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[PGT] Ducks @ Canucks

-Vintage Canuck-

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Why were people even booing Kesler? Vancouver fans seem so pathetically fickle sometimes. No the Kesler situation didn't end on a fairytale note, but he needed a change and the Canucks team needed change overall so it was best for both sides. Sure the media blew things out of proportion with him asking for a trade, what else is new.

I was at the game and everyone I talked to said that they love Kes and everything he did for the team but booed him anyway just because of how he left the team on bad terms. I was hoping the Canucks would have put up a nice video package of his best moments so we could really let Kesler hear how much we appreciated him, but all they did was a little message at the start of the game. kinda disappointing...

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Wasn't happy with this game. They blew a lead they shouldn't have by skating around like idiots and Tanev getting out muscled. Need a crease clearer ala Alberts you can put out late. Would move a 4th-7th for one.

Yea and we got a point after being down 2-0 to one of the best teams in the NHL. Your point?
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Eddie Lack: "I haven't seen Perry make that [shootout] move in a while" <-- interesting comment, it definitely implies these goalies are studying extensive footage of their opponents' top players in the shootouts before games. Good to see they're prepared. Didn't work our way tonight, but still good to see.

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I'm confused, how?

The only difference is Luongo can tweet.

Luo didn't want to be here but he would have gone down with the ship and played his heart out. Kesler demanded a trade at the first sign of trouble.

Edit: Oh yeah, Kesler still denies he wanted a trade. Luongo was straight up about it.

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Just heard Kesler post game interview and good job...way to put a guy down that gave it his all here and gave us the best years this franchise has ever seen. Even more pissed now that it came out of Kes's mouth...still don't get why we booed...honestly have some of the dumbest 'fans' at games, it's like they have a brain dysfunction or something. Idk what it is but they sure don't seem like knowledgable hockey fans.





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I can see why WD has a reputation for getting the most out of players. Tonight he went out of his way to say good things about some guys who might be feeling a bit down -- like Lack and Sbisa (who was beaten cleanly on the second Anaheim goal).

Great to see Horvat get his first goal, great to see the comeback, and just getting a point in tough game against an excellent opponent is good.

But the big negative is the injury to Hamhuis. It does not look good and obvioulsy the Canucks do not. Looks like Sanguinetti might get called back up. He has been outstanding in Utica.

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Yea and we got a point after being down 2-0 to one of the best teams in the NHL. Your point?

So? Contenders close out games like this. The whole team was skating around like idiots and I knew a goal was coming from a mile away. If Tanev isn't the weakling he usually is there, and is a little stronger, he would have tied up Beleskey and the Canucks would have likely came out 1st in the west. That needs to be worked on, and it disappointed me tonight. Ruined it.

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Just heard Kesler post game interview and good job...way to put a guy down that gave it his all here and gave us the best years this franchise has ever seen. Even more pissed now that it came out of Kes's mouth...still don't get why we booed...honestly have some of the dumbest 'fans' at games, it's like they have a brain dysfunction or something. Idk what it is but they sure don't seem like knowledgable hockey fans.





Excellent GIF to prove your point at the end there. Kesler tried. I can't say the same about these fair weather posters around here, hoho.

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..and just gonna slip this (forgot to say before), man the Twins gotta finish more!!! Could've had this game in the bag and in general, need more movement and shooting in general. Too much passing and standing around.

In OT it looked like Danny passed up a prime shooting spot to pass it to Henrik just before he set him up on that awesome play.

Gotta give the Sedins their due....that's their game.

They do things that are unexpected. You never know how quickly they are going to do the unbelievable and they almost did again. They get a mulligan in my books.

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Just heard Kesler post game interview and good job...way to put a guy down that gave it his all here and gave us the best years this franchise has ever seen. Even more pissed now that it came out of Kes's mouth...still don't get why we booed...honestly have some of the dumbest 'fans' at games, it's like they have a brain dysfunction or something. Idk what it is but they sure don't seem like knowledgable hockey fans.





He shouldn't have requested a trade and handcuff the Canucks. He deserves every boo he got. Good riddance. Hope he fails.

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Excellent GIF to prove your point at the end there. Kesler tried. I can't say the same about these fair weather posters around here, hoho.

I wore my #17 jersey with pride for years. Now it has Vrbata's name crudely pasted over Kesler's with duct tape and sharpie. Kesler played great for us while he was here but the fact remains he bailed on us at the first sign of trouble. That seems like some pretty fair weather crap to me as well.

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I wore my #17 jersey with pride for years. Now it has Vrbata's name crudely pasted over Kesler's with duct tape and sharpie. Kesler played great for us while he was here but the fact remains he bailed on us at the first sign of trouble. That seems like some pretty fair weather crap to me as well.

I admit those first two sentences were amusing, haha. Anyway, yes, we know Kesler left on bad terms but it was amplified x10 over any other hockey market outside of Canada. The Media whipped it into a frenzy. Players change teams all the time over reasons like this, and yes it sucked since he was a core player for years, but I think you're just buying into the hype. At any rate, I guess agree to disagree.

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