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2 minutes ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

And what about the fact BC and Canadian ICU's are jammed up with unvaccinated Covid patients... and ordinary Canadians who need surgery for other reasons are out of luck?


Don't you think that has an effect on society?

The point is, the government forces people to get vaxxed, and if they actually let people decide for themselves, since it is a free country and all have rights, more would get vaxxed, only reason people ( well not majority , but alot ) are not getting vaxxed is cause they are being TOLD to, but if the govenrment didnt force peoples hand , more would, just saying, we as humans are always defiant/sturborn esp if forced to do soemthing we dont have a choice of ...for me i choose to get vaxxed, i didnt do it cause the government forced me to, but others would be more inclined to do it, if given the choice without replications 

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12 minutes ago, x00x said:

The point is, the government forces people to get vaxxed, and if they actually let people decide for themselves, since it is a free country and all have rights, more would get vaxxed, only reason people ( well not majority , but alot ) are not getting vaxxed is cause they are being TOLD to, but if the govenrment didnt force peoples hand , more would, just saying, we as humans are always defiant/sturborn esp if forced to do soemthing we dont have a choice of ...for me i choose to get vaxxed, i didnt do it cause the government forced me to, but others would be more inclined to do it, if given the choice without replications 

When does the government force people to get vaccinated?


They offer clear advice and warnings, but they do not force anyone to get a vaccine... unless they are health care workers... which is kinda an obvious one, who wants a nurse breathing Covid over them.... and even then, the Government haven't followed through on their warnings they will fire those who don't get vaccinated.


If you don't want to get vaccinated, you don't have to.  Which is really a selfish and stupid move, unless you have a legitimate health reason not to.... (a very small number of people) 


Not getting vaccinated not only puts your own health at risk, it puts the health of anyone who is around you at risk.  And it means you are more likely to be infected and end up in the hospital, which means those who need health care for other reasons can't get it.  Completely preventable.

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24 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

I specifically asked you for a link to something to back up your claim that "boosters only last weeks and are being oversold" and you respond with an answer to the part of your post I cut out. Can you provide anything or is all of this a disingenuous atempt to muddy the watters?

Here's a population in Israel that has 3-4 doses, and way ahead of Canada. This vax doesn't prevent transmission, and never did. Do you see the problem on the far top right yet?

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51 minutes ago, VancouverHabitant said:

That's done in poor taste.  


Not a big fan of people celebrating someone dying or struggling in order to be deemed right.  

How is it celebrating someone dying?  The post didn't say that even remotely.

It is just like having a longtime smoker who ended up with lung cancer warning people not to be stupid like them by showing the consequences.
So many of folks in the hospital are publicly literally plead for others to not make the same mistake and that they didn't believe in it until too late.

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43 minutes ago, x00x said:

"Quebec wants to tax people unvaccinated against COVID-19. Can the province do that?" aahahaha

with the toll its taking on the health care system yes they should be taxing those who don't want to get vaccinated since most of the hospitals across the country are filled mostly of unvaccinated people. Its giving more incentive then what Jason Kenney tried to do here in Alberta which is pay people 100$ to get Vaccinated which the Vaccination rate in AB did not change whatsoever after this plan came out. I'm not against people not getting Vaccinated but to me these people if they choose to not get Vaccinated then that should come with a price.

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58 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Not thread worthy. Also pretty distasteful. 

So you think it is in good taste and alright for people to post on this forum false information which could lead to people dying?


But somehow you find it distasteful when I link to a site which posts about the real loss of life that results from this type of misinformation?

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19 minutes ago, gizmo2337 said:

Here's a population in Israel that has 3-4 doses, and way ahead of Canada. This vax doesn't prevent transmission, and never did. Do you see the problem on the far top right yet?

There were times that I thought, maybe your presence in this thread is genuine, but I was never quite sure. Thanks for clearing it up. 

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35 minutes ago, Provost said:

How is it celebrating someone dying?  The post didn't say that even remotely.

It is just like having a longtime smoker who ended up with lung cancer warning people not to be stupid like them by showing the consequences.
So many of folks in the hospital are publicly literally plead for others to not make the same mistake and that they didn't believe in it until too late.



Do you think that it would be cool to make a website showing all people that died this year from not wearing a seatbelt?  

Let's see for an equivalent domain name we could pick




I'm beginning to think that a lot of people have lost their mind.  Sure there's a greater percentage of anti-vaxxers that have gone crazy, but some of the people on the pro vaccine side are just as crazy. Don't be one of them. 


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22 minutes ago, *Buzzsaw* said:

So you think it is in good taste and alright for people to post on this forum false information which could lead to people dying?


But somehow you find it distasteful when I link to a site which posts about the real loss of life that results from this type of misinformation?

Two wrongs don't make a right.  


Don't be like those people posting misinformation.  Don't stoop to their level. 

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New COVID-19 vaccine that covers Omicron ‘will be ready in March,’ Pfizer CEO says (yahoo.com)


New COVID-19 vaccine that covers Omicron ‘will be ready in March,’ Pfizer CEO says


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla joins Yahoo Finance’s Anjalee Khemlani to discuss the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine that will include protection against Omicron, vaccine production, and the outlook for an Omicron-specific booster.


ANJALEE KHEMLANI: Thank you, Julie, and hello to Albert. Thank you again for joining us today. I know that you and I were both looking forward to possibly seeing each other in person this time. But, unfortunately, Omicron got in the way.


I want to start off with talking about that, actually, and just the impact that you're seeing. We know that here in the US that, you know, we've had discussions about boosters coming this fall. And we're watching the Omicron wave really surge in certain parts of the country as well as the world.


Tell me what you're seeing in terms of the potential for possibly changing how we look at boosters and what kinds of boosters you anticipate. I know you're working on an Omicron-specific booster as well right now. So what's at stake for us in fall of '22?


ALBERT BOURLA: Here the situation has been deteriorated because of the Omicron, which had a very quick ramp-up. It is a disease that manifests a little bit less in terms of mildness. I mean, it's more mild. But, you know, because of the higher infectious rates, still, the hospitals, in absolute numbers, are going much higher in terms of severe disease, ICUs' occupation, et cetera, et cetera.


So-- and we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. The three doses, with the booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths-- and, again, that's, I think, very good-- and less protection against the infection.


Now, we are working on a new version of our vaccine-- the 1.1, let me put it that way-- that will cover Omicron as well. And, of course, we are waiting to have the final results. The vaccine will be ready in March. And the vaccine, we'll be able to produce it massively.


We need to see if we will need it. And we need to see if-- and what place it can take in the overall fight against the virus, particularly now that we know that mutations are coming faster, but we have a treatment. So all of that needs to be taken seriously [? in this direction. ?] But we've never had more weapons on our [? box tool. ?]

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8 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:


Thats so awful. I saw another story about an urgent care center in Brampton having to shut down due to staffing shortages.



I don't want to walk into another tired argument about the vaccine; but I remember seeing a post (similar to what you are saying here I suppose) that they were allowing HCW's who have tested positive to work because they are short staffed.** Now that we know the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission, it seems completely insane to me that they are allowing that while they've just fired all these other people at a time when the healthcare system is under such strain. (A health care system that was likely already inadequate to begin with). Self inflicted wound.




**Edit 2: Found the link, Quebec has already while others are considering it. 




Since this is Brampton it is the Ontario guidelines which are the exact opposite of that. 
Health-care workers have longer isolation requirements if they work in high risk facilities than the average person. There is a provision that HCWs in short-staffed areas can test out of quarantine early, with negative antigen tests on day 6 and 7 instead of completing 10d isolation. 

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9 hours ago, VancouverHabitant said:

That's done in poor taste.  


Not a big fan of people celebrating someone dying or struggling in order to be deemed right.  


well, if even one anti-vaxxer see's themselves in that list of people and has a change of mind, isn't it worth it?


its easy to pretend its all just "political" but those folks died spreading misinformation. So we can talk about poor taste sure, but dead is dead. No winning that argument. 


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It is quite simple, you CAN'T fix STUPID...most will survive but the chances of severe illness or death being UNVACCINATED has been proven and the Covidiots who choose not to get the jab should all have the same laws as what Quebec is introducing. Too bad BC has ZERO backbone and said they won't follow Quebec...the 1 time in my life where I appreciate and like the French!

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7 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

There were times that I thought, maybe your presence in this thread is genuine, but I was never quite sure. Thanks for clearing it up. 

Oh what's his latest complaint (cause that's all there ever is) ... oh wait who cares? You would think when you've had nothing positive to say and you just keep regurgitating the same thing over and over again you would get bored of being a windbag or realize you've said your piece and move on. But sometimes not.

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