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[Proposal] Fixing dcore by taking advantage of capped teams

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1.) Tanev+3rd to Tampa for Callahan+Foote

> Bolts will be moving into a cap crunch after this season. Lots of extensions that will kick into effect and many others to sign. They’re projected to lose Stralman to free agency, their top RHD and after that right side depth thins out. Tanev replaces Stralman allowing them to remain competitive, we take on a cap dump in Callahan who has 1 year remaining and in return get a promising prospect in Cal Foote. We then retain & flip Callahan to any contending team for whatever assets possible.


2.) Seabrook+Jokiharju for 4th

> Seabrook’s full NMC, likely the only place he’d waive to leave Chicago would be for his hometown. Hawks get rid of arguably the worst/biggest anchor contract in hockey allowing them to extend key players going forward. Otherwise will remain in the vicious cycle of trading away upcoming players for lesser ones as they have for the past number of years. Blueprint of this deal is from when they traded away Teravainen+Bickell to get cap relief and Bickell’s contract is nothing compared to Seabrook. Canucks get a NHL ready prospect likewise who can bolster the top4 in the future. 


3.) Sign Karlsson to $11.5m x 7yrs

> Swedish history in Vancouver, track record speaks for itself...Karlsson made the Canucks the only Canadian exception on his NTC list before the Sens dealt him so he’d be open to coming here. This would make EK the highest paid defenceman in the league next to Doughty’s $11m & it’s enticing enough to work especially now having EP who’s the next Swedish superstar. As well as fellow countryman Edler to gel with.




Immediate blueline

Edler - Karlsson

Hughes - Seabrook

Jokiharju - Stecher

(Hutton, Biega, Sautner)


Future blueline

Hughes - Karlsson

Juolevi - Woo

Jokiharju - Foote

(Tryamkin, Hutton, Sautner, Brisebois, Chatfield, Seabrook [LTIR?])



...what I like about this is the future blueline gives us an excess pieces to able to use as ammunition in deals to address other areas of need. There’s more than the 6 dmen spots so there would be a lot of options and competition. Seabrook in the now would give us a great veteran presence and he’s still got some juice left in the tank. With the Canucks soon to climb out of the league standings gutter and into playoff contenders, Seabrook would act as a rock on the back end as someone who’s been there, done that. Karlsson is rather self explanatory. It’s very fortunate that the 7 year term would only take him to age 36 (he turns 29 this year) considering a lot of these long term deals for prime aged players usually takes them closer to age 40 than anything (look at Burns). 


I really do think something along these lines would finally help round off the blueline which is clearly the organizations weakest point.

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We currently have $28M in cap space for next season but that is with only 18 players signed. We still need to sign Edler, Boeser, Hutton, Leivo and Demko and I am guessing it will take somewhere between $15M - $18M to get them all signed. That leaves us with $10M - $13M available for next season. How are we going to fit the additional $24M you are proposing into our cap space? How are we going to be able to pay EP40 and Hughes in two more years even with Callahan's salary coming off the books after next season?

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No to Seabrook. I get what you are saying, but we absolutely cannot afford to have a NMC in our roster who isn't elite, due to the whole looming Seattle draft. 

As it is, we get only 3 defenceman protection spots. Two of them likely will be Juolevi and Stecher. Can't have Brent eat up the other spot for free.


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1 hour ago, Generational.EP40 said:

1.) Tanev+3rd to Tampa for Callahan+Foote

> Bolts will be moving into a cap crunch after this season. Lots of extensions that will kick into effect and many others to sign. They’re projected to lose Stralman to free agency, their top RHD and after that right side depth thins out. Tanev replaces Stralman allowing them to remain competitive, we take on a cap dump in Callahan who has 1 year remaining and in return get a promising prospect in Cal Foote. We then retain & flip Callahan to any contending team for whatever assets possible.


2.) Seabrook+Jokiharju for 4th

> Seabrook’s full NMC, likely the only place he’d waive to leave Chicago would be for his hometown. Hawks get rid of arguably the worst/biggest anchor contract in hockey allowing them to extend key players going forward. Otherwise will remain in the vicious cycle of trading away upcoming players for lesser ones as they have for the past number of years. Blueprint of this deal is from when they traded away Teravainen+Bickell to get cap relief and Bickell’s contract is nothing compared to Seabrook. Canucks get a NHL ready prospect likewise who can bolster the top4 in the future. 


3.) Sign Karlsson to $11.5m x 7yrs

> Swedish history in Vancouver, track record speaks for itself...Karlsson made the Canucks the only Canadian exception on his NTC list before the Sens dealt him so he’d be open to coming here. This would make EK the highest paid defenceman in the league next to Doughty’s $11m & it’s enticing enough to work especially now having EP who’s the next Swedish superstar. As well as fellow countryman Edler to gel with.




Immediate blueline

Edler - Karlsson

Hughes - Seabrook

Jokiharju - Stecher

(Hutton, Biega, Sautner)


Future blueline

Hughes - Karlsson

Juolevi - Woo

Jokiharju - Foote

(Tryamkin, Hutton, Sautner, Brisebois, Chatfield, Seabrook [LTIR?])



...what I like about this is the future blueline gives us an excess pieces to able to use as ammunition in deals to address other areas of need. There’s more than the 6 dmen spots so there would be a lot of options and competition. Seabrook in the now would give us a great veteran presence and he’s still got some juice left in the tank. With the Canucks soon to climb out of the league standings gutter and into playoff contenders, Seabrook would act as a rock on the back end as someone who’s been there, done that. Karlsson is rather self explanatory. It’s very fortunate that the 7 year term would only take him to age 36 (he turns 29 this year) considering a lot of these long term deals for prime aged players usually takes them closer to age 40 than anything (look at Burns). 


I really do think something along these lines would finally help round off the blueline which is clearly the organizations weakest point.

I think EK is a possibility. People keep bringing up the cap. By the time we need to resign most of our young core to big contracts. Several high contracts will be off the books. In fact, I will go out on a limb and say, Sutter, Loui, and possibly Tanev will be gone before the summer is over. Tanev maybe not till the deadline, Unless we sign EK and woo makes the team. That is 15 million of the books right there.  Brock and Edler will eat up about12 mill of our 24 million cap space. So even without those players leaving we can still sign EK. 

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48 minutes ago, canuckistani said:

No to Seabrook. I get what you are saying, but we absolutely cannot afford to have a NMC in our roster who isn't elite, due to the whole looming Seattle draft. 

As it is, we get only 3 defenceman protection spots. Two of them likely will be Juolevi and Stecher. Can't have Brent eat up the other spot for free.


I agree, 100%.  A 34 year old on the decline...no thanks.  Does not work for me at all.

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No to Seabrook - too old for a long contract, not good enough to bring in as a real ringer.


No to EK long-term. Him being Swedish isn't enough to counteract his injury trouble, and we absolutely need to acquire durable D who won't be injured for 20+ games during the season.

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Id take a chance on Karlsson even with the injury troubles he is legit that good. Listen for him to even be in a serious conversation

for a trade is crazy talk. Ottawa would never have let that guy go if it wasnt for the stuff with his and another players wife that went down.

He now could be available and teams will be absolutely clamoring to get him. We need to be one of those teams.

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1 hour ago, canuckistani said:

No to Seabrook. I get what you are saying, but we absolutely cannot afford to have a NMC in our roster who isn't elite, due to the whole looming Seattle draft. 

As it is, we get only 3 defenceman protection spots. Two of them likely will be Juolevi and Stecher. Can't have Brent eat up the other spot for free.


I could be wrong about this, but I thought that when a player with a NMC agrees to a move, the receiving club is NOT subject to a no-move clause. Meaning the new club could trade the guy any time and to any place they want. Found this convo on Reddit: (bolding is mine)


The clause can travel with the player even if he consents to being traded or is claimed on waivers

This requires that the acquiring team sign an addendum to the contract ensuring that the clause does in fact travel with the player (written by the player's agent)

If the acquiring team refuses to sign the addendum, and the player waives his clause anyway, at that point the clause may be nullified

If the player is traded before the clause takes effect, the acquiring team can opt to void the clause


New person: If I recall correctly, that was the case with Subban/Weber deal. One of them (feel free to chime in to add to this) has a NMC kicking in that summer and once he was traded, it nullified the NMC for the remainder of the deal.

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3 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


I could be wrong about this, but I thought that when a player with a NMC agrees to a move, the receiving club is NOT subject to a no-move clause. Meaning the new club could trade the guy any time and to any place they want. Found this convo on Reddit: (bolding is mine)


The clause can travel with the player even if he consents to being traded or is claimed on waivers

This requires that the acquiring team sign an addendum to the contract ensuring that the clause does in fact travel with the player (written by the player's agent)

If the acquiring team refuses to sign the addendum, and the player waives his clause anyway, at that point the clause may be nullified

If the player is traded before the clause takes effect, the acquiring team can opt to void the clause


New person: If I recall correctly, that was the case with Subban/Weber deal. One of them (feel free to chime in to add to this) has a NMC kicking in that summer and once he was traded, it nullified the NMC for the remainder of the deal.

Correct - excellent find.


Which means Seabrook would NOT have to be protected in the case of Seattle expansion. 

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No to Seabrook and a big hell no to Karlsson ,we can wait until after the Seattle expansion, and it looks like some of our young kids can step up(Sautner & Brisebois) and we haven't even seen the skills of Olli O. & Quinn H. yet

We might even get GROOT ( Tryamkin ) back,then we can get this team a rollin'.

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18 minutes ago, Curmudgeon said:


I could be wrong about this, but I thought that when a player with a NMC agrees to a move, the receiving club is NOT subject to a no-move clause. Meaning the new club could trade the guy any time and to any place they want. Found this convo on Reddit: (bolding is mine)


The clause can travel with the player even if he consents to being traded or is claimed on waivers

This requires that the acquiring team sign an addendum to the contract ensuring that the clause does in fact travel with the player (written by the player's agent)

If the acquiring team refuses to sign the addendum, and the player waives his clause anyway, at that point the clause may be nullified

If the player is traded before the clause takes effect, the acquiring team can opt to void the clause


New person: If I recall correctly, that was the case with Subban/Weber deal. One of them (feel free to chime in to add to this) has a NMC kicking in that summer and once he was traded, it nullified the NMC for the remainder of the deal.

Yes, its possible. But if you check cap-geek, most NMCs after trade ends up being modified NTCs with the NMC clause still on their contract. It becomes 'NMC-modified NTC'. And in many cases, it ends up as 'submits list of 10 teams he can be traded to', effectively hamstringing a team.

Since capgeek and various other hockey roster sites list it as NMC+modified NTC, i'd rather not take the risk. Maybe the NMC still has effect in draft protection lists, maybe it does not. 


Either way, his contract is also way too long. 

I get what you mean about using our cap-space to acquiring dead contracts to teams hard-pressed against the cap or want to save $$. Teams like Detroit, Toronto, Ottawa, etc. have total dead contracts - like McArthur, Horton, Zetterberg etc. who are all never gonna plpay another hockey game again. We are much better off trading for them if draft picks/prospects are thrown in the mix, because those contracts are also much shorter in duration and expire before the expansion draft headache.

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No thanks to Karlsson. No thanks to Seabrook. But I would do the first deal with TBL.


However I doubt Callahan, nor TBL, would be on board. If they were, Canucks need to replace Tanev with a gap filler for say 2 years to buy some time for prospects to develop/return (e.g. Woo, Juolevi, Foote, Tryamkin). Canucks could sign one of the mid-range pending UFA’s as a gap filler for 2 years – Stralman, McQuaid, Lovejoy.


2019 D corps:

Edler Stralman

Hutton Stecher

Hughes Schenn

Sautner Biega


2020 D corps:

Edler Stralman

Hughes Tryamkin

Hutton Stecher

Juolevi Woo

Sautner Foote


2021 D corps:

Hughes Tryamkin

Juolevi Woo

Hutton Foote

Sautner Stecher

Rathbone Brassard

Brisebois Teves

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