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4 minutes ago, johngould21 said:

Everybody sing, right Mark? I wonder which ships and sails store he buys his clothing from?

I normally hate fat shaming but when we're talking about this fat head it's ok.  Dish it, take it stuff.


He is so dense.  Honestly....it's one thing to believe in his fake news cause and support it.  It's another to mock those who base their actions on science and health related information.  What a dumbass.


No Mark...we don't "see" the virus floating around out there.  It's not cake sprinkles.

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3 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

I normally hate fat shaming but when we're talking about this fat head it's ok.


He is so dense.  Honestly....it's one thing to believe in his fake news cause and support it.  It's another to mock those who base their actions on science and health related information.  What a dumbass.


No Mark...we don't "see" the virus floating around out there.  It's not cake sprinkles.

My thoughts too!

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I'm grateful that our health care system is so far standing up to the increased numbers of COVID cases, I'd love to ask these anti=maskers if they are willing to forgo any treatment for any health issue for the balance of the pandemic.  I know it's so wrong of me and completely uncharitable to be even slightly hopeful that someone like MD gets COVID and has to be hospitalized - would be interesting to see his take.  His livelihood would likely be ruined if he were to get a serious case as he probably couldn't sing any longer - or at least for quite some time.  


I'm beyond fed up with people who think their personal situation warrants flaunting the guidelines and regulations that the rest of us are doing our best to live by.  For politicians, be upfront about it.  Any other line of work, if you are in a situation where you want to/have to violate your employer's rules, you generally need to plead your case beforehand and seek special permission.  Otherwise termination is generally the outcome.  Why should they be different?  And if you lie/sneak around to hide the fact you are knowingly breaking the rules, the termination is generally swift and merciless.  As it should be.  

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19 minutes ago, gurn said:

8 days since Christmas, expecting to see a large increase in the next few reports. Hoping not to, but expecting to. That is even taking spotty holiday numbers in to account.

Here's hoping the community minded heavily outweigh the selfish dbags in our province

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This is disgusting.



"Symptomatic" Richmond long-term care staffer crossed health regions to visit elderly relative
Source close to the Minoru Residence staffer said the employee since tested positive for COVID.
about 19 hours ago By: Alan Campbell

A staff member at a Richmond long-term care facility crossed health regions to visit an elderly relative in another nursing home on Christmas Day, despite showing symptoms of COVID-19.

The Richmond News understands from someone close to the staffer at Minoru Residence - near Minoru Boulevard and Westminster Highway – that the person in question, and their spouse, have since tested positive for the virus.

The report comes a day after the facility, which is run by Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), announced its second COVID-19 outbreak in a week, the second of which happening Dec. 27.

VCH refused to confirm or deny if the second outbreak is connected to the staffer, citing privacy reasons.

But the News has been told by a source close to the Minoru employee that both the staffer and their spouse were displaying COVID symptoms before Christmas Day and had been warned to self-isolate.

“(Two) old people’s homes (have been put) at risk…Bottom line, I’m a rule follower, someone who cares about senior’s issues and COVID-19,” the source told the News.

“And there should be repercussions. Fraser Health and (VCH) have said that (the employee) and her family breached the Public Health Order.”

The source claims the employee and spouse lied on a screening survey, prior to entering the relative’s long-term care facility in the Fraser Health region.

“They are not in charge of (the relative’s) care. This visit was not essential,” added the source.

It’s understood that both health regions are investigating the breach, although VCH again cited privacy reasons for giving no confirmation or denial.

VCH said that after an outbreak is declared, positive cases are isolated and all staff and residents tested and monitored. Infection, prevention and control practices are carried out and the health authority directly communicates with the families of those affected.

The source said the elderly relative has tested negative for the virus, but is being tested again next week.



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5 minutes ago, IBatch said:

“BREAKING NEWS study shows that TOm Selleck’s mustache cures Covid”.


Watching old Magnum shows and especially little known but excellent cowboy movie’s starring this leading man increases special moustache testosterone which inhibits the growth of Covid in a molecular level.   Further studies  show it’s the same RNA chain found in the famous Chuck Norris genome - which can be scene literally kicking Covid cells ass under a microscope... did I do this right? stephen colbert mustache GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert200.gif

There's a reason why they've been successful fighting the virus down under











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15 hours ago, Warhippy said:

So yet another member of Alberta's cabinet went on vacation.  Why is this an issue.


There are 4 now 4 highest ranking members of Alberta's government that shut their province down and then left.


But.  one of those who left?  Literally the person in charge of administering and distribution of the covid vaccine.


Jason Kenney called a press conference today, showed up almost 90 minutes late.  Said that nobody did anything wrong, then claimed he knew nothing about it.  Micro manager Jason Kenney had no idea that during a pandemic the person in charge of getting the vaccine out left the country.


Immediate responses from across the country and political spectrum were immediate.  When such a high ranking member leaves office for vacation, business or personal reasons there is immediately people put in place to facilitate their roles and keep things working.


Honestly, the people in Alberta should be absolutely furious about this.  Instead...I keep reading how it could be worse, someone could have worn blackface...

The majority of social media posts ive seen show people in Alberta are pissed off and are calling for her resignation. Regardless of what political party you follow, there needs to be accountability. As long as governments are in charge of self discipline, there never will be any true punishment. I havent seen any blackface comparisons but i have seen plenty of people pointing out that Trudeau did break his own health recommendations last Thanksgiving when he traveled across province to his cottage to go visit his family. At the time there was no traveling permitted into other provinces and he was the one who told Canadians they need to zoom family members if they havent been living under the same roof which he wasnt. Or just last October when Patty Hajdu was caught at the airport not wearing a mask.

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