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Elias Pettersson | #40 | C

-Vintage Canuck-

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11 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

its amazing how a 5' 9" guy strikes so much fear into the league.


EP's going to have a long career hopefully so might as well figure out his approach to guys like this now. 


he strikes no fear.  Marchand only pulls this stuff when Chara and other bigger players are around.  I kid you not, kids a coward.   He will be neutered if he didn't have Chara around to baby sit him. 

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4 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:


he strikes no fear.  Marchand only pulls this stuff when Chara and other bigger players are around.  I kid you not, kids a coward.   He will be neutered if he didn't have Chara around to baby sit him. 

I'm not so sure about that. Everybody knows he's a scumbag an therefore players are / should be aware of him on the ice, whether or not Chara or whichever douchface is out there with him. 


The only way to mitigate the threat posed by the biggest (smallest) piece of $&!# to ever play in the league is to make him fear for his life. Or kick his a** so badly he can't see, or even lace up his skates.


I'd love to see him hit so hard he pukes on the ice.


One day he's gonna get caught hard. I hope it's on a cheapshot reversal, to stretcher ride.


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4 minutes ago, luckylager said:

I'm not so sure about that. Everybody knows he's a scumbag an therefore players are / should be aware of him on the ice, whether or not Chara or whichever douchface is out there with him. 


The only way to mitigate the threat posed by the biggest (smallest) piece of $&!# to ever play in the league is to make him fear for his life. Or kick his a** so badly he can't see, or even lace up his skates.


I'd love to see him hit so hard he pukes on the ice.


One day he's gonna get caught hard. I hope it's on a cheapshot reversal, to stretcher ride.


Ok, that type of fear, the fear that he will injure someone on the team, yes, that type. 


that being said Marchand is the guy who picks his fight.  He will be fearless when his big boys is around him,and he will avoid fights he can't win, true coward. 

Youtube Slewfoots NHL Marchand is in a lot of them

Youtube dives NHL Marchand is in a lot of them

Youtube dirty hits NHL Marchand is also in them

Youtube anything NHL negative he's in the highlights, my gosh.

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Just now, MoneypuckOverlord said:

Ok, that type of fear, the fear that he will injure someone on the team, yes, that type. 


that being said Marchand is the guy who picks his fight.  He will be fearless when his big boys is around him,and he will avoid fights he can't win, true coward. 

Youtube Slewfoots NHL Marchand is in a lot of them

Youtube dives NHL Marchand is in a lot of them

Youtube dirty hits NHL Marchand is also in them

Youtube anything NHL negative he's in the highlights, my gosh.



He's one of the dirtiest to ever play the game. He makes Chris Chelios look like a man of honour FFS.


Everybody except Bruins fans and his parents will find pleasure in watching the hit that truly &^@#s that guy up.

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guys open the tweet and read the entire thing. Carrcillo of all people breaks it down from his perpestive which is bang on.  I agree with 90% of what he is saying from the beggining of Pettersson schooling him to the end hit.  A random user asked him if 2 games was enough Carrcillo of everyone who hated the Canucks claims 2 games was not enough. 



Edited by MoneypuckOverlord
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1 hour ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:


he strikes no fear.  Marchand only pulls this stuff when Chara and other bigger players are around.  I kid you not, kids a coward.   He will be neutered if he didn't have Chara around to baby sit him. 

To me it seems chara is not the deterrent to gutting the ratface but rather the refs who are in the pocket of the bruins owner. Just my opinion.

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14 minutes ago, luckylager said:

So, we've obviously met before


That was also me


Take me with you, province...

So the Province is fishing for a visceral response from readers in the hopes that they will sell more papers?


Nothing new here.  Move along folks......

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51 minutes ago, cory40 said:

I have seen people fall off a two story roof and be fine. The next guy trips over his shoe lace and is crippled. You can't look at the play and know the results. To me it looks like the province is fishing!

Of course they are.... selling papers to worried readers...

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11 hours ago, spook007 said:

Still waiting for the day the f@%$ing rodent gets his face demolished.... I will never, repeat never forget of forgive the ring kissing classless little rat faced bastard.

F him up please, somebody, anybody...


Not that I bear grudges....much....

Not quite getting his face smashed, but this hit puts a HUGE smile on my face every time I watch it!  :gocan:

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33 minutes ago, Crabcakes said:

So the Province is fishing for a visceral response from readers in the hopes that they will sell more papers?


Nothing new here.  Move along folks......

Yip. I started reading it and didn't bite. One of the stupidest articles I've ever started to read. Pure sensationalism and guess work. What a joke.

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4 hours ago, ruilin96 said:

My take on this is that if a doctor can has suspect of this injury from video play, I trust the Canucks team doctor would properly evaluate him and run test and reports for this injury as well. From the sound of it, even if he is injured that way, he can still be properly healed if treated properly. I also trust the team doctors to do what's right for him. It is more important for him to heal up 100% all aspect than rush him back.

but if that doctor is right, well there goes canucks franchise player, even though i wanted elias to play this year, maybe he shoulda never played, and actually bulked up for another year,

 i knew a player like matheson  would do this, since they know how tiny he is and fragile ......i really hope that doctor is wrong, and a idiot, but if anything he says is to some degree correct, if elias does comeback, he will be a different player, and i hope its not for the worse

Edited by Dave "The Hammer" Schultz
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3 hours ago, spook007 said:

Of course they are.... selling papers to worried readers...

rofl you are just afraid he may be onto somethng or he BS ....but in any degree, hits like he received can change a person ( and not always for the good lol ) ...guess when EP comesback, we shall see how he responds and see if his performance is effected in anyway lol

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