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Who is most tradeable of Miller,Bieksa Burrows

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Just wondering who viewers felt would return the most in a trade. I don't feel the loss of any of the 3 would make that discernible difference in next years team.

It would be great to free up the 15 million to continue with the retool. I personally, don't feel any of them would garner much interest with their current contracts. Acquiring a 2nd round draft pick, and freeing up the money would be a huge win IMO.

Interested in others thoughts..

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A difficult choice OP. My first question would be why do you ask us this?

They are all difficult choices in their own way for different reasons and would require an essay for each to answer properly.

Miller easiest, maybe the best return. Benning not likely to trade because it would be like going back on his word at one level. What is the alternative in goal if he does move him? From here it gets complicated.

Bieksa has a high cap hit for a declining asset. His strongest point is his character which hold the most sway with the team he is with. On another team, not so much. He is worth more as a Canuck than on another team.

Burrows like Bieksa has a relatively high cap but he remains closer to his peak as a player. Great in the room too and like Bieksa, his value in the room is much more as a Canuck than on another team.

I understand why people are looking out of the box for likely players to trade but I think that none of these 3 will move.

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