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JB, do us all a favour and make use of the NTC you never gave Sbisa


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I remember when JB extended Sbisa, he was on TSN1040 and specifically said one of the reasons he paid him as much as he did was to NOT get a NTC in the contract. He said that's the price you had to pay to get a player under contract minus the no trade, leaving the team free without restriction if a time did come where they wanted to trade him. AKA overpaid so the team wouldn't have the headache of x player limiting them to where he could/couldn't be dealt to.


Well that non-NTC, that time is now. 



...with Gudbranson set to start off being paired with Hutton, that leaves Tryamkin with Sbisa which I speak on behalf of most Canucks fans - hell to the no.


Tryamkin needs a safe calming influence dpartner with him so he won't get rattled, and we'd much rather have Hamhuis there mentoring him as opposed to Sbisa who would cause a train wreck. Which if is the case, would be useless to have Sbisa's $3.6M sitting in the press box as the odd man out. 


At this point it doesn't even matter what the return would be. A mid round pick/decent prospect? Just pull the trigger and get on with it. Heck even throw in a pick (since they get thrown around like candy anyways) to unload Sbisa off the books if need be. Anything to get rid of him would be a win.









please, and thanks :]

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SO resign Hamhuis to play 3LD and trade Sbisa. Is this the same Sbisa who was the only Canuck to face down the Flamers a few years back?


IMHO Sbisa had a decent season last year. If he is moved I suspect a 2017 TDL move rather than this summer. Moving Sbisa is making a lot of premature assumptions. Keeping Hamhuis is a complete waste of TOI for a rebuilding group.   

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1 minute ago, DJSkingz said:

Be careful what you wish for. JB could package up Sbisa and the 5th overall for some ridiculous over payment on some mid twenties Top 9 Forward given his track record on trades.

The track record where we have won most of his moves handily?

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4 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

SO resign Hamhuis to play 3LD and trade Sbisa. Is this the same Sbisa who was the only Canuck to face down the Flamers a few years back?


IMHO Sbisa had a decent season last year. If he is moved I suspect a 2017 TDL move rather than this summer. Moving Sbisa is making a lot of premature assumptions. Keeping Hamhuis is a complete waste of TOI for a rebuilding group.   

It's not really about Sbisa or Hamhuis. It's about Tryamkin. And what's best for him is what's best for Hamhuis/Sbisa - in this case, best for Hamhuis and not so much Sbisa.


And I beg to differ but keeping Hamhuis is vital for our rebuilding group. In that he'd be mentoring Tryamkin and safely allowing him to develop. Something you can't say if Sbisa was paired alongside him.

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I think Sbisa is really underrated on these boards, he's a decent bottom pair guy who plays with an edge.  He's nothing special, but he's not the burden some people make him out to be either.

However when looking at what he's paid plus the addition of Gudbranson, it would probably be worthwhile to start fielding some offers for him.  If we could get a decent pick or prospect in return I think we should make the deal.

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Clearly, Sbisa is the odd man out here if there is any chance of re-signing Hamhuis for a discount.  He just doesn't bring anything to the table that we don't already have covered off with the addition of Gudbranson.  All I can say is that if we do manage to negotiate something with Hamhuis, Benning better be damn sure he can move Sbisa, since we don't need him eating up 3.6 million in cap space while in the pressbox.

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12 minutes ago, SaintPatrick33 said:

Ran out of + today, all i gotta say is get rid of this guy. Horrible puck skills, and he doesnt intimidate anyone. 



Would rather get rid of him then re-sign hammer as OP suggested. We need less soft swiss defenceman on the team. 

Doesn't intimidate anyone? Are u kidding me? He's our best hitter on the back end. 


Sbisa is a damn freight train. He'll crush anyone. He's got 0 chill 

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Unlike many, I don't actually mind Sbisa. Good 4/5 guy when paired with a more cerebral puck mover (like a Hutton or Tanev). I thought he showed decent improvement this year as well.


That said, if we can re-sign Hamhuis...his services are no longer required. I'd love to see if we could package him + to Dallas for their late 1st.

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3 minutes ago, apollo said:

Doesn't intimidate anyone? Are u kidding me? He's our best hitter on the back end. 


Sbisa is a damn freight train. He'll crush anyone. He's got 0 chill 


Ask Ferklund and the flames that question, yes Sbisa throws a few big hits but I highly doubt guys are looking over their shoulder for no 5 out there. More to intimidation than just a few open ice hits, the flames treated him like a rag doll especially on the forecheck you could tell it was spizza that was scared

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