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[Article] The impact of Derek Dorsett on the Canucks


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As a professional athlete myself, a contraction expiration has nothing to do with how well I play. Day in and day out you give everything you got, especially if you are at the top level and want to stay there. Derek Dorsett is not playing lights out because his contract is about to expire. He is playing this way because that is the type of player he is and always has been. Sign him to a 2-3 year contract. This guy is a valuable asset, extremely dependable.

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I have been extremely surprised on his play. Thought he would just be a tough guy 4th line player, like an improved Sestito. He has been far better than that.

Having said that, I hope he doesn't sign too long a term. Kennins seems to be a similar player and we could get a few cheap years out of him. I would go for a 1-2 year deal for Dorsett, by that time Kennins will be better and be able to more than replace him not to mention we should have additional young guys coming too. Got to have room for them (if they are good enough to play up here that is).

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I would have no issues with giving him 3 years of term, hes an extremely powerful skater who shows no sign of slowing down. As for the doomsday prophets worrying about his playing style possibly cutting his career short, what player isn't one check from behind or an elbow to the head away from that ? Not to mention the fact Bieksa could be gone after next year, we don't exactly have an overabundance of grit in this lineup.

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He's playing his ass off for a contract. This will likely be his most effective season. Keep that in mind and choose whether or not to complain about his contract years from now when he can't get rid of it and he's taking a spot away from a young player, instead of mentoring them.

With the upcoming logjam, Benning has some tough decisions to make.

But really no different than any other player, playing hard for their contract. No doubt it would be deserved if he were signed on agian. Especially after reading this articule on what he brings to the team.

If they sign him on a couple years, I can't see that as being a bad decision. You can only speculate that he will let off the peddle, but it sounds like false speculation since he doesn't seem like a "let off the peddle" kind of player. Sounds like glass half empty kind of stuff in my opinion.

Never heard of him before he came here, so I'll remain reserved. But so far he's a pretty great spark of energy and grit to a team that can lack it, if just a couple guys are out of the line.

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None of the guys you mentioned can fill the role and effect Dorsette brings and he's only 28. Youth movement is not about just blindly throwing young guys into the lineup without considering the team construction and chemistry.

Archibald maybe? I wouldn't mind if we re-signed Dorsett but I don't see it happening. Really depends on how much trust JB and WD have in the younger guys.

Dorsett wil be looking for stability as well. Probably looking for at least 3 year contract

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You are definitely in the running for CDC's biggest drama queen. Thanks for sharing the inner workings of his motivation, but you sound like someone who never saw him play before arriving in Vancouver.

I'm not sure anyone else here makes as many pretender statements.

Surprise - Ban is talking through his hat again.

Dorsett has 11 turnovers this year (16 takeaways) - there are 552 NHLers with more - and even more than that turn it over with greater frequecy (as in TO/60 min). But, but, 'he had a turnover in a key situation' blah, blah. What player hasn't. Derp.

Duhs he corsi? Duhs Horvat corsi? How's the fourth line's corsi? WD doesn't line match - doesn't avoid matching his fourth line up against anyone - their matchups are not typical fourth line matchups against weak qoc. They've been a luxury in that sense. Their underlying numbers are fine.

Here's a novel idea - let Kassian speak for himself. Your silly attempt to play Sedin off Dorsett as if there's only one true source of leadership in a room is ridiculous.

This is just part of what Kassian himself said about Dorsett:

"Dorse has been the anchor of our team in the department - toughness - and being hard to play against and I thought I'd help him out there. I think you want to have a team tough attitude.....It can't just be one guy that's willling to play physical and get in other people's faces..... You guys see what he brings on the ice every night....He's got everyone's back...A glue guy that every team wants and needs.... He really helps win games.... He's a leader, not the loudest guy, but a leader by example."

Carry on with the pretentious know-it-all thing you do - if you backed it up better it wouldn't be so comical and easy to refute.



I think we need to call the burn unit, because you just torched him and his entire argument.

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I think we need to call the burn unit, because you just torched him and his entire argument.

Here's another argument: No WD? No Dorsett.


I don't even have a real problem with Dorsett. But the team mvp nod or whathaveyou MIGHT have to go to somebody else. Linden Vey.

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He's playing his ass off for a contract. This will likely be his most effective season. Keep that in mind and choose whether or not to complain about his contract years from now when he can't get rid of it and he's taking a spot away from a young player, instead of mentoring them.

With the upcoming logjam, Benning has some tough decisions to make.

Give your head a shake.

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Dorsett is exactly what this team needed/needs...night in night out, he puts it all out there and plays the same, no matter what team he is playing for. Not a "me" player. His work ethic, team play and consistency are to be commended and should be rewarded with a new contract. Everything I described will make him a great mentor for the young guys, we need the types of attributes that Dorsett brings to the table to have any success in the playoffs.

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Dorsett is exactly what this team needed/needs...night in night out, he puts it all out there and plays the same, no matter what team he is playing for. Not a "me" player.

His work ethic, team play and consistency are to be commended and should be rewarded with a new contract. Everything I described will make him a great mentor for the young guys, we need the types of attributes that Dorsett brings to the table to have any success in the playoffs.

Well said.

A team, like the cAnucks could go the revolving door route like they have, looking for the perfect energy fourth line guy with third line potential. Or they could just sign him to a two year deal because he is the best spark plug player we've had in years.

I like him because he does everything required in his role without the theatrics.

I was on record at season start as not a dorsett fan but he's toatally proved me wrong. Guy is as solid as they come.

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Well said.

A team, like the cAnucks could go the revolving door route like they have, looking for the perfect energy fourth line guy with third line potential. Or they could just sign him to a two year deal because he is the best spark plug player we've had in years.

I like him because he does everything required in his role without the theatrics.

I was on record at season start as not a dorsett fan but he's toatally proved me wrong. Guy is as solid as they come.


Agreed Raff,

Why would we go seeking the player/players for 3rd, 4th line synergy when he is already on the roster.

I see Dorsett as a guy that is very self aware...knows what he brings to help a team and has embraced his role. His work ethic, tenacity etc. seems to come so naturally...every coaches dream player I would think. Easy to root for him. Easily one of my favorites, not only on our team, but in the NHL overall.

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Replace always with usually and bang on.

No it isn't.

People see the odd situation where a guy has a good season in the final year of his contract, put two and two together and get five. It happens occasionally, but that doesn't make it a team-wide, nor a league-wide trend.

What is common is that teams will sign players to extensions right after they have good years, making it look like a new contract was their motivation.

As a professional athlete myself, a contraction expiration has nothing to do with how well I play. Day in and day out you give everything you got, especially if you are at the top level and want to stay there. Derek Dorsett is not playing lights out because his contract is about to expire. He is playing this way because that is the type of player he is and always has been. Sign him to a 2-3 year contract. This guy is a valuable asset, extremely dependable.

Well said.

I've had this argument many times. A professional athlete does not get to be in the best league in the world by holding anything back, just for contract years. A guy like Dorsett (and the large vast majority of NHL players) have to give everything they've got, all the time, just to keep a job in this league.

The whole "He only plays well in contract years" routine is in the imagination of the people who don't understand what it takes to be a professional athlete.

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While I am not at all a fan of him being deployed on the powerplay, I am entirely a fan of one of his most dominant qualities: his work ethic on the ice. Canucks fans piss and moan about how the team plays with so little effort sometimes, and then some would be so quick to ship out one of the guys who is most consistently putting in a full nights work game in and game out! Additionally, his grit is second to none on the team, and while he is not a heavyweight by any stretch he isn't afraid to drop the gloves stand up for himself or the team.

It would be stupid to dump a Dorsett for an Archibald until you are damn sure he replaces him in full. The only thing that remains to be seen is what he expects to re-sign for.

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In my mind there is no way we dont resign him to a 3 yr. He has exceeded my expectations this year,an is a lead by example guy ,we need more grit players like this hopefully new guys comming up glean this from him.His work ethic is outstanding I was one of the sceptics on his trde here but glad I am wrong on him I totally respect his game an what he brings to the TEAM

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As a professional athlete myself, a contraction expiration has nothing to do with how well I play. Day in and day out you give everything you got, especially if you are at the top level and want to stay there. Derek Dorsett is not playing lights out because his contract is about to expire. He is playing this way because that is the type of player he is and always has been. Sign him to a 2-3 year contract. This guy is a valuable asset, extremely dependable.

And add to that how important a role model on and off the ice to the young guys- especially Kenins. I like how Richardson said you can't have too many guys like Dorsett- it's true. Everyone feeds off that type of commitment.

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Dorsett may never get 41 points like Torres. But he's got 23 points already, 140 hits, and +6. Despite his grit and edge. He also is smart enough not to cross over the line like Raffi. Raffi's biggest enemy is himself. His multiple suspensions don't help him or the team he's on.

That alone in my mind Dorsett > Torres. Anywhere from $1.3-2.0 is fine with me. He fulfills a specific role, and offers something that a lot of Canucks prospect don't. He's the new look enforcer. A guy who can chuck em, but still play reliable minutes.

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As a professional athlete myself, a contraction expiration has nothing to do with how well I play. Day in and day out you give everything you got, especially if you are at the top level and want to stay there. Derek Dorsett is not playing lights out because his contract is about to expire. He is playing this way because that is the type of player he is and always has been. Sign him to a 2-3 year contract. This guy is a valuable asset, extremely dependable.

I agree whole heartedly with you some people just dont get it. He is not a floater he is passionate, energy player, physical player on a nightly basis and loves to play hockey just wished Bonino did the same...

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