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Baertschi and Goldobin - The pros and cons of calling them up

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Hindustan Smyl

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28 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I disagree with "History doesn’t seem to support the notion that Baertschi...........will come up here and make a huge difference."


Sven's had 22 goal, 43 point point pace the last 3 season's combined. As a top 6 winger on one of the worst teams in hockey.


That's proven production in my mind as a secondary scorer. I had him starting the year here & still think he can help our team. 


Agreed. Goldie has struggled to prove he can be consistent over a full year, but Baertschi has consistently scored at about a 20-goal pace over the last three years.



Although their values will increase with their dominance, there's only so much a team will pay for AHL dominance from an "older" player (not a prospect), and it's not much. While it bodes very well, I don't expect that AHL dominance will do too much for their stock. Teams acquiring either player would be doing so with the hope of using them in the NHL at some point.

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I would hope that they find a taker for Baertschi earlier than later.  He went through such an ordeal last season and it just feels wrong to have his career derailed by a blindsided hit.  He shouldn't be in the AHL.

It's Benning and Johnson that decided to move Gagner to Toronto - he didn't ask for it.  Johnson said they felt he would be taking ice time away from the kids they want to develop.  Baertschi and Goldobin are also taking ice time away from prospects.  They forced Jasek and Gadjovich off the PP for example.  


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Baer maybe.


Goldie should hang out down in the A for more seasoning.


Preferably some pepper as he's already salty enough.




Edit: I knew this thread seemed vaguely familiar lol (yours is better though)



Edited by BrockBoester
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I would like to see Baertschi back and on the 2nd line with Bo and Pearson.

I think Baertschi has proven he is an NHL scorer, all he had to prove in Utica was his health and he seems just fine.

2nd unit PP could sure use him too.


Goldy I would leave down there until injuries hit the top 6.


Gaudette I like alot, but the press box isn't doing him alot of good, watching can only do so much without game time to apply what you learn.

Better off sending him down to Utica for now.


Eriksson I would send down,  if he isn't going to go down with the same professional attitude as Baerstchi has shown, then try and lend him to Texas. 


When Rousell comes back let Schaller sit in the press box and be our spare bottom 6 guy.


Did I miss anybody?


Leivo?  I don't know what to do with him.


Ferland I think will turn it around,  new system,  new team,  doesn't have his legs fully under him yet this season.

He has been successful enough in the NHL to have earned a grace period.


Miller - Petey - Boeser

Baertschi - Bo - Pearson 

Ferland  - Sutter - Virtanen

Motte - Beagle - Rousell/Schaller


I don't know where to put Leivo.

I will Leivo him alone....I'll see myself out

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2 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

I disagree with "History doesn’t seem to support the notion that Baertschi...........will come up here and make a huge difference."


Sven's had 22 goal, 43 point point pace the last 3 season's combined. As a top 6 winger on one of the worst teams in hockey.


That's proven production in my mind as a secondary scorer. I had him starting the year here & still think he can help our team. 


Very fair point, but he always seems to get injured when playing at the NHL level......for whatever reason.   I don’t doubt his production.    I doubt his ability to stay healthy while up here.

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Why? Cause they're tearing up the A, as you say?


The $6 Million Dollar Man is in the pressbox, so if they bring up Baertschi or Goldobin, they too will probably be on the press box.Tne Canucks have been playing well with the gritty guys (Schaller, Motte, etc). No need to try and fix what isn't broken. If scoring dries up or big injuries happen, then I could see them being recalled. Nice to have depth.

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7 hours ago, Hindustan Smyl said:

Baertschi and Goldobin - The pros and cons of calling them up

Baertschi and Goldie have been tearing up the A, while Eriksson continues to take naps in the press box along with Josh Leivo and Michael Ferland looking like misfits.   

“So why not bring up Baertschi and Goldie?” Is the obvious answer.    Not only are Baertschi and Goldie tearing up the A, but they seem to have found some chemistry playing with one another.   Correct me if I’m mistaken, but this is the first time that Baertschi and Goldie have been playing together right? (Goldie is being deployed as a RW’er down in Utica).


Like I said - the obvious advantage in bringing up one or both Baertschi or Goldobin is that perhaps they could help our inconsistent scoring problem.    Perhaps the new found chemistry between Baertschi and Goldobin is a thing?

On the flip side of this however, there is an obvious difference between lighting it up in the AHL and being good at the NHL level.    History doesn’t seem to support the notion that Baertschi and Goldobin will come up here and make a huge difference.


The other thing to consider is this:  For years now, this management group has talked about building a winning environment down in Utica since it would be a good environment for the kids to be in.   Now that we finally seem to be getting that, we want to break it apart?    

In two games time, there is a good chance that Adam Gaudette will be sent down to join Baertschi and Goldobin.........which would likely make Utica even more dominant.   Gaudette would get tons of ice-time and offensive opportunities.


With Goldobin and Baertschi lighting it up in Utica, their trade values will likely continue to increase as well.......meaning that perhaps they could turn into movable assets at some point.


The other thing to consider is this:


If you bring up Baertschi and say......waive Eriksson, do you really want a passive and sulking Eriksson around the kids in Utica?   affecting the positive atmosphere?   There’s also a chance that if Eriksson got sent down, he’d likely request to play for the Texas Stars just as Sam Gagner requested you play for the Toronto Marlies.


The Hindustan’s verdict:   As tempting as it might be to bring up Baertschi and Goldobin, I’d keep them down in Utica unless Eriksson, Motte, and the returning Roussel all get injured.    I would also send Adam Gaudette down to Utica in two games’ time.     I think there’s something to be said about building up a powerhouse down in Utica and letting our prospects be a part of that.   Furthermore, if Baertschi and Goldobin continue to light it up, the chances of another NHL club wanting to trade for them becomes likelier.

If you bring up Sven and waive LE he probably doesn't report and is forced to either retire or void his contract so he can sign somewhere else for peanuts which is what he is worth. Thats the only way I bring up either Sven or Goldy but I prefer Sven, Goldy is way too soft after seeing a team finally with some grit and phsycality.

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The fact that Baertschi and Goldobin are doing so well in Utica, could be really good news for the Canucks. Being able to display their offence and produce, other teams may be interested in adding scoring depth to their teams. Maybe a trade could happen, if Loui is part of the package?




to OTT - Goldobin and Eriksson (50% retained)

to VAN - 3rd and 5th


or something like that

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9 hours ago, Hindustan Smyl said:

Baertschi and Goldobin - The pros and cons of calling them up

Baertschi and Goldie have been tearing up the A, while Eriksson continues to take naps in the press box along with Josh Leivo and Michael Ferland looking like misfits.   

“So why not bring up Baertschi and Goldie?” Is the obvious answer.    Not only are Baertschi and Goldie tearing up the A, but they seem to have found some chemistry playing with one another.   Correct me if I’m mistaken, but this is the first time that Baertschi and Goldie have been playing together right? (Goldie is being deployed as a RW’er down in Utica).


Like I said - the obvious advantage in bringing up one or both Baertschi or Goldobin is that perhaps they could help our inconsistent scoring problem.    Perhaps the new found chemistry between Baertschi and Goldobin is a thing?

On the flip side of this however, there is an obvious difference between lighting it up in the AHL and being good at the NHL level.    History doesn’t seem to support the notion that Baertschi and Goldobin will come up here and make a huge difference.


The other thing to consider is this:  For years now, this management group has talked about building a winning environment down in Utica since it would be a good environment for the kids to be in.   Now that we finally seem to be getting that, we want to break it apart?    

In two games time, there is a good chance that Adam Gaudette will be sent down to join Baertschi and Goldobin.........which would likely make Utica even more dominant.   Gaudette would get tons of ice-time and offensive opportunities.


With Goldobin and Baertschi lighting it up in Utica, their trade values will likely continue to increase as well.......meaning that perhaps they could turn into movable assets at some point.


The other thing to consider is this:


If you bring up Baertschi and say......waive Eriksson, do you really want a passive and sulking Eriksson around the kids in Utica?   affecting the positive atmosphere?   There’s also a chance that if Eriksson got sent down, he’d likely request to play for the Texas Stars just as Sam Gagner requested you play for the Toronto Marlies.


The Hindustan’s verdict:   As tempting as it might be to bring up Baertschi and Goldobin, I’d keep them down in Utica unless Eriksson, Motte, and the returning Roussel all get injured.    I would also send Adam Gaudette down to Utica in two games’ time.     I think there’s something to be said about building up a powerhouse down in Utica and letting our prospects be a part of that.   Furtwill hermore, if Baertschi and Goldobin continue to light it up, the chances of another NHL club wanting to trade for them becomes likelier.

Good post, well done with insight


but my question to you is the 2 days from now AG will be sent down? where is that information from?

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58 minutes ago, AbrasiveAjax said:

Good post, well done with insight


but my question to you is the 2 days from now AG will be sent down? where is that information from?


With regards to Gaudette, that’s just my Gaudette.    I’m a bit fuzzy on the rule, but I think he can still be sent down to the minors before his 10th game without requiring waivers.

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6 minutes ago, Hindustan Smyl said:


With regards to Gaudette, that’s just my Gaudette.    I’m a bit fuzzy on the rule, but I think he can still be sent down to the minors before his 10th game without requiring waivers.

Gaudette is not yet waiver eligible.  He has another 16 NHL games before he requires waivers - based on signing age he becomes waiver eligible after 80 NHL games and he has 64 so far.  Or 3 pro-seasons which would be the start of next season.


Edited by mll
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I agree about leaving them in Utica. I also like what you say about building the winning environment down there. Both Baer and Goldy give us more opportunity to do that. They really do make the Comets better. 


If there's anyone who needs to be there, it's Goldy. He really needs development time and a full season to put his game together. He needs to be a confident player. When he maxes out his confidence in Utica by being a reliable contributor game in and game out, he'll be ready to make the jump.


I see Baertschi in a bit of a different light. To me he represents the early Benning years in which we were placeholding while building a better team, which has now arrived. So I find myself questioning whether he's part of this future or has he already been part of "that" future.


Whatever the answer is, he's certainly the calibre of depth we've needed in a call up, which is a great thing and shows how far we've come since Baer first arrived from Calgary.


Right now our current roster needs to find it's scoring touch and work through their issues without outside help. What Baer and Goldy are doing down below is good for them, the Comets, and the big club.



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I've watched the highlights of the Utica games pretty extensively on the Reddit recaps and I agree Baer should be called up soon. Goldobin has arguably looked more dynamic than Bear but still has the defensive concerns. 

I wonder what the plan is with Adam Gaudette, he has had many scratches in a row. Utica right now is stacked with wingers with Baer and Goldy putting up 2PPG, Boucher leading the AHL in goals with 8 already, and even Kole Lind is hitting a PPG. They're pretty weak at center though and have moved Jasek into the middle. I would send Gaudette down, even for just a couple weeks and bring up Baer. 

Keep Eriksson as the 14 forward, rotate Bear, Ferlund, and Leivo out of the top 9. Ferlund only played 7 minutes last game and I don't think he played much after not covering Trouba on NYR first goal. 

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1 hour ago, Lancaster said:

I do remember a "BeeGees" line a couple of seasons back.  

I can't remember if it was Baertschi or Boeser with Horvat and Goldobin for that short stint.  

It was the Triple Bs’ line, aka our former top line. 


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