting! Nite Nucks nation

Wow sorry to here your story ive had bad luck with oiler fans to im not sure what is. But why u need to drink alcohol to enjoy yourself i will never understand that one. I was at one game ever game 7 vs the hawks in 2011 and i saw canucks fans very polite to there fans even shaken there hands after they lost. Maybe are fans are classer and more sportsmand then oilers fans but i guess most of us know that. Am i off in that?

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