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On the farm we vaccinated our herds.  And we kept our stock safe from those that were unvaccinated.  The controls in place to ensure safety were very tight.  We didn’t even allow people to go into livestock barns unless they were working with the animals, and went through proper procedures.  I just don’t think these antivaxxers realize the problems they stir up.  Or they refuse to accept it.  They are just a very selfish group who have extremely narrow views.  They lack the empathetic view.  

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2 minutes ago, Master Mind said:

I was moreso referring to people in the thread and online in general, but yes them too.


I never said ripping into healthcare workers was acceptable, so I'm not sure why you quoted me to point that out.

Regardless.  Antivaxxer views support these criminal behaviours.  Look at the ignorant behaviours at the Ottawa protest!  My goodness.  How could any normal reasoning person support those kinds of things?  And then add to that the actions of the leaders of that group.  These are Nazis, and the worst kinds of persons.  Yet, antivaxxers are so willfully ignorant, they ignore these facts and foolishly support these people.  Maybe it’s just stupid people?  

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2 hours ago, Jack Fig said:

People taking 'safe and effective' medical procedures and soon ending up dead. Pointing this out is childish and ignorant? Try concerning and factual. 

Save your drunk driver analogy, it makes you look like a complete fool. 

The problem with this mentality is that you're looking for absolutes here. Your argument is all about the assumption that vaccine should protect literally everyone who takes it. That's not reality with pretty much anything. If you take an advil to help relieve a headache, you don't get a 100% probability that that headache goes away, so why should you assume the same with the vaccine?


There are unforunately going to be people who are vaccinated who will become deceased. However, that probabilty for those people dying is less than the probability of someone not vaccinated dying. That's what this is about rather than some idealitistic world that's just unattainable no matter what anyone does. That's also the problem with the stance a lot of the anti-vaxxers have: it's based on perfect absolutes rather than realistic ideas along with this fake notion of "rights" that ignore the rights of the majority of people who are not of such a stance..

Edited by The Lock
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9 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

Post hoc ergo propter hoc. 

This is a fallacy in logic. 

And the fact that you haven’t gotten Covid, doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t. 

Stay unvaccinated if you want to. It’s your choice and right to. I just don’t agree with your choice as you could be another member of society that gets afflicted with it and clogs up an already overburdened social health care system. 

Your decision to stay unvaccinated isn’t, in my opinion, the smart one. 

Family history of heart disease is a big red flag (if that was the case).  Plenty of other plausible reasons why a person got a heart attack at age 55, doesn't matter how seemingly "fit" you are.  And the vaccine ain't going to protect you from heart attacks.  Get a physical from your GP annually.  Full bloodwork (the works) occasionally. 

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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6 hours ago, -DLC- said:

I think some play a bit of a game here.  It also really ticks me off when they trivialize something that's been so horrible for some. What a slap in the face.


Sure, maybe take Alphonso Davies on that run with you.


There's this thing called karma and I honestly hope, for their sake, it doesn't come knocking.  


Like the athletes of the world who have put out testimony about how this thing's struck them is somehow irrelevant. And their own personal health regiments are foolproof, as if these athletes don't follow programs (that would blow the average Joe or Jack away).


We don't all have to agree but we should show some respect for those who've suffered (and died) from COVID. How lucky you are, and that's what it boils down to for those who do play with this fire. Hope they don't get burned.


Do they ever read THOSE testimonies? The ones told from hospital beds by disbelievers who have regrets (or died before they had a chance to)?

While I understand and agree with your thoughts, karma doesn’t work like that. 

Karma(something that I don’t believe in and has no reality based on evidence) isn’t something that is definitional where someone has something bad happen to them based on an action or inaction. 

Karma is used, incorrectly, way too much in Western society as a means to explain bad things happening to people. 

Karma is a religious word that has a different context than the way it’s been primarily used, ie., retribution/consequence by some supernatural referee. 

This is not what the word means, despite my agreement with your intention of thought/opinion. 

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4 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

While I understand and agree with your thoughts, karma doesn’t work like that. 

Karma(something that I don’t believe in and has no reality based on evidence) isn’t something that is definitional where someone has something bad happen to them based on an action or inaction. 

Karma is used, incorrectly, way too much in Western society as a means to explain bad things happening to people. 

Karma is a religious word that has a different context than the way it’s been primarily used, ie., retribution/consequence by some supernatural referee. 

This is not what the word means, despite my agreement with your intention of thought/opinion. 

I totally agree with your post.


Most people are confused by the meaning of the word Karma.



The definition of the word from Oxford languages as a noun


" the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences" 


There are actually 3 forms of Karma, Prarabdha, Sanchita and Kriyamana/ Agami 


As you have rightly pointed out these are religious constructs.


Man I wish the God thread was still going so I could expand on this post.

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13 hours ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

Family history of heart disease is a big red flag (if that was the case).  Plenty of other plausible reasons why a person got a heart attack at age 55, doesn't matter how seemingly "fit" you are.  And the vaccine ain't going to protect you from heart attacks.  Get a physical from your GP annually.  Full bloodwork (the works) occasionally. 

Just shows you how dumb people can be. It's no wonder it's tough to educate everyone with this level of stupid gong around. Of course this scared little selfish guy is going to attribute a heart attack to the vaccine ... 3 weeks later, instead of you know ... a heart attack. Because he's the first healthy person to ever have a heart attack. Some people are just useless human beings. They get off by being difficult, especially if it's not affecting them personally, and even if it's killing other people. But you know they're doctors and such in their spare time so they know better. I think it actually gives them some sick sort of satisfaction to watch others lives in peril while they waltz around trying to feel superior to others. It's sickening is what it is.

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Multiple teachers in my school who have tested positive a  month or so ago are still taking sick days at least 3 times a week as they struggle to recover and most had mild too moderate symptoms.  My response is "now you know what I've been dealing with for 2 years".  There's a lot more to this virus than infection and isolating for a few days with mild symptoms.

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15 minutes ago, stawns said:

Multiple teachers in my school who have tested positive a  month or so ago are still taking sick days at least 3 times a week as they struggle to recover and most had mild too moderate symptoms.  My response is "now you know what I've been dealing with for 2 years".  There's a lot more to this virus than infection and isolating for a few days with mild symptoms.

stawns is your district not allowing these people to take the necessary time off to completely recover or are they working partial weeks by choice/necessity($) hoping that they can make it through the week and then realizing they can't? 

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33 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

stawns is your district not allowing these people to take the necessary time off to completely recover or are they working partial weeks by choice/necessity($) hoping that they can make it through the week and then realizing they can't? 

no, they are.......we get 17 sick days a year and most of us have many more than that banked.  Teachers don't like being away, so as soon as we feel a bit better and we're past pur "isolation period", we're back.  However, some of the teachers who were infected are starting to see the reach this virus has.  It's been an eye opener for some

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