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Wet'suwet'en Protests and Blockades in BC


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Stop the funding, or start a train at full speed towards them they will move. maybe we should block roads to reverses and see how they will react


RCMP arrested that guy for removing the blockade but don't have the balls to arrest these idiots. you can be arrested for drinking a beer while walking our dog, but get off scotch free for illegally  blocking trains that affect people lively hood.


Justin Trudeau needs to grow a paid. Instead of running trying to get that stupid un seat, he needs to call a emergency meeting between government official in that area, those chiefs and the pipeline company and tell them better get this s**t fixed. Also get a court injunction and order the RCMP to arrest any protestors blocking roadways, bridges, railroads.  Our beautiful country has become a s**tshow







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16 hours ago, goalie13 said:

I think if we took out all of Jimmy & KOS's posts, this would only be a one page thread.  :P

sorry :wacko: there's just so much stupidity around this topic I couldn't help it. I need to take a break from this one for a while. 

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9 hours ago, Squamfan said:







Stop the funding, or start a train at full speed towards them they will move. maybe we should block roads to reverses and see how they will react


9 hours ago, Squamfan said:

RCMP arrested that guy for removing the blockade but don't have the balls to arrest these idiots. you can be arrested for drinking a beer while walking our dog, but get off scotch free for illegally  blocking trains that affect people lively hood.


9 hours ago, Squamfan said:

Justin Trudeau needs to grow a paid. Instead of running trying to get that stupid un seat, he needs to call a emergency meeting between government official in that area, those chiefs and the pipeline company and tell them better get this s**t fixed. Also get a court injunction and order the RCMP to arrest any protestors blocking roadways, bridges, railroads.  Our beautiful country has become a s**tshow


I have to add these new words to my vocabulary.

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4 hours ago, Industrious1 said:

What a mess.  A small minority of people holding the majority hostage.  My heart goes out to my home Province and all the people affected.  


Hope everyone stays safe over there and this doesn't boil over into violence.

They're doing it right tho. So much so they've got the PM talking about it. Protesting in a park or somewhere out of the way and lame won't accomplish anything. 

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10 hours ago, Squamfan said:







Stop the funding, or start a train at full speed towards them they will move. maybe we should block roads to reverses and see how they will react


RCMP arrested that guy for removing the blockade but don't have the balls to arrest these idiots. you can be arrested for drinking a beer while walking our dog, but get off scotch free for illegally  blocking trains that affect people lively hood.


Justin Trudeau needs to grow a paid. Instead of running trying to get that stupid un seat, he needs to call a emergency meeting between government official in that area, those chiefs and the pipeline company and tell them better get this s**t fixed. Also get a court injunction and order the RCMP to arrest any protestors blocking roadways, bridges, railroads.  Our beautiful country has become a s**tshow







Somehow, someway, when you phrase your argument the way you do 


I could care less

Edited by Warhippy
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Why are people so concerned ?  Did a few people actually have to reorganize rides to work today...  carpooling must be so00000  difficult.


Will these people affected by the protests have access to government paid counselling so they can properly heal ?


When our government ignores climate change....  this is the result. 



Edited by kingofsurrey
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1 minute ago, kingofsurrey said:

Why are people so concerned ?  Did a few people actually have to reorganize rides to work today...  carpooling must be so00000  difficult.


Will these people affected by the protests have access to government paid counselling so they can properly heal ?

Maybe you should have read the posts a bit more carefully. Some people were unable to pick their kids up after work. That's not a minor thing.


In addition, I have several friends who are currently off work, because of the rail blockades. The fact that all of them support the pipeline doesn't seem to matter to the protesters.

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Just now, RUPERTKBD said:

Maybe you should have read the posts a bit more carefully. Some people were unable to pick their kids up after work. That's not a minor thing.


In addition, I have several friends who are currently off work, because of the rail blockades. The fact that all of them support the pipeline doesn't seem to matter to the protesters.

Pretty sure if you call your daycare and say your transit is stopped by a protest, your daycare will stay open till you get there.


I don't imagine a daycare is going to kick out a group of 3 years olds to the street and tell them to walk home.....


When our government ignores scientitic research on climate change....  there will be protests.  Its actually quite predictable. 



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4 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Pretty sure if you call your daycare and say your transit is stopped by a protest, your daycare will stay open till you get there.


I don't imagine a daycare is going to kick out a group of 3 years olds to the street and tell them to walk home.....


When our government ignores scientitic research on climate change....  there will be protests.  Its actually quite predictable. 



You obviously didn't read. The daycare kept the kids.....at a cost of an extra $100 to the parent.


Basically worked for nothing that day.

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1 minute ago, RUPERTKBD said:

You obviously didn't read. The daycare kept the kids.....at a cost of an extra $100 to the parent.


Basically worked for nothing that day.

You obviously didn't read.  When governments ignore scientitifc research on climate change, protests will happen.   

No point in protesting in Stanley park... protests are designed to get media attention.


These current protests are planned. exceptionally well and are doing exacactly as designed.... getting maximum media coverage. 

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8 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

You obviously didn't read.  When governments ignore scientitifc research on climate change, protests will happen.   

No point in protesting in Stanley park... protests are designed to get media attention.


These current protests are planned. exceptionally well and are doing exacactly as designed.... getting maximum media coverage. 

Please provide the source of your claim that the current Liberal government is ignoring climate change.   Last time I checked we are still part of the Paris Accords, unlike our neighbors to the south. 


Please provide the sources that these protests are about climate change and not Indigenous rights.

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10 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

You obviously didn't read.  When governments ignore scientitifc research on climate change, protests will happen.   

No point in protesting in Stanley park... protests are designed to get media attention.


These current protests are planned. exceptionally well and are doing exacactly as designed.... getting maximum media coverage. 

Nice deflection. Everyone who knows me here is well aware that I'm an advocate for addressing Climate Change, but not everything is black and white as you seem to think it is. I was against Enbridge, but I support TMX and Coastal gaslink, because they are more environmentally friendly than the alternatives.


It's all well and good to sit back and say things like "stop using fossil fuels altogether and move to Solar, Wind and Wave, but I live in the real world and I know that any such move is going to happen gradually. In the mean time, it makes sense to provide energy in the most efficient way possible.


In regards to your last sentence, if this was done "exactly as intended", I'd say it was pretty cynical. Taking money out of someone else's pocket, in order to further one's political goals, isn't something I agree with, no matter what your ends happen to be.

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Personally I think the way this pipeline was approved was shady as f#$% and completely reeks of the shortsightedness effect.  And the fact that Squamfan and Mike Farnsworth are so against these protests adds validity to my suspicion.  There's a bigger picture than being late for work or having to shell out extra because of transit closures.  We just had to endure the exact same thing last month due to the weather - which is getting more erratic due to climate change from shortsighted projects like this.  This pipeline will leak and it will cause serious damage to our environment and it's tragic that people only care about getting to work.  

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4 minutes ago, Tre Mac said:

Personally I think the way this pipeline was approved was shady as f#$% and completely reeks of the shortsightedness effect.  And the fact that Squamfan and Mike Farnsworth are so against these protests adds validity to my suspicion.  There's a bigger picture than being late for work or having to shell out extra because of transit closures.  We just had to endure the exact same thing last month due to the weather - which is getting more erratic due to climate change from shortsighted projects like this.  This pipeline will leak and it will cause serious damage to our environment and it's tragic that people only care about getting to work.  

Yes, of course Canadians are starting to stand up against climate change.  When the governments. ( BC and Canada ) ) fail to do what was  promised in their  election campaigns... then of course people will be upset and protest.   Fracking is terrible for our environment and this pipeline will only increase the amount of fracking going on.

LNG is still a dirty energy.      Climate change is real despite what the climate change deniers post on this site.







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