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6 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

no just information. The best advice is make sure you wash your hands a lot. 


Social media is not helping here either. No one is going to let a planeload of people run around an airport if they are contagious. Its not the plane anyone needs to be worried about , its going to the mall and handling surfaces and not cleaning your hands. 

You put FAR too much trust in authorities...their own words being "if people are showing symptoms" they'll be quarantined on the plane. 




More information:


According to the CDC 


For confirmed 2019-nCoV infections, reported illnesses have ranged from people with little to no symptoms to people being severely ill and dying. Symptoms can include:

So a guy isn't showing symptoms "yet" so they let him off the plane....but.....


Done trying to convince people that it's actually an informed (not hysterical) stance.  


Personally, I always do the handwash thing (a little obsessively at times) - but that doesn't take away from the fact that I don't believe the protocol in place on this flight is satisfactory unless they've updated.


Not using social media for information...mostly just common sense.


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5 minutes ago, debluvscanucks said:

You put FAR too much trust in authorities...their own words being "if people are showing symptoms" they'll be quarantined on the plane. 




More information:


According to the CDC 

So a guy isn't showing symptoms "yet" so they let him off the plane....but.....


Done trying to convince people that it's actually an informed (not hysterical) stance.  


Personally, I always do the handwash thing (a little obsessively at times) - but that doesn't take away from the fact that I don't believe the protocol in place on this flight is satisfactory unless they've updated.


Not using social media for information...mostly just common sense.


I guess thats because I've worked with many people in the system, and know how talented and dedicated many of them are, particularly in Canada. No one is looking to gain anything in government, but I sure question why e.g., some social media hub would try to create a buzz around some fudged numbers and get everyone going to their site.


What we know so far isnt great, but this isn't SARS. So at least there's that. 

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I guess thats because I've worked with many people in the system, and know how talented and dedicated many of them are, particularly in Canada. No one is looking to gain anything in government, but I sure question why e.g., some social media hub would try to create a buzz around some fudged numbers and get everyone going to their site.


What we know so far isnt great, but this isn't SARS. So at least there's that. 

Which does not reference what I posted at all?  Sigh I give up....

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1 hour ago, debluvscanucks said:

Which does not reference what I posted at all?  Sigh I give up....

I'm not trying to argue with you at all or minimize your concerns, just trying to point out that the media is overblowing this and there's inaccurate info out there. I'm worried about my dad too, he's 89 and has severe COPD, he's a dead man if he gets this. 

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A further 41 people aboard the cruise ship in quarantine in Japan have tested positive for the coronavirus

Fri 7 Feb 2020 00:41:26 GMT


You might recall it was initially 10, then up to 20 yesterday.

Now at 61 aboard this one ship
Figures from Japan's health ministry - Asahi TV report (via Reuters ) 



Other sources have the total at 30,984.


Edited by nuckin_futz
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2 hours ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I'm not trying to argue with you at all or minimize your concerns, just trying to point out that the media is overblowing this and there's inaccurate info out there. I'm worried about my dad too, he's 89 and has severe COPD, he's a dead man if he gets this. 

Not only elderly people are dying but the doctor whistleblower who alerted the world the virus has died.   He was only 34.   If a young healthy doctor can died so can anyone.

The media is not over blowing it because it is a very serious illness.   The death rate for flu is .1%, the death rate for the corona virus is more than 2%.    If it spread worldwide millions will die, just like the 1918 Spanish Flu.



A Chinese doctor who was reprimanded by security police for warning fellow doctors about the initial coronavirus outbreak has died of the illness, according to Wuhan Central Hospital.

Li Wenliang, 34, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, was “unfortunately infected during the fight against the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection,” the hospital said on its social media account. “We deeply regret and mourn this.”

He died early Friday despite an "all-effort rescue" after contracting the virus Jan. 30, according to The People's Daily, the newspaper of China's Communist Party.

The World Health Organization tweeted, “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Li Wenliang. We all need to celebrate work that he did” on the virus.

In a posting on social media, Li alerted fellow doctors Dec. 30 about the emergence of a SARS-like illness, warning them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection, the newspaper said. Wuhan is the epicenter of the coronavirus that has claimed 636 lives among more than 30,877 cases. The fatality rate is 2.1 percent; that compares to 9.6 percent for the SARS virus that created similar concern around the globe in 2002.

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2 hours ago, DonLever said:

Not only elderly people are dying but the doctor whistleblower who alerted the world the virus has died.   He was only 34.   If a young healthy doctor can died so can anyone.

The media is not over blowing it because it is a very serious illness.   The death rate for flu is .1%, the death rate for the corona virus is more than 2%.    If it spread worldwide millions will die, just like the 1918 Spanish Flu.



A Chinese doctor who was reprimanded by security police for warning fellow doctors about the initial coronavirus outbreak has died of the illness, according to Wuhan Central Hospital.

Li Wenliang, 34, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital, was “unfortunately infected during the fight against the pneumonia epidemic of the new coronavirus infection,” the hospital said on its social media account. “We deeply regret and mourn this.”

He died early Friday despite an "all-effort rescue" after contracting the virus Jan. 30, according to The People's Daily, the newspaper of China's Communist Party.

The World Health Organization tweeted, “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Li Wenliang. We all need to celebrate work that he did” on the virus.

In a posting on social media, Li alerted fellow doctors Dec. 30 about the emergence of a SARS-like illness, warning them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection, the newspaper said. Wuhan is the epicenter of the coronavirus that has claimed 636 lives among more than 30,877 cases. The fatality rate is 2.1 percent; that compares to 9.6 percent for the SARS virus that created similar concern around the globe in 2002.

H1n1, 17%. Lets not forget about that one. 

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6 hours ago, kurtis said:

I see the Chinese killed off the whistle blower Li finally. Poor guy. 



they didn't kill him off.... as bad as the situation was they didn't kill him, i'm pissed the communist originally tried to silence him though.

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6 minutes ago, MoneypuckOverlord said:

they didn't kill him off.... as bad as the situation was they didn't kill him, i'm pissed the communist originally tried to silence him though.

Well he was healthy and had no underlining issues. Seems weird. 

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I’ve been reading a lot into this virus. I’m a skeptic by nature, however, I’m having a hard time believing the information I’m getting on both sides of the spectrum. Reditt r/coronavirus has some pretty heavy stuff. Lots of leaked videos, posts from people in China. You’ll find the most apocalyptic information on there. Then you have the generic government agencies giving generic reports of predictable increases in cases. Every time you hear the amount of infected vs deceased the math always perfectly equates to 2% mortality. I think the truth is probably something in the middle. I find it hard to believe they are building hospitals in less than a week because of 700 deaths. I also think if it’s the worst case scenario, it would be impossible to cover up. There are some claiming that it’s a 100% fatality rate. How can you hide that globally? Anyway. All and all, it’s no joke. The economical impacts alone could set the stage for a huge global financial collapse. Back in the days of SARS China was the 4th biggest economy, now it’s #2. 100% fatality or 2% we will all feel the effects one way or the other. 

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Dubious screenshot claims Chinese website published 'real' coronavirus death toll


Andrea Bellemare, Jeff Yates · CBC News · Posted: Feb 06, 2020 5:10 PM ET | Last Updated: February 6
A screenshot, purporting to show that the number of coronavirus cases and deaths are much higher than what the Chinese government is reporting, has been circulating online. (Tencent/Fake label by Radio-Canada)

A screenshot purportedly showing the real death toll of the coronavirus in China — putting it over 80 times higher than the official number — has gone viral. 

However, such screenshots, taken from the social media site QQ, are easily fakeable by anyone using a standard web browser. And, a public health official says, such high numbers at this point are likely a hoax. 


Rumours have been swirling online that the Chinese government is hiding the actual extent of the coronavirus outbreak, which took root there and is now spreading worldwide.

QQ is an instant messenger, owned by the Chinese media company Tencent, that includes a news page. It counts around 900 million active users and has an "epidemic situation tracker" that reports real-time data of known coronavirus cases and deaths across China from over 170 sources, according to Tencent.

On Sunday, a screenshot of the tracker began spreading on Chinese social media. It was said to have captured the accidental release of the "real death toll" — 24,589, far above the roughly 300 then recognized by the Chinese government. 

Likely a hoax

According to Dr. David Fisman, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Toronto and an infectious disease expert at Toronto Western Hospital, those numbers don't reflect what he and his colleagues are tracking.

"We know enough about this that we can basically call B.S. on some scenarios," he said.

Because people outside of China are also getting sick, Fisman says public health officials can track how the virus spreads, independently of numbers released by China. 

Fisman and epidemiologist Ashleigh R. Tuite modelled its spread and published their research in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

"Based on what we think is going on, it would be very hard to get to 200,000 cases, or whatever is in the Tencent screenshot, and 25,000 deaths," he said. "There's really no reason to embellish the seriousness of the situation, unless you have some ulterior motive, which I couldn't begin to speculate what that could be." 

He cautions, though, that mathematical models don't necessarily represent the situation on the ground, and that the number of cases will grow in the future, especially as public health agencies get better at detecting and reporting them.

Easily faked

The screenshot was first picked up by NTDTV, a U.S.-based, Mandarin-language news organization that's highly critical of the Chinese government. It then made its way onto the Taiwan News website in English — where it was described as the accidental release of the real numbers — before exploding on Western social media. On Thursday morning, British tabloid The Daily Mail ran a story on the screenshot, garnering some 8,000 shares on Facebook in a few hours.

Users and media outlets speculated that a bug or coding error might have accidentally showed the "real figures." Others said that a whistleblower might have been trying to warn the world. 

However, it's easy to produce that screenshot using a feature present on most modern web browsers, which lets a user with a bit of know-how change the numbers displayed in the tracker. In a few seconds, CBC News was able to create a near-identical screenshot showing a massive death toll.

In just a few moments, CBC News was able to recreate the screenshot with artificially inflated numbers. It's almost identical to the version circulating online. (CBC)

This screenshot has not been altered in any way. It is a real screenshot of the site, but the numbers have been manipulated using a browser tool. These numbers did not show up on other users' computers, only on the computer used to change the figures. That means anyone could alter the tracker to display much lower numbers, higher numbers, or even text instead.

It's important to note that only one copy of the screenshot with 24,589 deaths exists. If QQ had the higher death toll, even for just a few minutes, to its 899 million users, one would expect many different screenshots of the same figures to exist. 

Screenshots of QQ's website are therefore not definitive proof that those numbers were ever displayed for all to see on the website. And no archived version of the site exists showing the higher numbers, despite the fact that multiple archived versions of the site are available online. 

In a statement to CBC News, Tencent condemned the screenshots, which it called "unscrupulous behaviour."

"Unfortunately, several social media sources have circulated doctored images of our 'Epidemic Situation Tracker' featuring false information which we never published," the company said. 

"Tencent does not condone the dissemination of inaccurate information and fake news especially during this sensitive period."

Using simple tools, CBC News was able to make it seem as if the epidemic tracker was displaying text, without changing what was actually on the site. (CBC)
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