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[Report] Canucks fire Willie Desjardins

-Vintage Canuck-

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4 hours ago, WiseOne said:

People seem so convinced this is the right move.  I hope Benning and Linden thought long and hard about this.  Coach is always an easy scapegoat.


Think it comes from management.

This move is to keep the fans interested. And to sell tickets....

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4 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:


Kind of hard to understand why Canucks owners insisted on hiring a   ROOKIE  GM,  ROOKIE PRESIDENT of HOCKEY and  a  ROOKIE COach    all  to run this once great club.....


Why would you think 3 novices could get it done ....

I lol'd at that


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4 hours ago, Provost said:



We see who becomes available, we pick a veteran coach this time.


So far the candidate list is probably Crawford, Ruff, Hitchcock


i think one of the most important things a new coach will have to do is to mold Tryamkin into something.  I don't remember a player with such a wide variety of possible tiles and styles of play ahead of him.


He could mimic any of Chara, big Buff, Pronger, Jovanovski, Hal Gill, or something entirely unique.


Most other players, you know what type they are... just have to see how good a version of it they will become.

And you can see Tryamkin adjusting and trying new things.  Did you see his offensive and forecheck game this last couple of weeks?  Fantastic.  Best D on the team, along with Tanev, but much more potential.

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5 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

Gerard Gallant is apparently very underrated on here but would be a huge upgrade on Desjardins or Green at this point. 

Gallant is a good coach, but I am curious why you think he'd be a "huge" upgrade on Desjardins or more to the point, Green at this point.  Green has qualities that were missing in Desjardins - the ability to develop young players and give them a chance to learn from mistakes (rather than just benching them) being the most important.  I think what I'd be looking for more than anything is a system that doesn't lead to so many injuries in my players (or is it a GM that can acquire more durable players that's needed?)


WIllie wasn't even that bad.  He had an admittedly weak roster in a playoff hunt until close to the trade deadline.  What happened since then with an even more depleted roster after losing Hansen and Burrows is hard to blame him for.

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2 minutes ago, 4thLineGrinder said:

Seems the tankers hate willie because he gave them exactly what they wanted. if all we want is loses seems weird that they just fired the guy that takes all the blame for losing. I don't think that's the end game plan from the top down. 

PR casualty. He really is the scape-goat here, isn't he?

I don't like the firing because he took the blame for a roster of Megnas and Edlers.

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2 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Linden has been around the game his entire life. He's not any less qualified than any other ex-player recently turned GM. Benning has the final say in all decisions anyways. Drafting is completely on Benning and his scouts, not Linden.


And you say he's a terible hire based on absolutely nothing. You have no idea what his day to day duties are, so it doesn't mean a whole lot.

Yzerman spent time learning from Holland in the Detroit organization before he took the job in Tampa.


Shanahan was completely inexperienced like Linden was, but he surrounded himself with some of the most experienced, respected and successful guys in NHL history like Lou Lamoriello, Jacques Lemaire and Mike Babcock. Linden, on the other hand, hired a rookie GM and a rookie coach.


Linden is in way over his head, and the results show it. The team has been a complete tire-fire since he got it and he's the head of the snake.

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1 minute ago, RogersTowell said:

Gallant is a good coach, but I am curious why you think he'd be a "huge" upgrade on Desjardins or more to the point, Green at this point.  Green has qualities that were missing in Desjardins - the ability to develop young players and give them a chance to learn from mistakes (rather than just benching them) being the most important.  I think what I'd be looking for more than anything is a system that doesn't lead to so many injuries in my players (or is it a GM that can acquire more durable players that's needed?)


WIllie wasn't even that bad.  He had an admittedly weak roster in a playoff hunt until close to the trade deadline.  What happened since then with an even more depleted roster after losing Hansen and Burrows is hard to blame him for.

I don't think losing Burrows and Hansen really mattered... Hansen was hurt most of the year and well Burrows is pretty much out of gas now.....

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15 minutes ago, wallstreetamigo said:

I hope that this isn't what happens. It's completely the wrong time to go with a loyalty only based hire. We need the best coach available period. If Green is as good as you suggest, someone will give him an opportunity. But the Canucks are not in a position to do so at this point. 


If they do it completely destroys any valid reason to fire Desjardins in the first place.

My take was that's the standard if a Rookie coach was there they would look at it. Clearly they have an agenda to snag best possible coach but did not quite say that in event that coach they wine An dine. So chooses another team. It gives them outs An allows them to save face.

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1 minute ago, gameburn2 said:

And you can see Tryamkin adjusting and trying new things.  Did you see his offensive and forecheck game this last couple of weeks?  Fantastic.  Best D on the team, along with Tanev, but much more potential.

Yep... I am not saying he will definitely "be" a top D.  But there is so much there to be pulled out by the right coach with the right vision.



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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

Yup, i laughed and cried......   


Sad what has happened to our former Pres trophy club.

I lol'd at the fact that you though we were a "once great club".  We had a few dominant years. No cups in 46 years....

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5 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

Well fans can call for whatever they want, but management has to deal in reality where they have contracts that can't be moved, and ownership to deal with.


Saying that they should have done this three years ago ignores all these factors.

I realize its complicated, DeNiro. You must agree to some extent that the action of a rebuild execution lagged a bit?

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1 minute ago, kingofsurrey said:

Yup, i laughed and cried......   


Sad what has happened to our former Pres trophy club.

Yet this is exactly what you've been advocating.  You have been one of the more vocal advocates of a rebuild, and now it's happening.  Lets celebrate the new direction and the new young players we'll be seeing.  It will only be a few years until there's another competitive team.  I hope we get lucky in the next two drafts.  It could be pivotal.

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3 minutes ago, Rocksterh8 said:

I have to disagree Alf, Willie is a nice guy but not a good coach. He's way to defensive when you're trying to develop young players. Yes defence is important, but not where this club is right now, He needed to let the young players be somewhat creative and let them play with their mistakes, let them be offensive then slowly show them the defensive mistakes.  In saying that if they hire Green he is worse than Willie at not developing young players, another big mistake.

Most people don't seem to understand he chose the system to suit and protect the young players. I saw that from the beginning so it couldn't have been that difficult to work out. The truth is not many on here or in the media were interested in the reasons - they only saw the win/loss columns which of course is a ridiculous measure of this roster and the injuries it had to put up with.

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1 minute ago, RogersTowell said:

Gallant is a good coach, but I am curious why you think he'd be a "huge" upgrade on Desjardins or more to the point, Green at this point.  Green has qualities that were missing in Desjardins - the ability to develop young players and give them a chance to learn from mistakes (rather than just benching them) being the most important.  I think what I'd be looking for more than anything is a system that doesn't lead to so many injuries in my players (or is it a GM that can acquire more durable players that's needed?)


WIllie wasn't even that bad.  He had an admittedly weak roster in a playoff hunt until close to the trade deadline.  What happened since then with an even more depleted roster after losing Hansen and Burrows is hard to blame him for.

Gallant is well regarded for bringing that ability to develop young players as well. Plus he wants his team to play a hard to play against style. 


He took over a similar (but more talented) group in Florida. His ability to, for the most part, find the right role for both veterans and young players alike that maximized their strengths and minimized their weaknesses while still allowing them to evolve as players was very underrated in the turnaround they experienced last year. 


He is also very adept at in game strategy adjustments and more willing to make them in real time. 


Can Green do all these things as well? Maybe. Should we bet the future on it? No way. Go get a guy who you KNOW can do it and who has done it at the NHL level. 

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Just now, kanucks25 said:

Yzerman spent time learning from Holland in the Detroit organization before he took the job in Tampa.


Shanahan was completely inexperienced like Linden was, but he surrounded himself with some of the most experienced, respected and successful guys in NHL history like Lou Lamoriello, Jacques Lemaire and Mike Babcock. Linden, on the other hand, hired a rookie GM and a rookie coach.


Linden is in way over his head, and the results show it. The team has been a complete tire-fire since he got it and he's the head of the snake.

In my opinion, the team was going to be in a complete tire-fire anyway. That's what Gillis left us with. I don't think it would have mattered if we had Lou Lamoriello or Mike Milbury (although I'm glad we didn't have the later lol). I think we'd still have to go through what we're going through right now just to fix things.

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9 minutes ago, alfstonker said:

Firstly yes he did have to deal with multiple call ups.

Secondly, why did they become regulars - that must flag up a shortage of quality, even to you.


I must admit I don't visit the Utica site as much as you do but the last time I looked they had just lost 5-0 and 4-1, 1-0 Is that correct?

During his Calder cup run?


No he didn't have to deal with what Green is dealing with. I can't remember a team ever having as much injuries as the Canucks this season.


The shortage of quality is from poor drafting over the last decade. Hardly something that can be fixed in three drafts.


Okay so look at the last three results and make a huge assumption? If you had taken the time to follow the Comets you would know that Demko is getting burnt out because they were having him play three games in three days and 95% of their games. If they had Bachman down there that wouldn't have been a problem. They also have a D core made up of McEneny, Robak, Subban, and a bunch of other plugs. Yet he's still got them playing as a team and are right in there for  playoff spot.

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