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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at St. Louis Blues | Aug. 14, 2020 | Canucks lead series 2-0

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3 minutes ago, oldnews said:

I don't agree with that  at all - Sutter's line isn't exactly a 'filler line' and further to that point, if you're weighing who has done what as you suggest, you sure as hell don't refer to Sutter's contributions in these playoffs as 'filler'.  He's been 'foundational' -  perhaps better than that - he's been an utter force.  You can't separate Horvat's production from the context in which the bottom six - with Sutter as opposed to Gaudette centering a line - enables that line to perform.


Moving Toffoli to play with him - maybe a good option if they intend to utilize Sutter that much more (Jake isn't the only guy not seeing ice time - Roussel is averaging 6:48 of ice time, Virtanen 8:59 - so if people are so determined to dwell on Virtanen's ice time, we might as well also look at what's up with Roussel.


Anyhow - I may be a bit too hard on LE - but imo he's fallen to the 16th forward on this team (when it's healthy) this year - and he's in the lineup because a handful of other forwards aren't healthy.  He's a decent fit on Horvat's wing, but that doesn't really reflect where he is on the depth chart.

filler line/secondary scoring line/5v5 line. Just a name you're taking out of context. Horvat/Beagle's line handles most of the defensive responsibility 5v5. I think you're taking a lot of what I am saying out of context actually because I have very much enjoyed Sutter so far. If it was a defensive checking line Virtanen wouldn't be on it.


As it stands now Eriksson has done more to contribute to the team than Virtanen. LE is a part of a PK that's 84% and has been noticeably good in games whereas Virtanen has been unnoticeable. Green can trust LE more too just like he can Sutter over Gaud. That's probably why LE has been averaging 16:23 a game compared to Virtanen's 8:59. Hell despite lower ice times Mac/Roussel have been more noticeable than Jake.


And I hate to hark on Jake but this is the reality. I wish he was better but he hasn't been.


Putting Toffoli with Sutter gives us a better top 9. The top 6 is fine. No need to mess it around. 4th line has good chemistry with Motte/Beagle/Mac. Only changes that could be made without messing with the chemistry is Virtanen. If the top 6 has a bad game and we lose then you could move Tofu up.

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5 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

Perhaps not unsung, but interesting to see Boeser go from finisher in the first series to set up guy in this one so far.  Quite possibly the quietest 7 points in 6 playoff games ever.

Not a lot of people praise Pearson as much as Miller/Boeser/Petey/Horvat. Hell I feel some of the bottom 6 guys might have more praise so far.


Boeser got a lot of praise early on, when he scored a couple big goals, but last couple games it has died down for sure.


I am missing a big Boeser snipe though. Especially off the rush. I want him to destroy Binnington's bottle.

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16 minutes ago, Alienhuggyflow said:

Jake is ruining his self. Green rewards good play, blaming Green for Jake not working his ass off during the pause while our whole team came into camp prepared and better hockey players irks me. I've defended Jake to the point of being banned on HF, but now with his likely 3 million arbitration and Kids like Podz, Hogs, hell even Lind, I am ready to walk if he indeed decides to go the arbitration route.

Really to bad, so much talent but no work ethic. Maybe a fresh start away from his hometown will give him the kick in the ass he needs.

Agree with this take. Tried to be a big JV-backer myself, but this kid does himself no favours. He's wasted too many opportunities. Now with the depth, team's in a position to let him go.

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5 minutes ago, Smashian Kassian said:

Rewatching a bit of the OT. I was saying it during the game but so many missed breakout passes, just results in STL re-gaining possession and getting more time in our zone.


Its hard with the pressure they put on us but we gotta find a way to be better at that. 

Could of been due to shortened bench and a D-core without Myers. Fatigue playing a part.


Hopefully with home-ice we can roll 4 lines more. We're gonna need to with the back to back games.

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Playoff officiating is one thing but allowing dangerous plays is another. Propelling someone headfirst into the boards shouldn't be rewarded with a power play. Seems like if you avoid the numbers, they let it go. The problem is that someone could still end up with a broken neck!!!!


Against Minnie they let a hit on Petey go then Sutter got away with one later. Now two against our guys in one game with no call. All of those plays should have been called. I hope the refs and the League clean that up before someone gets seriously injured!!!

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Haven’t posted about the win yet, but what a character win for this group.  I’ve noticed it all year - they rarely get rattled by traditional momentum changes.


With our top end talent and gutsy depth players sky’s the limit with this group - “why not us?”

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3 minutes ago, Junkyard Dog said:

filler line/secondary scoring line/5v5 line. Just a name you're taking out of context. Horvat/Beagle's line handles most of the defensive responsibility 5v5. I think you're taking a lot of what I am saying out of context actually because I have very much enjoyed Sutter so far. If it was a defensive checking line Virtanen wouldn't be on it.


As it stands now Eriksson has done more to contribute to the team than Virtanen. LE is a part of a PK that's 84% and has been noticeably good in games whereas Virtanen has been unnoticeable. Green can trust LE more too just like he can Sutter over Gaud. That's probably why LE has been averaging 16:23 a game compared to Virtanen's 8:59. Hell despite lower ice times Mac/Roussel have been more noticeable than Jake.


And I hate to hark on Jake but this is the reality. I wish he was better but he hasn't been.


Putting Toffoli with Sutter gives us a better top 9. The top 6 is fine. No need to mess it around. 4th line has good chemistry with Motte/Beagle/Mac. Only changes that could be made without messing with the chemistry is Virtanen. If the top 6 has a bad game and we lose then you could move Tofu up.

LE has been "invisible" by the standard most folks here are judging Virtanen.  And Eriksson's ice time is


Sutter's line is at 70.7% dzone starts (considerably higher than Horvat's line) - the idea that it is not among the lines that "handle most of the defensive responsbility" is wrong.  Horvat's line plays more of a dual role - and leans more heavily towards the role you're assuming - when Gaudette is centering a line and/or Beagle and/or Sutter are out of the lineup.  With those two healthy and doing what they do best, Horvat's role (which is versatile) shifts, his load lightens - inseparable from producing more, imo.


And the second bolded part is (also) simply wrong.  Virtianen has spent a LOT of time in a checking role on Sutter's wing over the past three years - the idea tha it's not a checking line if Virtanen is on it is really obliivious to his development at the NHL level,  how Green has handled him and how he has deployed him.   As he earned it, he got more opportunity in a top 6/scoring role - and produced 18 goals in the process this year (from 44.8 and 45.4% ozone starts the past two seasons, to 52.5% this year). 

4 months off - Virtanen perhaps regressing somewhat in the process - but all this Virtanen obsession on these boards is a bit myopic imo, 5 games into the (somewhat strange) restart =  a very small sample.   Again, what's the explanation for Roussel's even more limited ice-time?   The whole invisible thing, ironically, easily applies to LE as much as either of these two - 'contributions' is not reducible to ice time.  I mean, people used to blow head gaskets around here over the ice time Jayson Megna would get when he stepped up to placehold on a top 6 line - none of that was equated with 'contributions'  - and none of it indicated him occupying a higher spot on the depth chart = it was highly misleading, as is the appearances of LE's ice time alone, out of context.

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