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[PGT] Ducks @ Canucks

-Vintage Canuck-

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The whole "he played his heart out while he was here" argument doesn't sit with me. Not when the way he left negates all that. That logic wouldn't apply anywhere else either. I'm not saying he should have gotten booed, but I'm not really upset that it happened either.

How about the fact that he didn't even receive a standing ovation with more than 50% cheers for the 10+years he's been a Canuck and that lasted only like a few seconds long...? I felt that was the most upsetting part.

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Luongo hand cuffed this team just as much as Kesler, he had all the control with 1 team as his destination. The only thing thats different between the 2 players is one is a bigger prick than the other.

no he welcomed a trade to toronto and a few other teams, but they messed up his stock so nobody wanted to gamble on him, plus his contract scared teams away , or maybe gillis wanted to much.

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Luongo hand cuffed this team just as much as Kesler, he had all the control with 1 team as his destination. The only thing thats different between the 2 players is one is a bigger prick than the other.

Are you sure about that?

I'm pretty sure he just wanted to be the starter for any team.

Heck, there were rumours about him going to the Leafs.

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why would this team give that guy his own ceremony, when benning himself said "we want players who actually want to be here"?

they did kesler a favour and, at the very least, acknowledged him. the fans cheered for the short video thing, but that was it. that's all he got and that's all he deserved

Wow. You're REALLY sensitive about Kesler. It wouldn't hurt to give him like at least 20 more seconds of the many highlights he had from being a Canuck, would it? Not even a ceremony if it's less than a minute. And like I just said, the "short video thing" had 50% boos and 50% cheers. We gave Schneider a full ovation with 100% cheers and he's been a Canuck for 5 years. Yeah, how Kesler left our team was incomparable to Schneider, but so what? For an ovation, it's to show thankfulness/gratefulness. So you got to put the bad stuff aside for that moment, Kesler was a 10+year Canuck. He was the most exciting player of 2011, 11 points in Nashville, let's not forget about his other highlights too. Geez, why can't the crowd boo after the ovation? I'd rather we at least give him a full 100% cheer for his ovation, then boo him for the rest of the game...But we didn't even give him that 100%. You're saying that the management did Kesler a favour by at least giving him that several seconds of video clips? If we do ovations as favours, then we really are classless. We can't do it out of real thankfulness? He obviously deserved at least those several seconds with 100% cheers, but yeah, like I said earlier, we didn't even give it to him.

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Wow. You're REALLY sensitive about Kesler. It wouldn't hurt to give him like at least 20 more seconds of the many highlights he had from being a Canuck, would it? Not even a ceremony if it's less than a minute. And like I just said, the "short video thing" had 50% boos and 50% cheers. We gave Schneider a full ovation with 100% cheers and he's been a Canuck for 5 years. Yeah, how Kesler left our team was incomparable to Schneider, but so what? For an ovation, it's to show thankfulness/gratefulness. So you got to put the bad stuff aside for that moment, Kesler was a 10+year Canuck. He was the most exciting player of 2011, 11 points in Nashville, let's not forget about his other highlights too. Geez, why can't the crowd boo after the ovation? I'd rather we at least give him a full 100% cheer for his ovation, then boo him for the rest of the game...But we didn't even give him that 100%. You're saying that the management did Kesler a favour by at least giving him that several seconds of video clips? If we do ovations as favours, then we really are classless. We can't do it out of real thankfulness? He obviously deserved at least those several seconds with 100% cheers, but yeah, like I said earlier, we didn't even give it to him.

he didn't deserve a "100%" ovation. i don't know what part of that you don't get. unless you only started following the team after 2011 and rely on stats to back your arguments, but kesler always showed signs of either being a brilliant player, or a piece of trash diver who cost the team games and made us look like jokes

for as good of a player he was for us, he was equally as bad, and i never once bought in that phrase "beast mode" the bleeding hearts coined him as

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The guys overrated let him go, he had one great preds series and got elevated to god status in this city.

Haha, he was known to be a good player for us even before the pred series though. Not really god status when he still received hate back then and obviously even more now!

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Very proud of the boys tonite..had Danny potted that one(as he usually does), it would've brought the house down.

Shame about Hamhuis, but in hockey, injuries are always a factor. It's a good test for some of our younger D. Also, we spent 6 MILL on a gt, who supposedly plays better with lots of rubber. This is his chance to show us what he's got. Looks now that Miller is JB's biggest gamble, thus far. Again then, it's an early-season test to see how he copes with heavy pressure/fan expectations.

Better to find this answer now, than testing his(big market-scrutiny) composure in the spring.

They're 13-6-1 after 20 tilts. Did any poster here expect such a strong start? Then we were all clamouring for them to get younger..well-Voila! Let's test out our Sanguinetti, Corrado & Anderssen-types.

I remember Ottawa rallying 'round when Matt Cooke took out Karlsson. Goals for will probably drop a bit, as we'll need the fwds back a little deeper..so perhaps we'll see more 2-1, 3-2 wins-but the boys can pass this test!

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he didn't deserve a "100%" ovation. i don't know what part of that you don't get. unless you only started following the team after 2011 and rely on stats to back your arguments, but kesler always showed signs of either being a brilliant player, or a piece of trash diver who cost the team games and made us look like jokes

for as good of a player he was for us, he was equally as bad, and i never once bought in that phrase "beast mode" the bleeding hearts coined him as

Please, I at least even joined the forums before you; And still, that wasn't even when I started following the team.

I just mentioned 2011 moments because I believe that's what most fans can easily remember too. You don't have to be so sensitive about these things. You must be only focusing Kesler as a player? You do realize many other plays are like him too, right? Most people believe he was definitely "beast mode" during Predators-series at least. And he does deserve a 100% ovation. Why do we give the 100% cheering ovations to our other former Canucks players who's been with us for a some years, but not Kesler when he played 2x as much years for us? We focus on the goods he done for us and you always try to bring up his bad things...It's fair to say then that we could've at least gave him that 100% cheering ovation and then can boo him full-time afterwards.

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You people are way too effing sensitive. First people piss and moan about the Rog being dead , and now it's even worse because fans were passionate and made his return hard on him? Give me a fucking break.

Yes he was a great player and yes there were countless great moments with Kesler, but he's now a part of our division rivals. He jumped ship and the way he did it left a sour taste in everyone's mouth. He hurt this team by getting drunk and opening his big yap about wanting out when he could of just had a private meeting with our GM. He then makes himself out to be a victim and lies to everyone that all of these rumours that he wants out "hurt" him. Then, he goes on to handcuff the team and only allows to be traded to basically one team , a team that we play five times a year , a team we have to go through in the playoffs in the first two rounds. He's a goof and he deserves the reception he got . This is pro sports, get over yourselves.

Ryan Kesler the player brought it every night and bled for this team, but Ryan Kesler the person is the biggest douchebag we've had on this club in years. The time to celebrate his career as a Canuck is not when the enemy team comes into our building, it's when he retires and I'm sure we will give him a good tribute.

I for one am glad people gave him a rough ride and it clearly rattled him and threw him off his game . Mission accomplished I say

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So? Contenders close out games like this. The whole team was skating around like idiots and I knew a goal was coming from a mile away. If Tanev isn't the weakling he usually is there, and is a little stronger, he would have tied up Beleskey and the Canucks would have likely came out 1st in the west. That needs to be worked on, and it disappointed me tonight. Ruined it.

Lol Tanev is anything but a "weakling." Trolls will be trolls I guess.
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