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[PGT] Ducks @ Canucks

-Vintage Canuck-

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The whole "he played his heart out while he was here" argument doesn't sit with me. Not when the way he left negates all that. That logic wouldn't apply anywhere else either. I'm not saying he should have gotten booed, but I'm not really upset that it happened either.


In my book a player deciding that he wants a change of scenery after a decade does not negate the entire ten years of stellar service to the franchise.

You people are way too effing sensitive. First people piss and moan about the Rog being dead , and now it's even worse because fans were passionate and made his return hard on him? Give me a ???? break.

I for one am glad people gave him a rough ride and it clearly rattled him and threw him off his game . Mission accomplished I say

I think that there is an element of the Canucks' fan base that wished people at the Rog would channel their collective energy into cheering for the Canucks, rather than booing the opposition. Especially someone who had given so much to the franchise.

I will grant you however, that judging by the comments in this thread and the GDT, it's a rather small element.

BTW: I think you and your fellows on the Boo brigade give yourselves far too much credit for "throwing him off his game". I give that credit to the Canucks' players.

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Where did the the Canucks go in the 3rd/OT???

They completely disappeared!!! Was so freakin hard to watch. I

Shouldn't be that hard to figure out...

The second of back to back games against a rested opponent (that just happens to be a legitimate SC contender) and playing almost the entire night without their best defensive defenseman...

What happens to tired teams is that they generally fade as the game moves into it's later stages.

Mystery solved! :)

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Ryan Kesler gave the canucks so much!

Gave them an offer sheet to match

Gave them a speech about taking less while not really doing so himself

Gave the team a rep of diving and whining

Gave the city the finger demanding a trade

Gave the fans and management the finger demanding a trade to one team

And all he ever got in return was an NHL career, millions and millions of dollars, a chance to win the cup which he did nothing with, and to be treated like a superstar no matter how injured, no matter how badly he sucked the offence from his wingers, no matter how unproductive.

I weep for kesler

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Wow. You're REALLY sensitive about Kesler. It wouldn't hurt to give him like at least 20 more seconds of the many highlights he had from being a Canuck, would it? Not even a ceremony if it's less than a minute. And like I just said, the "short video thing" had 50% boos and 50% cheers. We gave Schneider a full ovation with 100% cheers and he's been a Canuck for 5 years. Yeah, how Kesler left our team was incomparable to Schneider, but so what? For an ovation, it's to show thankfulness/gratefulness. So you got to put the bad stuff aside for that moment, Kesler was a 10+year Canuck. He was the most exciting player of 2011, 11 points in Nashville, let's not forget about his other highlights too. Geez, why can't the crowd boo after the ovation? I'd rather we at least give him a full 100% cheer for his ovation, then boo him for the rest of the game...But we didn't even give him that 100%. You're saying that the management did Kesler a favour by at least giving him that several seconds of video clips? If we do ovations as favours, then we really are classless. We can't do it out of real thankfulness? He obviously deserved at least those several seconds with 100% cheers, but yeah, like I said earlier, we didn't even give it to him.

It's funny how you claim someone else is sensitive about Kesler as you go on a diatribe about how unfair people were to him.

You're out to lunch. He asked to be traded and now plays for a different team. That's it. He's a Duck. No longer a Canuck. Those "years of service" are in the past. He got paid for them, so really fans owe him sweet fuck all. Canucks fans cheer for the Canucks. Not the Ducks.

Oh, and paragraphs are your friend.

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Kesler demanded a trade

Luongo demanded a trade

Kesler gave a 2 team list.

Luongo gave a 1 team list

Kesler did not go public with his trade request until after the trade.

Luongo went public with his trade request over a year prior to his trade.

Kesler wanted to be traded because he did not want to be part of a rebuild.

Luongo asked for a trade because Cory Schnieder started game 3-4 against the LA kings.

If you can put all this aside, the main reason everyone hates on Kesler so much is because he has a far more abrasive personality.

I personally respect both of these players for what they gave to our team while they were here. I won't however disrespect one over the other for essentially the same thing.

If you really look at it Kesler left for a far more noble reason. He left to win.

Luongo did not go to Florida to win a Stanley cup, he went to Florida to collect his millions and retire in isolation.

Thank you.

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Tanev was brutal this game, not sure if it was because of the back to back games or the fact that he is playing more aggressive but (and you guys know I love him) his play of late has not been up to his usual quality. However, with that said I feel that developing a more aggressive offensive game is a step in the right direction for him and have faith that he will be a better version of his awesome self.

Edler actually has been surprising me of late, he seems to be going back to his pre-injury self and has steady improving. Perhaps if tanev and him could work together on tanev's offensive game they will become a 1st d pair that we always lacked.

Now onto the kesler stuff....

LOL, you don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say. For sure I've seen other players get this kind of "welcome" before too, (ex. knowing Dany Heatley's welcome from Ottawa had his Jerseys thrown onto the ice and booing him just when he comes onto the ice+whenever he touches the puck) but I'm implying that booing Kesler every time he touches the puck is a bit too much. Can't boo him just for a short while, huh? I mean, the biggest thing I felt horrible for was that the crowd can't even give him a 100% ovation full of cheers when the video clip was already made so short for him? We had boos with the cheers for his short ovation. Now that was what I felt was the worst of all.

Kesler betrayed us. It's as simple as that. He not only demanded a trade but 'handicapped' the team. He gave Benning very little to work with as a result we may not have gotten the same value for him as we deserved. At the end of the day Kesler didn't give a crap about the canucks or canuck fans. He showed zero loyalty so why shouldn't we boo him every chance we get. Kesler is a trader!!!

But hey since you love him so much did you want to buy my autographed kesler jersey from me? I have little use for it now, it's practically worthless. I can't even tape his name out and put Vrbata's name on it.

Not to mention the minute we traded him we got an actual 2nd line. How many years was it all just the Ryan kesler show. How many wingers did we go through trying to find the perfect 'fit' to play with kesler?

Yes, kes is a great player (still one of my favs) and yes he gave us a lot of good memories but at the end of the day he bailed on us. So as a canuck fan we owe him nothing!

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Tanev was brutal this game, not sure if it was because of the back to back games or the fact that he is playing more aggressive but (and you guys know I love him) his play of late has not been up to his usual quality. However, with that said I feel that developing a more aggressive offensive game is a step in the right direction for him and have faith that he will be a better version of his awesome self.

Edler actually has been surprising me of late, he seems to be going back to his pre-injury self and has steady improving. Perhaps if tanev and him could work together on tanev's offensive game they will become a 1st d pair that we always lacked.

Now onto the kesler stuff....

Kesler betrayed us. It's as simple as that. He not only demanded a trade but 'handicapped' the team. He gave Benning very little to work with as a result we may not have gotten the same value for him as we deserved. At the end of the day Kesler didn't give a crap about the canucks or canuck fans. He showed zero loyalty so why shouldn't we boo him every chance we get. Kesler is a trader!!!

But hey since you love him so much did you want to buy my autographed kesler jersey from me? I have little use for it now, it's practically worthless. I can't even tape his name out and put Vrbata's name on it.

Not to mention the minute we traded him we got an actual 2nd line. How many years was it all just the Ryan kesler show. How many wingers did we go through trying to find the perfect 'fit' to play with kesler?

Yes, kes is a great player (still one of my favs) and yes he gave us a lot of good memories but at the end of the day he bailed on us. So as a canuck fan we owe him nothing!

Luongo did the same, why not comment about him instead of just Kesler. Just move on man.
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All the people who boo'd Kesler are still butt hurt. Move the f**k on. Kesler had a good tenure here, applaud him for his hard work.

You might have missed it but Kesler was in town last night for a hockey game and also a press conference the day before

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Luongo did the same, why not comment about him instead of just Kesler. Just move on man.

Last time I checked Luongo wasn't a Duck, but Kesler is thus it makes sense to discuss kesler. The next time we play the panthers we can discuss Lunogo's situation.

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Luongo did the same, why not comment about him instead of just Kesler. Just move on man.

1) Luongo never talked about us behind our back once he got to Florida

2) Luongo had to wait a full year for his wish to be granted, and couldn't have handled more professionally

3) He didn't demand to be traded to a division rival

Long story short, Lu left in a more respectful manner than Kesler.

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1) Luongo never talked about us behind our back once he got to Florida

2) Luongo had to wait a full year for his wish to be granted, and couldn't have handled more professionally

3) He didn't demand to be traded to a division rival

Long story short, Lu left in a more respectful manner than Kesler.

1) are you really bringing gossip crap into this? Go watch the view or something.

2) Luongo asked for a trade. He would have been traded earlier if gillis didn't suck at his job. Once he didn't play in the heritage he clearly wanted out now. "My contract (that made me super rich) sucks" doesn't scream professional.

3) he still demanded only a team or two. The handcuff was similar except for the fact that kesler demanded to be traded to the ducks who actually have assets to give. Neither of them had to give any team.

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1) Luongo never talked about us behind our back once he got to Florida

2) Luongo had to wait a full year for his wish to be granted, and couldn't have handled more professionally

3) He didn't demand to be traded to a division rival

Long story short, Lu left in a more respectful manner than Kesler.

Demanding a trade on national television because you didn't get a start and then only taking a trade to one team is not exactly respectable or professional.

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Kesler before the game "if they boo me it'll pump me up"

During the game I bood my lungs out. My voice is almost gone today.

Sure pumped you up kes with that minus 1 and no points.

Kes post game 'They paid for their tickets, they are allowed to do what they want to do. Does it hurt? Obviously when you play somewhere for 10 years and you give your heart and soul every night ... it is what it is."

Sorry kes your ego got the best of u as usual. You run your mouth and pissed us all off saying it'll pump you up. We pumped you up alright.

We boo because we're mad and you broke our hearts. Don't turn it around on us. I'll always appreciate everything u did but the way u left, I can not forgive. This team means everything to some fans including myself and I don't think kes understands. He's on a division rival.... What on earth did he expect?

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