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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at St. Louis Blues | Aug. 14, 2020 | Canucks lead series 2-0

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7 hours ago, grandmaster said:

LE has to stay with Bo. I doubt TT will be available for this series anyways. Let’s make it to the next round before we think about that!

That . Last time I heard - TT was wearing a walking boot. I know from my own experience- there is a long way from walking boot to skates- walking boot simply kills your calf muscle and you need to go over serious physio befor you can put skates on.

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10 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

I will say for once, I honestly couldn't believe how one sided and horrible the reffing was. Didn't matter, the boys fought through.


Need more shots. I think we started the second without a shot for 10 minutes or so.

Problem is when they put a team shorthanded it sort of changes the flow and momentum.  A team plays more tentative when they're getting called.  And the team that can get away with murder generates some steam.


Got a penalty in under two minutes in the second and it just gave St. Louis the upper hand.

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6 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:



My ex called last night after the game and started preaching this crap at me "have to play through it, playoffs...blah blah blah".  I'm like "did you even watch the game?" .... "no, not yet..just got home form work and pvr'd it but saw the highlights".  Right.  Shut up.


I stand in front of my TV and don't miss much of anything...so I really had a problem with him spewing this rhetoric at me...especially when I was still pretty fired up.  Dangerous territory.


We all understand that they miss calls.  That playoff hockey often means putting the whistles away.  We get that.  It's not about that.


If one team is under a microscope and being called in a constant parade to the box as Myers was and then another team is crosschecking our star player, charging guys into the boards, hookingholdingslashing...it becomes glaringly obvious and unbalanced.  Let them all fight tooth and nail...don't handcuff a team.  I'm not just talking this game...it's becoming a theme.


Call it all or call none of it.  Or, at least call the really blatant cheap shots if you're going to call a guy for reaching in a bit too much.  

It should have looked like a used car sales lot in the Blues box last night Deb,  and that’s even thinking about how referees like to put the whistles away.   The refs were allowing excessive liberties to take place which puts players on the injury list..

it needs to stop,  and hopefully The officiating supervisors get involved.

Out of all of this, the shiny spot to take away is  the pack mentality that is starting to develop on this team,  I don’t think I’ve seen it since the years of Odjick,  Diduyck, and Momesso...      and having said that,.  I would love to see our boys wearing the Black and Gold in the next game..   would be nice if those jerseys were optional in the playoffs.



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3 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

Problem is when they put a team shorthanded it sort of changes the flow and momentum.  A team plays more tentative when they're getting called.  And the team that can get away with murder generates some steam.


I think they came out feeling like they had to make sure they stayed out of the box...focus was likely more concentrated there than it needed to be.

omg I haven't been that focused since .... ummm well, let's just leave that for another day. :P

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2 minutes ago, Gawdzukes said:

omg I haven't been that focused since .... ummm well, let's just leave that for another day. :P

I'd changed my post.  


I kind of thought "wait a minute...we started the second shorthanded" and checked.  Got assessed a penalty under two minutes in.  So we were on our heels...yup.



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The NHL is a pro sports league with a well-known phrase come playoffs of refs who "put the whistles away". 


Let that detonate in your thoughts for a moment. 


How is this biased subjectivity of the rules still allowed to happen? 


This is damaging to the spirit of the game.


We need a reffing revolution for hockey fans everywhere. 


Someone with cute kids please get your kids to start a petition for fans for the NHL to bring fairness into the game. No more whistles away, even up calls, etc. A call is a call, no matter what team, no matter how big the game or how little time is left. 

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52 minutes ago, Green Building said:

Quinn Hughes is a mother fn Canuck

NHL war room has finally come to their conclusion on what was said by Quinn and will not be suspended for the ridiculous game winning pass he fed to Bo in game 2. Apparently he was asking Bozak “ did you see what happened?!!” ::D :towel:

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6 minutes ago, Silent Man said:

That . Last time I heard - TT was wearing a walking boot. I know from my own experience- there is a long way from walking boot to skates- walking boot simply kills your calf muscle and you need to go over serious physio befor you can put skates on.

Just depends on the nature of the injury. I had a pretty knarly ankle sprain and wore a boot for a week.  Probably would have been a 4 week recovery outside of a boot but I was able to get back to my activity at about 70 percent in a week and was 80-90 percent within 2-3 weeks.  Obviously pro athletics is different but they have physio specialists to help these guys expedite recovery.  We don’t know what TT is dealing with but given our depth no need to rush his return.

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That reminded me of the game in 2011 against the Sharks when they kept giving SJ power plays over and over some two man advantages , and they couldnt score.

We got a couple PP and buried them and that was the game.We keep beating both the Refs and the opposition. Hopefully the league does recognize that. The blues had6 power plays before they scored. Its embarrassing. The league should be embarrassed. I love good hard nosed Playoff hockey but if you are going to call a penalty make sure both teams know where the line is.

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30 minutes ago, UKNuck96 said:

I agree - there is no point putting a skilled team together to win the league, all you need to do is just about make the post season and then goon it up and watch as the teams that play hockey get broken down by those who don’t want to.


games should be called the same as during the season and whistles shouldn’t be swallowed. It’s hard enough winning a series - let along 4 to win the cup without having to play by a different ruleset 

I for 1 do not want to watch regular season reffing in the playoffs. I say let them go to war just call it evenly. 

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7 minutes ago, Borvat said:

The Ref's are responsible to protect the players from dangerous hits/play - hits from behind especially when close to the boards included.  They failed miserably and the result is a player was injured. Why are there no direct repercussions to the officials involved?  Players are suspended or fined.  Why not the officials?  I realize they may not work later rounds but that doesn't appear to be enough. I believe if the Sutter boarding is called the Blues may not have continued to run around hitting from behind and Myers isn't injured.  Disgusting.

How about removing the on ice refs and let 'technology' call the game. Get rid of these obviously biased, league run patsies.

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6 minutes ago, NucksIn50 said:

Can you imagine if game 3 has fans like this:



The NBA must think its players are stupid or something lol  I notice that the big panel of people on the right, is the same big panel of people on the left lol 

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10 minutes ago, flat land fish said:

Just depends on the nature of the injury. I had a pretty knarly ankle sprain and wore a boot for a week.  Probably would have been a 4 week recovery outside of a boot but I was able to get back to my activity at about 70 percent in a week and was 80-90 percent within 2-3 weeks.  Obviously pro athletics is different but they have physio specialists to help these guys expedite recovery.  We don’t know what TT is dealing with but given our depth no need to rush his return.

Yup, you can be in a boot just for precautionary measures and take it off while you're resting and such. I'm guessing it's a high ankle sprain. 






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