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NHL Season Suspended

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6 minutes ago, Provost said:

None of what you are saying is true.

This year's flu has a much lower mortality rate, as does H1N1... go look at the actual sources and not InfoWars or whatever you watch.

The only reason there are more death from those is because they were more widespread.  This one is only at the beginning, so containing and trying to at least flatten the curve of the infections is pretty critical.  Right now in Italy, an affluent country... doctors are rationing limited treatment and respirators and just telling older patients that they are going to die because other patients are the priority.  It is not just death rates, but an estimated 20% of identified cases require hospitalization for this flu.



You are completely correct, if the fatality rate is 1%, which what is being reported by the experts then it's easy enough to do the math.



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9 minutes ago, aliboy said:

You are completely correct, if the fatality rate is 1%, which what is being reported by the experts then it's easy enough to do the math.



Id say its somewhere in the middle probably 100,000 to ten million.

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13 minutes ago, aliboy said:



Easy for the VP to say that....he's got Jeebus on his side.  Just pray & the evil virus will stay away.  Behold the power of Jeebus!


But no worries....Pence is the messenger of Jeebus and he will heal you all.  Just bow and believe in the power of Jeebus!

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10 minutes ago, HKSR said:

The coronavirus is not a typical flu virus. 


Flu virus typically infects the nose, throat, and sometimes progresses to the lungs. 


Coronavirus goes right after the lungs.  Hence why fever and a dry cough are the preliminary symptoms. 


The fact that the coronavirus goes after the lungs is what makes it more scary, and why the death rates are probably around 1% whereas the influenza is about 0.1%.  That's a BIG difference.


the biggest difference is that it is a new strain

which no one on earth has built up any resistance to

other forms of the flu

are mutations of previous versions

and many many people have built up partial immunity to those strains


that is why this is not comparable to other flus

but is a new strain all on its own

just happens to be on a spectrum that makes it part of the flu family


it is otherwise new to the world

and there is nothing in people

that provide any help in dealing with it

other then our own current immune system

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21 hours ago, NUCKER67 said:

The owners would sure lose a lot of money, millions for every team in the playoffs.


I actually prefer to watch the games at home on the big screen, comfortable, got my fridge, got my cannabis, no lineup for the washroom, I can pause it or rewind. I can fast-forward through the commercials and Ron MacLean. And I don't have to take the train in to Vancouver or fight the crowds on the way home. I did hear though, that if they don't allow people to attend that they would still produce the game on TV. But, I believe we would have to pay to watch the games (PPV)


I wonder as well, with this virus, packing in hoards of peope in tight spaces isn't a good idea. So, will they continue to run the Skytrain if things get worse? I have to take that germ tube every day, and some days there's people right in your face. Makes me think "maybe it's not that bad, life seems to be going on as normal. I'm still required to take the train to come in to work every day. Kids are still in school. Maybe everything will be fine?" How bad will this get?



It would, definitely, be bizarre but kind of cool.

With fan noise eliminated, we'd be able to hear everything that s said on the ice. 

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32 minutes ago, Violator said:

Id say its somewhere in the middle probably 100,000 to ten million.

The numbers quoted by health care professionals are based upon mathematical models that have proved themselves throughout history. I believe it was the Canadian Minister of Health that said yesterday on the news the projection for Canada is 30% to 70% of the population, based upon proven models. 

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1 hour ago, Rob_Zepp said:

Who hates those people?   If you want to take every precaution, why pick a relatively middle of the pack corona strain over all the others that have occurred?    Why didn't the league shut during SARS or H1N1 or even every season during flu season?    EVERY YEAR in the US this is what happens - EVERY year.     Why pick this particular event?   Do you only not hate people during a media driven event?



Are you more concerned with trying to be right rather than taking every precaution on what is seemingly the fastest spreading virus we have witnessed (and now labelled a pandemic)? 

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7 minutes ago, komodo0921 said:

It would, definitely, be bizarre but kind of cool.

With fan noise eliminated, we'd be able to hear everything that s said on the ice. 

You know how sometimes the crowd noise and announcers go quite just in time to hear a player yell "&^@# you!"? It'd just be a whole lot of that guys yelling nicknames that end in "sy".

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I am surprised they went full def con 5 on this. Suspension of games.  I had thought the next step was going to be no fans at games.

I imagine the NBA players getting positive tests was a big alarm bell.  But still, playing devil's advocate, could they not have set up a strict protocol for NHL players and coaches, officials.  Everyone gets tested immediately.  Maybe even hockey players families. Weekly. That's  not a lot of people relatively, so it could be doable. If even one test is positive, shut it down, but if all players, refs, are cleared, you allow televised games. With of course strict rules about hygiene for the players.  Also hockey is different than basketball in that you are geared up and covered from head to toe.  Ban fighting during this time. Is that crazy? or just crazy to watch Canucks hockey?

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1 minute ago, kilgore said:

I am surprised they went full def con 5 on this. Suspension of games.  I had thought the next step was going to be no fans at games.

I imagine the NBA players getting positive tests was a big alarm bell.  But still, playing devil's advocate, could they not have set up a strict protocol for NHL players and coaches, officials.  Everyone gets tested immediately.  Maybe even hockey players families. Weekly. That's  not a lot of people relatively, so it could be doable. If even one test is positive, shut it down, but if all players, refs, are cleared, you allow televised games. With of course strict rules about hygiene for the players.  Also hockey is different than basketball in that you are geared up and covered from head to toe.  Ban fighting during this time. Is that crazy? or just crazy to watch Canucks hockey?

With NBA and NHL teams sharing locker rooms, they didn't have much of a choice. 

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