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Anti-vaccination, whats old is new again


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A teenager who made headlines after defying his anti-vaxx mother testified in front of Congress on Tuesday, saying his mother's misinformation stemmed from social media. 

Ethan Lindenberger, a teenager from Norwalk, Ohio, traveled to Washington, D.C., to speak at a health, education, labor and pension committee hearing Tuesday on a panel alongside health experts including John Wiesman, Washington state's secretary of health. 

He said as he approached high school and questioned why he wasn't vaccinated, his mother often met him with misinformation she found online and in social media groups – never trusting health officials. He recalled showing his mother articles from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and her replying with skepticism. 

"That’s what they want you to think," she would tell him, Lindenberger said Tuesday. 

In a question-and-answer portion of the hearing, Lindenberger named Facebook as one of the sites his mother used often to wrongly suggest vaccines could cause harm. He also said she has posted videos with fake news on the site. 

He said it's with "respect and love" he disagrees with his mother. Learning to research and debate in high school, Lindenberger, 18, said he learned “there always seems to be two sides to a discussion. … This is not true for the vaccine debate.”

This isn't the first time Facebook has been accused of being a platform for fake health news. Responding to backlash last month, Facebook said it has "taken steps" to reduce misinformation around anti-vaxx posts. 

The committee hearing comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention monitors six measles outbreaks across the nation, including in Clark County, Washington, where 70 confirmed cases have been reported. 

Lindenberger reached out to Reddit users a few months ago to ask whether he could be vaccinated as an adult. 

After his thread went viral, he told "Good Morning America" he never received vaccines for hepatitis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella or chickenpox. In December of last year, he caught up on his missed immunizations. 

People choosing not to vaccinate have become a global health threat in 2019, the World Health Organization reported. The CDC recognized that the number of children who aren't being vaccinated by 24 months old has been gradually increasing.

This week, another study showed the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) does not increase the risk of autism and does not trigger autism in children who are at risk. This research adds to already available studies saying the same. 


It should go without saying that Facebook is a bad place to get your information on health matters, but here we are....:rolleyes:

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This week saw a decades long study published that refutes the "MMR vaccines cause autism"  B.S. that anti-vaxxers push.  It was a massive study involving the populations of Denmark.  



Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism: A Nationwide Cohort Study





We found no support for the hypothesis of increased risk for autism after MMR vaccination in a nationwide unselected population of Danish children; no support for the hypothesis of MMR vaccination triggering autism in susceptible subgroups characterized by environmental and familial risk factors; and no support for a clustering of autism cases in specific time periods after MMR vaccination.


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14 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

This week saw a decades long study published that refutes the "MMR vaccines cause autism"  B.S. that anti-vaxxers push.  It was a massive study involving the populations of Denmark.  



Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination and Autism: A Nationwide Cohort Study




5M+ person years of data and still people won't believe. I happen to follow r/science and the mods were working overtime yesterday trying to keep up the naysayers.

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On 2/19/2019 at 4:33 PM, Jimmy McGill said:

I can understand being a new parent and freaked out, I had some near panic attacks a couple of times when we brought our kid home :P But to find it reasonable that some outlier person has "the answer" and all of what we have learned - and seen work - in 150+ years of vaccination science is wrong, it must be a such a height of uncertainty for some people that they can't see clearly. Thats whats really scary, how do you reason with them? 


CBC ran a story on the guy who brought measles back to BC recently with his kids (he got them travel shots for other things and not measles :blink:) and it only seems to have dawned on him that he made a mistake once his kid got sick. I mean, talk about an impossible mentality to reason with. 

the venn diagram of anti-vaxxers, flat earthers and trump supporters would be pure gold

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On 2/20/2019 at 4:58 PM, riffraff said:

Blasted a nail through my hand last summer 


they em wanted to give me a tetanus.


i said no.  They really tried to pressure me actually.


in fact after the procedure to remove the nail, they had the needle waiting and the nurse cane at me with it.


ive probably cut myself on metal, wood, whatever in the hundreds.


so far so good.


Uhhhhhh the stupidest post on these boards goes to you. Congratulations :). 

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We are supposed to be in the “age of information” but sadly, the opposite is true. Its really the age of misinformation. 


Before the internet, people had to really work to spread ideas, and the process generally weeded out the moronic ones before they could genuinely affect society. Now, all a person needs is a smart phone and some free wifi courtesy of rotten ronnies to spread things like “flat earth theory”, “vaccines are bad” rhetoric, and “latest kardashian news”.  


It spreads like a virus, because the human race is generally ignorant, lazy, and has an inherent need to feel special yet still fit in with a specific group. 


I learned when i was young that a human needs only three things to survive, food shelter and water. Those things are basically given to even the poorest, lowliest person in most if not all developed countries. Yes i believe even homeless people, mental illnesses notwithstanding, have access to these three basic things through shelters and food banks etc. What im trying to say is that basic necessity of life has changed. Its an existence founded on followers, likes, upvotes, and views. Social standing trumps all (no pun intended). 


The human race has become stagnant, for the most part. We see it in our arts...acting, music, research and development etc. I watched a season of a new show on netflix called “Knightfall”. I quite enjoyed it but then i thought for a few minutes after and realized that i had basically known what was going to happen, when, and to who episodes before it did. I realized that, while i was entertained and enjoyed it, the basic plot was not something new or particularly creative. 


I kinda went off on a tangent there so ill attempt to summarize what im trying to get across. 


Essentially, the easy access of “information” and basic necessities of life, has skewed the human perspective so much that common sense takes a back seat to a particular narrative, whichever that may be. 


In this case, some people immunized their “too early to diagnose” autistic children, and blamed the vaccines because they refuse to take any responsibility. One moron becomes two, two becomes four, and all of a sudden we have people believing that its more likely that the governments are conspiring together with pictures of the earth from space, than it is that the earth is not flat. 



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