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2 hours ago, Russ said:

Thats Funny GIF by MOODMAN


Government being government.... Lets never plan proper, lets push everything to the damn limits.  The fact they didn't administer one dose, hold a second for EVERY first dose given and now we already had it up past 30 days, now they are pushing it to the 42 days because the CDC says it can be done, thats garbage.  These manufacturers put 21 and 28 days on their doses, need to follow what they post not keep going with other government agencies are pushing.  Rather see less people done right now but with 2 doses than more people on single doses and now there is no guarantee they will get it by the 42 day limit. Every dose should have a pair to be administered 3 weeks later.


I was ok with the NDP, I keep giving them chances as I still think they have done overall ok since we aren't in Ontario or Quebec stages but if they bumble the hell out of this, they are dead to me next election and it'll be between Liberals and Greens and I won't even consider the NDP after such stupidity. 

And you know the liberals would be better how? They don't even seem to have any kind of plan. They have been silent this entire time about the pandemic. 

In fact during the election did they even bring it up? All governments are partly at the mercy of the manufacturers. In the fall it was taking 3-5 days to get testing results.

I got my results last week within 24 hours. It will start ramping up. The government is in a no-win situation. Clap down too hard the economy will be worse than it is now or be nonexistent. Be too lax and people complain they aren't doing enough. Could they do more? Yes. After seeing the the Libs have done the past 16 years. 

I wouldn't vote for them. 

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9 hours ago, Russ said:

Thats Funny GIF by MOODMAN


Government being government.... Lets never plan proper, lets push everything to the damn limits.  The fact they didn't administer one dose, hold a second for EVERY first dose given and now we already had it up past 30 days, now they are pushing it to the 42 days because the CDC says it can be done, thats garbage.  These manufacturers put 21 and 28 days on their doses, need to follow what they post not keep going with other government agencies are pushing.  Rather see less people done right now but with 2 doses than more people on single doses and now there is no guarantee they will get it by the 42 day limit. Every dose should have a pair to be administered 3 weeks later.


I was ok with the NDP, I keep giving them chances as I still think they have done overall ok since we aren't in Ontario or Quebec stages but if they bumble the hell out of this, they are dead to me next election and it'll be between Liberals and Greens and I won't even consider the NDP after such stupidity. 

If the Liberals were in charge, we'd likely be more like Alberta with more casualties. You can complain all you want about the NDP in this (and they definitely have had their questionable moments and decisions), but we only have the 2 other options. One of them would be absolutely horrible during this time and the other doesn't have the traction to get the votes.


At least we're not like the states where Walgreens and CVS have been tasked with this in most state... yay, capitalism during a pandemic. :wacko:

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20 hours ago, Grapefruits said:

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Maybe you should expand on what effect Covid can have on those that do not die from it but are left with lifelong issues in some cases.The following text is from the Mayo Clinic; a well respected organization in the US........


Organ damage caused by COVID-19


Although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that primarily affects the lungs, it can damage many other organs as well. This organ damage may increase the risk of long-term health problems. Organs that may be affected by COVID-19 include:

  • Heart. Imaging tests taken months after recovery from COVID-19 have shown lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in people who experienced only mild COVID-19 symptoms. This may increase the risk of heart failure or other heart complications in the future.
  • Lungs. The type of pneumonia often associated with COVID-19 can cause long-standing damage to the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. The resulting scar tissue can lead to long-term breathing problems.
  • Brain. Even in young people, COVID-19 can cause strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome — a condition that causes temporary paralysis. COVID-19 may also increase the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Blood clots and blood vessel problems


COVID-19 can make blood cells more likely to clump up and form clots. While large clots can cause heart attacks and strokes, much of the heart damage caused by COVID-19 is believed to stem from very small clots that block tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the heart muscle.


Other parts of the body affected by blood clots include the lungs, legs, liver and kidneys. COVID-19 can also weaken blood vessels and cause them to leak, which contributes to potentially long-lasting problems with the liver and kidneys.

Problems with mood and fatigue


People who have severe symptoms of COVID-19 often have to be treated in a hospital's intensive care unit, with mechanical assistance such as ventilators to breathe. Simply surviving this experience can make a person more likely to later develop post-traumatic stress syndrome, depression and anxiety.


Because it's difficult to predict long-term outcomes from the new COVID-19 virus, scientists are looking at the long-term effects seen in related viruses, such as the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

Many people who have recovered from SARS have gone on to develop chronic fatigue syndrome, a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that worsens with physical or mental activity, but doesn't improve with rest. The same may be true for people who have had COVID-19.

Many long-term COVID-19 effects still unknown


Much is still unknown about how COVID-19 will affect people over time. However, researchers recommend that doctors closely monitor people who have had COVID-19 to see how their organs are functioning after recovery.


Many large medical centers are opening specialized clinics to provide care for people who have persistent symptoms or related illnesses after they recover from COVID-19.

It's important to remember that most people who have COVID-19 recover quickly. But the potentially long-lasting problems from COVID-19 make it even more important to reduce the spread of the disease by following precautions such as wearing masks, avoiding crowds and keeping hands clean.

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Something to keep an eye on since I think we get our Pfizer doses from Belgium:


Europe threatens to restrict vaccine exports after AstraZeneca and Pfizer hit production problems


London (CNN Business)The European Union is calling out vaccine makers AstraZeneca (AZN) and Pfizer (PFE) over delivery delays that could slow its recovery from the pandemic. Officials are even threatening to restrict exports and take legal action as anger mounts.




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2 hours ago, The Lock said:

If the Liberals were in charge, we'd likely be more like Alberta with more casualties. You can complain all you want about the NDP in this (and they definitely have had their questionable moments and decisions), but we only have the 2 other options. One of them would be absolutely horrible during this time and the other doesn't have the traction to get the votes.


At least we're not like the states where Walgreens and CVS have been tasked with this in most state... yay, capitalism during a pandemic. :wacko:

We can play the what if game all we want, we really don't know how it would have turned out with the Liberals, probably worse but who knows maybe somehow better, we will never know.  My point was this was piss poor planning of this roll out.  Without having extra vaccines in hand ready to go they should have never used up their supply for the second dose and risk missing that second deadline.  They had already pushed the 21/28 days to 32 or whatever and now they are pushing it to the CDC max 42 days that apparently they can be eligible for the shot.  Talk about calling it close if you ask me, not something that should have been done in my opinion.

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12 minutes ago, Russ said:

We can play the what if game all we want, we really don't know how it would have turned out with the Liberals, probably worse but who knows maybe somehow better, we will never know.  My point was this was piss poor planning of this roll out.  Without having extra vaccines in hand ready to go they should have never used up their supply for the second dose and risk missing that second deadline.  They had already pushed the 21/28 days to 32 or whatever and now they are pushing it to the CDC max 42 days that apparently they can be eligible for the shot.  Talk about calling it close if you ask me, not something that should have been done in my opinion.

Especially after all this talk about the importance of earning the public's trust regarding vaccines.

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I think people are loosing grasp of the realities


Pharma promised vaccine, and pharma delayed vaccine


In the mean time, governments had made plans based on those promises


The plans were the best they felt they could do, and it failed


But the point is, they never had the control, Pharma did


Multiply that with the pressure exerted by larger countries, in worse conditions


Aka....US of A, and you have a mess


You guys are playing the blame game, after the fact....not fair!


IMO, the complexities, are not simple, and we would do no better


It is not a quick Fix, but we demanded it "NOW" and they gave it "NOW" even though then were not ready to supply the world with 100% of what was required.


I hate this BS..............I am stressed enough


Maybe, they should just have sent all the vaccine manufactured to just one country?????


Remember....hind sight is 20/20

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Going to add another tidbit to my last comment........


Governments are doing their best to not have us go into a recession or worse a depression


They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.........


If you look around the world, you will notice most Governments are doing the same things, except if the epidemic is worse in their country


But the general balancing act is pretty close to the same country to country, with only communist countries completely locking down their citizens


and I can tell you, that if the Gov tried to do that here, alot of people would ignore their requests........we are very entitled


Now, you look down in the states and they make us look like zombies, as down there they storm the capital, if they don't like things


Screw you, if you think I am wearing a mask, and you can't tell me to stay at home..........I live in a democracy!!!!!


Well, now you know why we are in such a mess....................entitlement!.........Everyone must listen but me! 


Personally, I feel sorry for those officials that have to wrestle with these issues day in day out!

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My mom is 93 years old and she went through the end of the depression


She told me, that alot of normal families were fed by their neighbors, and lost their houses


There was no money for gas for the cars, and alot of times cars were not fixed when they broke down


Children's clothes were passed down 5 or 6 times, if they were lucky, and adults wore their shoes until they fell off


So, yes....governments are trying real hard to do this balancing act


With no net, and no real game plan, as it is continually moving


Now we have mutations, because the virus moved around so freely in different countries


Because...........................NO ONE LISTENED!



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3 minutes ago, janisahockeynut said:

My mom is 93 years old and she went through the end of the depression


She told me, that alot of normal families were fed by their neighbors, and lost their houses


There was no money for gas for the cars, and alot of times cars were not fixed when they broke down


Children's clothes were passed down 5 or 6 times, if they were lucky, and adults wore their shoes until they fell off


So, yes....governments are trying real hard to do this balancing act


With no net, and no real game plan, as it is continually moving


Now we have mutations, because the virus moved around so freely in different countries


Because...........................NO ONE LISTENED!



There is a whole generation of people like your mom who know the meaning of sacrifice. Sadly there exists today a sickening large group who want to see them “locked up” so they can get their iced Frappes and drum circles. These entitled children have literally ZERO empathy and because of that this will go on much longer and do more harm. Sad.

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14 hours ago, GSP* said:

From Stats Canada. I hope you didn’t need that nut. 

“From January to October 2020, there were an estimated 241,257 deaths in Canada, representing an excess of 10,090 deaths above and beyond what would have been expected if there was no pandemic. In comparison, for the same period, there were 228,058 deaths in 2018 and 226,994 in 2019.”


Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 12.40.35.png

Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 12.41.14.png

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31 minutes ago, Kootenay Gold said:

You might have also included the note at the top of the list on the Macrotrends site that you got this from: Data is useless if misleading or taken out of context


 Other sites looking at deaths rates for Canada contain the same numbers which means more than likely from a central source - the Canadian gov't.   You are trying to suggest that because it is Macrotrends that it is unreliable which is of course disingenuous.  I agree looking at mortality rate involves putting it in context which naturally involves more than just the past few years.   

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5 hours ago, UnkNuk said:

Something to keep an eye on since I think we get our Pfizer doses from Belgium:


Europe threatens to restrict vaccine exports after AstraZeneca and Pfizer hit production problems


London (CNN Business)The European Union is calling out vaccine makers AstraZeneca (AZN) and Pfizer (PFE) over delivery delays that could slow its recovery from the pandemic. Officials are even threatening to restrict exports and take legal action as anger mounts.




That's some trump level of thought.

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4 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

Don't know if you want to count the following CBC article (from today) as a counter-point to that, or if you want to file this under the "perhaps too little, possibly too late" folder:




A made-in-Canada vaccine to protect against COVID-19 began human clinical trials Tuesday in Toronto, says the biotechnology company that developed the vaccine.


Toronto-based Providence Therapeutics said three shots will be given to 60 adult volunteers at a clinical trial site in Toronto in the first phase of the trial on Tuesday. 


Fifteen of those volunteers will receive a placebo, and 45 will get the vaccine, called PTX-COVID19-B.


Brad Sorenson, the company's CEO, said it's the first time a vaccine designed and manufactured in Canada has begun clinical trials. The company has purchased a site in Calgary to mass produce the vaccine. 


If the vaccine proves safe and effective in clinical trials and Health Canada approves it, the goal is to have it ready for the global market by January 2022.

Brad Sorenson appeared in a panel discussion on today's "Power Play" at the 40 minute mark.




This could turn into a major political problem for the government.


IF Canada gets squeezed by the European Union and the US and is only able to receive the Pfizer vaccine after a long delay, there could be some serious discussion why Providence wasn't more heavily financed back in March.


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15 minutes ago, Violator said:

That's some trump level of thought.

It's being called vaccine nationalism.


The thing is, I can see their point.  Suppose we had a vaccine made in Canada that we, the taxpayers, had subsidized to the tune of billions of dollars.  And there wasn't enough to immediately go around to all the countries that wanted it.  Wouldn't we be saying that Canadians should be first in line?

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23 hours ago, I.Am.Ironman said:

Excess mortality (deaths above expected) in Canada:



During the spike in spring excess mortality was up around 25% then looked to be up 8%ish in the summer. This data doesn't include the second wave so we could probably expect those values to resemble April.


Here is Canada (data only goes to September) vs USA all age groups expressed as a percentage:



I even excluded the 85+ age group for you:

  Reveal hidden contents





Excess mortality is more telling. Note that Canada's data does not include the second wave period of late 2020.


I know, weak sauce to quote your own post but it saved me time.

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